View Full Version : 1994 Article -- Attacking Islam -- Why Islam Is The Next Target On The Agenda

03-21-2011, 09:03 PM
Attacking Islam (http://whtt.org/newwhtt/main.php?nid=261)

Charles E. Carlson | The New American (http://www.thenewamerican.com/)
March 21, 1994

"The Warmakers selected the far flung nations of Islam as a replacement for the old Marxist-Leninist enemy long before the American people suspected the Cold War had "ended." With shocking abruptness, the Red Peril has "greatly abated" (some say it has disappeared) to be replaced by a new Green Peril -- green being the color of Islam. Meanwhile, the USSR is being remolded from the carefully tailored image of world super-enemy into the new role of international welfare urchin and "ally," to be rebuilt by the American taxpayer.

An anti-Islamic hate campaign to poison the peoples of the world and especially the American public against Muslims has been underway for quite some time. Fabricating the Islamic demon has not been difficult for the Insider-controlled press.

The CFR, as usual, has been leading the way with its flagship journal, Foreign Affairs, the publication Time magazine has called (http://www.foreignaffairs.com/files/attachments/Updated%20Online%20Media%20Kit%202010.pdf) "the most influential periodical in print." Once Foreign Affairs began to equate Muslims with terrorists the malleable international press quickly took the cue and began a campaign to paint resurgent fundamentalist Islam as the looming world enemy.

The CFR has been conditioning its new enemy as a picador taunts a fighting bull; no abuse or insult is too strong. The enemy, like the bull, has been selected for courage in the face of overwhelming odds. With 1.2 billion people blanketing the globe, a naturally militant faith, and no organized movement of pacifist clergy such as we have in the West, Muslims can be counted on to fight back when invaded, insulted, or threatened -- as was proved in Afghanistan.


Examples of the vicious Islam-baiting media campaign are legion, but we have space here to present only a few of the more notorious and influential. Of these, the Spring 1993 Foreign Affairs offers a particularly noteworthy case. The keynote "debate" of that issue of the journal is framed by the article, "Is Islam a Threat? (http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/48755/judith-miller/the-challenge-of-radical-islam)" by CFR member Judith Miller, a New York Times writer and author of a new book entitled The Arabs and Islam. Ms. Miller's article makes negative generalizations about all of Islam, associating the vast majority of peaceful, law-abiding Muslims with the relatively small minority of those involved in outlaw activity. She depicts a warlike, united Islam, which she claims (without offering a shred of evidence) has executed a secret manifesto committing Islam to war against the West.

Anyone with even a superficial familiarity of the Islamic world realizes that Islam is about as unified as "Christendom." Islamic theological and sectarian divisions -- between Sunni, Shia, Sufi, Wahhabi, etc. -- run nearly as deep and strong as those between Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, and Mormon. Added to this are equally divisive racial, tribal, national, regional, political, cultural, dynastic, linguistic, and historic factors that militate against any grand green coalition. But Miller simply assumes we have already been sufficiently conditioned to accept the idea that Islam equals radical "fundamentalism," which equates to terrorism -- on a global scale. Miller states, "Islam has its own version of a New World Order and a strategy to obtain it."

Then Miller prepares us to fight back. She stirs the reader by vague references to atrocities against "Christians" in Sudan and the "lashing" of women in unnamed Arab states. Ms. Miller makes no attempt to prove her assertions, and her reference to Christians in mentioning the Sudanese tribesmen is curious, again playing up what may be tribal or political conflicts as a Muslim-vs.-Christian war. Ms. Miller concedes that Islam may not be militarily strong enough "to attack the U.S. openly or directly," but she suggests that the Muslims can never be trusted because they are fanatically anti-American. Foreign Affairs made a flimsy effort to appear even- handed by publishing a counterpoint to Miller, "Islam Is No Threat (http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/48754/leon-t-hadar/what-green-peril)," by Leon Hadar of American University, in the same Spring 1993 issue. However, Hadar merely served as an intellectual punching bag for Miller, offering a less-than-convincing defense and never going on the offensive.

A key kick-off piece in the Islam-as-world-enemy campaign, "Fundamentalist Muslims Between America and Russia (http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/41054/daniel-pipes/fundamentalist-muslims-between-america-and-russia)," appeared in the Summer 1986 issue of Foreign Affairs. The author was Daniel Pipes (CFR), director of the Foreign Policy Research Institute in Philadelphia. Unlike Miller, Pipes did at least distinguish between violent and peaceful Muslims; however, in similar fashion he applied the fundamentalist label liberally. Pipes, an Establishment Insider, correctly predicted that the USSR would fall and he rationalized why Islam is likely to become an organized enemy of the U.S. According to Pipes, "fundamentalist Islam" views the U.S. as a more threatening adversary than the USSR because "America presents the greater set of obstacles to life under the Islamic Law." And, he says, "Little can be done to avert collisions between America and the fundamentalists." It's an inescapable kismet The Warmakers have spoken.

Worse Than Communism?

Interestingly, Pipes showed considerable concern about the potential hostile actions of the 50 million Muslims within the USSR toward the centralized communist government, and he clearly indicated he was on the Soviet side. In his CFR-certified analysis, "radical fundamentalists are the real danger. As even more profound enemies of the United States than Marxists, their ascension to power almost always harms the United States and its allies." He warned that "in the case of fundamentalist Muslims opposing governments allied with the Soviet Union, the U.S. is naturally tempted to provide aid to the fundamentalists." Pipes cautioned that this would be a mistake, as it might "make them the only alternative to communists." He called for "strict limitations to any aid to be given to fundamentalist Muslims," even when they are trying to escape the old USSR system.

In other words, Pipes warned government officials and the Establishment Insider press that when Muslim states -- like Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, or even Bosnia -- revolt against the communist system, the U.S. must not help the state seeking independence because the Islamic state is less desirable to the U.S. than communism. Please remember that Pipes presented this thesis in 1986, five years before the USSR collapsed and independence-minded Muslim countries began to seek their freedom. Pipes also wrote a similar feature article in the October 30, 1992 Wall Street Journal with the inflammatory title, "Fundamental Questions About Muslims." Imagine the outcry that would result from a article entitled, "Fundamental Questions About Jews (or American Indians, Blacks, Protestants, Catholics, etc.)"!

This theme of the danger of Islamic fundamentalism has echoed through many other CFR publications, such as, for instance, Sea-Changes: American Foreign Policy in a World Transformed (http://books.google.com/books?id=bIdjWgGc_2IC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Sea+Changes:+American+Foreign+Policy+in+a+World +Transformed&source=bl&ots=rWrdugH8dh&sig=3iZc3yMl8zDpvYPclThFdMWKs7o&hl=en&ei=xCCITZuwFcGftgfS6tjgDQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CB4Q6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q&f=false), a path-breaking 1990 collection of essays by the CFR's one-world policy wonks. In the summation essay by Stanley Hoffman (a CFR director and professor of government at Harvard) entitled "A New World and Its Troubles (http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/46006/stanley-hoffmann/a-new-world-and-its-troubles)," we are reminded once again that "a post-Cold War world will be anything but harmonious." "First, there is a huge array of possible 'traditional' quarrels," says Hoffman, "in a world where there is at least still one ideology of violent conflict -- Islamic fundamentalism..." (emphasis added).

The same alarm is sounded in The Rise of Nations in the Soviet Union (http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/47327/robert-legvold/the-rise-of-nations-in-the-soviet-union), an influential 1991 anthology produced by the CFR's Project on East-West Relations and edited by the Project's director, Michael Mandelbaum (CFR). In the book's introduction, Mandelbaum reiterates the CFR line that recognizing sovereignty and independence of states breaking away from the Soviet empire would "contradict a widely honored postwar international principle the sanctity of existing borders almost regardless of their origins."

"Nationalist turmoil may, finally, give rise," warns Mandelbaum, "... to one or more forms of political extremism in the Soviet Union, which could make the country as dangerous to its neighbors as it was during the long years of the Cold War." RAND Sovietologist Jeremy R. Azrael, one of Mandelbaum's co-authors, writes in the same volume, "Still another highly undesirable outcome from a U.S. point of view would be an upsurge of Islamic fundamentalism among the Soviet (or ex-Soviet) Muslims of Central Asia and Azerbaijan" (emphasis added). We are reminded of this again in "The Clash of Civilizations (http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/48950/samuel-p-huntington/the-clash-of-civilizations)" by Professor Samuel P. Huntington (CFR) in the Summer 1993 issue of Foreign Affairs. "After World War II," says Huntington, "... first Arab nationalism and then Islamic fundamentalism manifested themselves" (emphasis added). A little further on he warns us that "Islam has bloody borders."

Opinion Cartel

What appears in Foreign Affairs soon makes its way into news stories, editorials, and commentaries in the major print and electronic media. One of many factually absurd examples of this CFR-led, fundamentalist-bashing ripple effect is found in "Fundamentalism, the Zeal to Heal, or to Kill," an inflammatory story by Sharon Cohen of the Associated Press that appeared on May 15, 1993. This bizarre story is only one of hundreds that are inundating the public with vitriol aimed at religious activists of all kinds. Muslims are the author's primary target, but Ms. Cohen conveniently lumps all "fundamentalists" into a sort of global super-cult threat. She cautions darkly against the threat of "fundamentalism, one of the fastest growing religious movements." In this "movement" she links "radical religious Zionists," "the Islamic Group in Egypt," the pro-life group "Operation Rescue," and Muslims of various stripes in an ideologically semi-homogeneous, terrorist-inclined aggregation.

Similar media attacks on "fundamentalists" -- Muslim and otherwise -- are too numerous and too uniformly skewed to be accidents. They appear to be orchestrated for the purpose of initiating and perpetuating seemingly unrelated world conflicts by

1) creation of a perceived ideological enemy in the minds of the American people;
2) provocation of incidents that cause hatred on both sides; and
3) creation of a vehicle to keep the war going regardless of public opinion -- a fighting machine outside the control of Congress and the voters.

Through the Establishment opinion cartel (CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS, CNN, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Newsweek, Time, etc.) the Warmakers have already largely succeeded in creating the ideological enemy. An attitude of deep distrust between Muslims and Americans is being created; and Christians and nominal Christians are being conditioned to fear and loathe adherents of Islam. The incidents needed to trigger new conflicts can easily be provoked (and are being provoked) by blowing small events out of proportion, by completely fabricating non-events into incidents, and by actually creating situations sufficiently grave or so morally offensive as to demand international intervention. The Warmakers already possess their rudimentary fighting machine in the United Nations, created 50 years ago and now being built into a world army (together with such subsidiaries as NATO, OAU, OAS, CSCE, WEU, etc.) ostensibly to carry out "peacekeeping," "police actions," and other noble dictates of the UN.

Bloody Track Record

The Gulf War marked the first time America initiated an unprovoked attack on a foreign power in another hemisphere. This war was to be a test of public response to the televised horror of mass annihilation. The resultant death and devastation were sanitized, but not hidden from the American public. The horrors of the war were visible to anyone who really cared to know, and a number of well written books now detail the horror of the Gulf War aftermath. America's moral leaders in the churches failed the test; few questioned the politically acceptable blood letting. Step one in the Warmakers' plan was in place and tested; an enemy had been created from thin wisps of smoke.

The Warmakers forged quickly ahead. UN troops were reported present in Bosnia in 1991, before Bosnian Muslims even declared independence. The United Nations first promised protection if Bosnia's leaders committed to independence; but afterwards the UN switched sides and employed a deadly embargo and a patient stalling strategy to allow systematic genocide of the Muslim population (about 44 percent of the Bosnian population) as well as of many non-Muslims. News photos show the UN "peacekeepers" standing impotently aside under order to stay uninvolved. Mehmed Kozlica, the Phoenix director of the Bosnian Relief Fund, has stated that the UN is effectively preventing anything of value from getting through to the trapped and besieged Bosnians, rendering them helpless while under deadly siege. Adding insult to injury, the U.S. peace plan would intern the Muslim survivors in concentration camps under the guise of protection -- a sure-fire formula for perpetual hatred and conflict, as we have seen so well in the similar situation of the Palestinians.

Five senior State Department officials from both the Bush and Clinton Administrations have resigned in protest over the continuing callous U.S. policy, which has amounted to complicity in genocide. The most senior and most recent resignee is Warren Zimmerman, who served as Ambassador to Yugoslavia. The others are George Kenney, Marshall Freeman Harris, Steven Walker, and John Western. The slaughter has been too much for even these seasoned, Insider- appointed foreign service officers to take.

In Somalia, the UN "humanitarian mission" quickly turned into an invasion the stated purpose of which was to remove General Mohammed Aidid, a Muslim leader. Whatever his image in the West, General Aidid is apparently popular with many of the Somali people, as evidenced by the fact that the UN was unable to apprehend him even with the promise of huge bribes (to be paid with U.S. taxpayers' money) to dirt-poor Somalis. The UN occupying forces have repeatedly killed and tortured Somali civilians who challenge their authority. And the Somalis have little reason not to hold the U.S. accountable for these atrocities.

The Warmaker-dominated press and their dupes are prophetically warning the world to prepare for retribution, while Muslims are deliberately being conditioned to think Americans are racial bigots, bloody international bully boys, and suppressors of those seeking independence from socialistic governments. Since the U.S. taxpayer supplies more than 30 percent of the United Nations operating budget and about 50 percent of the UN's war budget, many in the Islamic world hold American citizens responsible for these diabolical "peace" operations that have already resulted in an estimated 400,000 deaths in Iraq, Bosnia, and Somalia alone.

It should be clear that the Insider-Warmaker's program to instigate perpetual conflicts with Muslim countries is being planned and carried out through the United Nations hydra, with the support of such U.S. agencies as the CIA. The United Nations "peacekeeping" forces are in various stages of occupying at least ten Muslim countries. The UN has a stated plan to occupy 19 additional "trouble spots," many of which are Muslim.

In late 1992, the U.S. government published a very revealing world map and report, entitled Worldwide Peacekeeping Operations 1993, by the Directorate of Intelligence of the Central Intelligence Agency. The countries listed by the CIA as sites of current or proposed UN peacekeeping operations are Cyprus, Croatia, El Salvador, Angola, Somalia, Sudan, Liberia, Eritrea (Ethiopia), South Ossetia (Georgia), Nagorno-Karabakh, Abkahazia, Sinai, Rwanda, Cambodia, Jerusalem, Western Sahara, Mozambique, Lebanon, the Republic of South Africa, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Haiti, Moldova, Tajikistan, the Golan Heights, Kashmir, Kuwait, Sri Lanka, the Solomon Islands, and Liberia. When the CIA map was made, Bosnia, Kashmir, and Moldovia were all listed as "proposed operations," but we now know the UN was already in Bosnia at that time.

Note that "peacekeeping" (war-making) operations are proposed wherever Muslim-led independence movements are challenging former Soviet-Warsaw Pact communist leaders, as in Bosnia, Moldova, Abkahazia, Georgia, and Tajikistan. As CFR operative Pipes predicted in 1986, these former USSR states are now seeking independence and the UN is there to assure their failure. Interestingly, the world peacekeeping map neatly overlays the CFR map depicting the population distribution in the Muslim-controlled countries around the world, published with Mr. Pipes' Foreign Affairs article. The CFR and CIA are both talking about occupying the same Muslim-controlled real estate, but both maps omit mention of the American Muslim population, variously estimated at three to six million, most of whom are productive, patriotic, and hardworking citizens. Perhaps the Warmakers do not want Americans to think about the millions of potential victims here at home.

The death toll in Bosnia and Iraq already runs into the hundreds of thousands each, with a significant death count of women and children now mounting in Somalia. However, Americans are not supposed to be unduly concerned because these are "peacekeeping" operations, and, besides, the lives being lost are primarily troublesome "radical fundamentalists." Meanwhile, Muslims are also being programed to despise the Americans for our government's war acts against civilians.

Planning for Terrorism

If these UN atrocities are allowed to continue, the Islamic Peril will become a self-fulfilling prophesy, as various Muslim groups and countries seek revenge on those they deem responsible. The Warmakers are not content to wait for this to happen on its own, however. As the article beginning on page 15 reveals, the same CFR Insiders who are decrying the fundamentalist danger have been in the forefront of a massive effort to build the most dangerous "Islamic fundamentalist" terrorist regimes and groups into genuine global menaces.

If terrorism fails to materialize, the Warmakers may even encourage, pay for, or stage incidents, as some evidence already suggests may be the case with regard to the World Trade Center explosion and the alleged plot to kill former President George Bush in Kuwait. Peculiar about the Bush mission to Kuwait is that the former President was visiting the El Sabah family, who paid bribes to three Americans, including a former Ambassador, to gain influence with the same George Bush to enter the war on the side of Kuwait.

In other words, Warmaker Bush was in Kuwait on a taxpayer-financed visit to a head of state who is accused of bribing Mr. Bush's former employees. This alleged assassination attempt was used as yet another excuse to drop 23 American missiles on Baghdad, killing eight civilians and an unknown number of military personnel. Besides possibly serving to destroy more evidence of Saddam's war machine that had been illegally provided to the dictator by the Insiders, another result of the raid certainly was to incite more hatred toward America among Muslims, which is exactly the Warmakers' intent.

If allowed to succeed, the unholy UN wars (both those now underway and those still to come) ultimately will be brought home to our own shores, resulting in the abrogation of our sovereignty by international treaty enforced by the UN mercenary army. Temporary suspension of constitutional guarantees is likely, including gun confiscation, ostensibly to control the three to six million "Muslim Fundamentalists" residing in the U.S. The ultimate aim of the Warmakers can only be to force UN troops onto U.S. soil on some peacekeeping pretext -- including the pretext of Muslim terrorism here or the pursuit of international terrorists in our midst. What elected or appointed official will resist an international treaty enforced by the United Nations? If and when fundamentalist Christians, Jews, or anyone else finally stand up for the rights of their Muslim neighbor they too may become a persecuted class, as German Christians were persecuted by the Nazis for acting out their faith in defense of Jews.

Get US Out!

Exposure of the Warmakers' plan is the way to avert this world tragedy. Men and women of fundamental principles of all faiths must put aside establishment-fostered differences, for the threat is from anti-religious Godless Insiders, not from marauders without. Not only should these international death dealers be exposed but they should not be allowed to escape. The best possible beginning is to expose the war-making activities of the United Nations. The UN would likely collapse overnight if Congress could be made to withdraw U.S. financial support. Without their international war machine, the Warmakers will be exposed and will begin to loose their grip on our government. It is past time to get the U.S. out of the UN and the UN out of the U.S.

03-21-2011, 09:49 PM
http://i43.tower.com/images/mm100234221/shadows-power-council-on-foreign-relations-american-decline-james-perloff-paperback-cover-art.jpg (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0882791346?ie=UTF8&tag=libert0f-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0882791346)

The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0882791346?ie=UTF8&tag=libert0f-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0882791346)

Does America have a hidden oligarchy? Is U.S. foreign policy run by a closed shop? What is the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations)? It began in 1921 as a front organization for J.P. Morgan and Company. By World War II it had acquired unrivaled influence on American foreign policy. Hundreds of U.S. government administrators and diplomats have been drawn from its ranks - regardless of which party has occupied the White House. But what does the Council on Foreign Relations stand for? Why do the major media avoid discussing it? What has been its impact on America's past - and what is it planning for the future? (2008, 272pp, pb)


03-21-2011, 10:09 PM
Great article sir,thanks for posting it.
I will share this in my circle.

03-22-2011, 06:06 AM

03-22-2011, 08:26 AM
The CFR was created at the same time and by the same people that created the Federal Reserve and engineered the Socialist Coup 0f 1913.

It is a Conspiracy, but is not a theory. It is well documented.
And it's influence is both invasive and widespread.

03-22-2011, 08:36 AM
http://www.thenewamerican.com/images/stories2011/10aMarch/2707-egypt1.jpg (http://www.thenewamerican.com/world-news/asia/item/10367-organized-chaos-behind-the-scenes-in-the-middle-east)

The Middle East uprisings may have surprised most people in the world, but globalist elites at the Council on Foreign Relations laid the groundwork for the spontaneous events.

Organized Chaos: Behind the Scenes in the Middle East (http://www.thenewamerican.com/world-news/asia/item/10367-organized-chaos-behind-the-scenes-in-the-middle-east)

William F. Jasper | The New American (http://www.thenewamerican.com/)
22 March 2011

“This is the most exciting story I’ve ever covered in my life,” gushed veteran journalist Charles Sennott. “I’ve been a reporter for 25 years. I’ve covered the Middle East for more than 15 of those years. It was just so thrilling, so breathtaking, so unpredictable, and really a journey for the whole country of Egypt but also for those correspondents who’ve covered the Middle East for a long time.”

Sennott’s breathless reporting from Cairo’s Tahrir Square for GlobalPost, NPR, and PBS Frontline was not unique in its giddy enthusiasm for the “people power” revolutions sweeping Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, and much of the Middle East. Indeed, his participatory excitement is a common narrative core running through most of the broadcast, print, and online news coverage of the still-developing turmoil in that ancient cauldron of political intrigue.

The decades-old autocracies of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt and Zine El Abidine Ben Ali in Tunisia have already been toppled, and as we go to press, the tyrannical regime of Libya’s terror-sponsoring dictator Moammar Ghadafi is on the ropes. And the fires of revolt are igniting or fully blazing in Oman, Bahrain, Yemen, and Morocco.

There is a spirit within each of us that rejoices at seeing any of our human family successfully shaking off despotic chains. Americans, who have been blessed with a heritage of liberty beyond the dreams of most the Earth’s people, can especially identify with the sentiments of poet James Russell Lowell’s famous lines:

When a deed is done for Freedom, through the broad earth’s aching breast

Runs a thrill of joy prophetic, trembling on from east to west.

The broad appeal of the current Mideast upheavals is enhanced by the appearance that they: 1) represent genuinely grassroots, spontaneous movements; and 2) represent the triumph of unarmed, mostly nonviolent masses against entrenched, absolute power. Compared to the bloodbaths that frequently accompany revolutions, the transitions in Egypt and Tunisia have been remarkably benign — thus far. Of course, they could quickly degenerate into fratricidal civil war, or Khomeini-style totalitarian oppression. And the same potential holds for virtually all of the current hot spots in northern Africa and the Middle East.

The Jacobins, remember, did not unleash their infamous Reign of Terror at the start of the French Revolution, in 1789; they had to restrain their full bloodlust until 1793, when they had sufficiently consolidated their power. Consolidation is an essential stage of every revolution. Tragically, all too often this period of “peaceful” transition is a planned prelude to slaughter and tyranny, as demonstrated by Mao Tse-tung’s Communist Army in China, Fidel Castro’s July 26th Movement in Cuba, Pol Pot’s communist Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, the Hutu Interahamwe in Rwanda, Khomeini’s Revolutionary Guards in Iran, and dozens of other examples that could be cited.

The astute observation of the British historian and statesman John Emerich Dalberg, more commonly known as Lord Acton, is apropos here. In his famous series of discourses entitled “Lectures on the French Revolution,” delivered at Cambridge University between 1895 and 1899, Lord Acton noted:

The appalling thing in the French Revolution is not the tumult, but the design. Through all the fire and smoke we perceive the evidence of calculating organization. The managers remain studiously concealed and masked; but there is no doubt about their presence from the first.

The enormously wealthy Duke of Orleans (a cousin to King Louis XVI), the Count Mirabeau, and the infamously depraved Marquis de Sade are but a few of the rich and privileged conspirators who financed and organized the secret societies and criminal combinations that instigated the riots, demonstrations, and terrors of the French Revolution. Most of the major riots and revolutions of the modern age have, likewise, been guided by “managers” who “remain studiously concealed.”

Planned Chaos

Are there hidden managers of the current turbulence in the Middle East? Is there a design behind the tumult that the managed news media fail to see, or are consciously obscuring? According to the reportage from the mainstream media, the activities convulsing the “Arab Street” capitals are primarily the result of popular discontent and networking by the alienated youth of the Facebook and Twitter generation. The Muslim Brotherhood is a prime mover in these events, according to some reporters and analysts, but according to others their role has been greatly exaggerated. Previously unknown organizations and individuals have assumed the spotlight as supposed leaders of the uprisings. However, the reporting and analysis from the establishment sources invariably fail to mention the most critical facts concerning these individuals and organizations.

The accompanying articles by Charles Scaliger and Christian Gomez focus, respectively, on two of the most important organized forces at work in the upheavals: the globalists, as represented most notably by the Council on Foreign Relations, and the communists or Marxist-Left. These forces are rarely mentioned in the major media reports, and if noted at all tend to be presented as opposite and rival forces. But these forces have, in fact, cooperated many times over the past several decades, to effect some of the most profound and tragic geopolitical revolutions in history, including the betrayal of China to Mao’s communists, and similar betrayals in Poland, Cuba, Vietnam, Cambodia, South Africa, Nicaragua, Iran, etc. This treachery has been detailed in numerous articles in the pages of this magazine and, notably, in James Perloff’s indispensable study, The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0882791346?ie=UTF8&tag=libert0f-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0882791346) (1988).

In sum, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), has been pursuing a grand global strategy of “convergence,” in which enormous transfusions of taxpayer funds from the middle classes of America and Europe and vast amounts of our technology are transferred to the communist countries — under the guise of helping them “go capitalist.” This process, which has been accelerating for the past 30 years, has largely hollowed out America’s economy, reducing us almost to beggar status, while China has vaulted from beggar to global economic-political-military super-power. The same process has also taken us ever further down the socialist road, as the federal government has usurped more and more powers and taken over an ever-increasing share of the national economy. Economic convergence with China and Russia is already occurring on many levels, thanks to policies crafted, largely, by the hundreds of CFR members who have been strategically promoted to many of the top posts in our leading political, financial, philanthropic, academic, and media institutions.

The Middle East has long been a key target of the communist leaders of Moscow and Beijing, who have coveted its oil and strategic sea lanes, among other things. Despite claims that communism is dead and that the Cold War is over, Russia and China have stepped up their efforts to penetrate, dominate, and annex the Middle East. There are undoubtedly now more KGB agents plying the Middle East than during the height of the Cold War, though of course the KGB has changed its name to SVR and FSB, and most of these agents operate as “capitalist” businessmen. A prime example is Yevgeny Primakov, the KGB’s former Mideast terrorism chief and top Arabist, who now serves Putin as head of the Russian Chamber of Commerce. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Primakov, and their minions swarm over the Middle East and operate through every conceivable venue: OPEC, the Gulf Cooperation Council, the Organization of Islamic Conference, the Dialogue of Civilizations, the Russia-Arab Business Council, the Nonprofit Partnership Africa Alliance, the Africa-Russia Partnership & Success, the Non-Aligned Movement, the Russia-Islamic World Strategic Vision Group, etc.

China, flush with even more cash than Russia, is following a similar path. Yet there is very little in the American media about the enormous presence and influence of this growing Beijing-Moscow axis throughout the region.

And despite all the fashionable talk in CFR circles about convergence and our new “partnerships” with Putin and Hu Jintao, their politburos in Moscow and Beijing have far different views about the kinds of regimes that are to be preferred in the Middle East than do most Americans. They are the backers of Iran and Syria, the two most dangerous terror states in the region. They support the new Hezbollah government in Lebanon, which fronts for Syria and Iran.

While Americans have every reason to oppose the continued transfer of their wealth, in the form of foreign aid, to regimes such as Mubarak’s and Ben Ali’s, we also can hardly favor even worse regimes modeled on the likes of those in power in Beirut, Damascus, and Tehran. Yet that is a very distinct likelihood, as a result of the recent turnovers and the continued turmoil. Russia, China, Iran Syria, Hezbollah, and Hamas have all hailed the toppling of Egypt’s Mubarak, and there is good reason to believe this is not merely opportunistic rhetoric; they undoubtedly intend to turn it into concrete benefit for their interests.

CFR Handprints Everywhere

Contrary to the conventional cover stories presenting the uprisings in Cairo, Tunis, and elsewhere as spontaneous bottom-up affairs, there is a great deal of evidence indicating that they were instead coordinated top-down events planned long before the first street demonstrations began. And like the slime trail in the garden that leads to the slug, the trail here leads back to the Council on Foreign Relations. Utilizing its unparalleled network of high-level members in the U.S. government, the United Nations, the World Bank, the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Brookings Institution, and many NGOs, corporations, and philanthropic organizations, the CFR has employed a pincer attack pressuring the target governments with economic and diplomatic efforts from above, while funding Astroturf protests from below designed to look like real grass-roots affairs.

As Charles Scaliger notes elsewhere in this issue, the savior whom the media has anointed as the next President of Egypt, Mohamed ElBaradei, was publicly picked over a year ago in the CFR’s journal Foreign Affairs as the “hero” who would save Egypt. ElBaradei, a UN factotum for nearly three decades at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), is also a trustee of a high-level CFR-dominated think tank known as the International Crisis Group (ICG), along with billionaire left-wing activist George Soros (CFR) and Zbigniew Brzezinski (CFR), the Carter administration architect who (among many “accomplishments”) supervised the joint U.S.-Soviet overthrow of the Shah of Iran and his replacement by the virulently anti-American terrorism-sponsoring regime of Ayatollah Khomeini, as documented in The New American article “Iran and the Shah: What Really Happened (http://thenewamerican.com/culture/history/item/4690-iran-and-the-shah-what-really-happened)” (May 12, 2009 issue).

One of the forces credited in much of the media reports for launching the Egyptian demonstrations that shook Mubarak from power is the April 6 Youth Movement started by Ahmed Maher. One of the more interesting facts to surface in all of the commotion was that, far from being a lone cyber warrior “speaking truth to power,” Maher is actually a product of one of the CFR’s global Astroturf groups, the Alliance for Youth Movements (AYM), an outfit funded by the U.S. State Department (our tax dollars at work) and a passel of CFR corporate sponsors. Over the past several years, AYM has been helping train thousands of young activists from around the world to bring about Obama-style change and topple governments. Ahmed Maher was a participant in AYM’s major New York City conference in 2008.

AYM was co-founded by Jared Cohen, a Rhodes Scholar who is an adjunct fellow at the CFR and director of Google Ideas, a major new entity at Google. Before going to Google, Cohen was on the State Department’s Policy Planning Staff under both Secretaries of State Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton. (Secretary Rice is a CFR member; Secretary Clinton is not, though her husband is a member, as are many of her underlings at State.) Cohen and his two co-founders, Jason Liebman and Roman Tsunder, comprise the three-man board of directors at AYM. In addition to funding from the State Department, additional financial backing for AYM has come from Google, Pepsi, CBS News, MSNBC, MTV, Facebook, National Geographic, Twitter, and Meetup.

Another interesting name to surface at the epicenter of the current “digital democracy” revolution is Peter Ackerman, a CFR director known as the “Teflon Junk Bond King”; while his partner, Michael Milken, had to pay over $1 billion in fines and settlements and spend 22 months in jail, Ackerman walked away free — with a reported $500 million.

Ackerman is the founding chair of the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict (ICNC) and has authored two books that have become manuals for the “democracy” uprisings around the world: A Force More Powerful and Strategic Nonviolent Conflict. He teamed up with PBS to produce the TV documentary Bringing Down a Dictator and the series A Force More Powerful, which, reportedly, were being heavily promoted by the U.S. government in the Middle East during the year leading up to the regional commotions. Serving as Ackerman’s chair of academic advisors at ICNC is Dr. Stephen Zunes, a leftist professor and author who also serves on the board of the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), the Marxist “think tank” notorious for its pro-communist stances and its ties to the Soviet KGB and the Cuban DGI.

Ackerman is also a member of the U.S. Advisory Council of the United States Institute of Peace (USIP), a U.S. government-funded operation that has worked closely with USAID (the State Department’s foreign aid arm) to promote the “people power” revolutions now rocking the Middle East. Besides Ackerman, the CFR members at USIP include J. Robinson West (USIP chairman of the Board of Directors), George E. Moose, Chester A. Crocker, Stephen D. Krasner, Richard H. Solomon, Michael H. Posner, Ann E. Rondeau, Frank Carlucci, Max Kampelman, and Marvin Kalb — to name but a few.

With funding from USAID and foundations such as Rockefeller, Ford, and Carnegie, USIP has, since at least 2006, been organizing political opposition groups under its Muslim World Initiative and a series of conferences on “Political Oppositions in the Arab World,” which USIP conducted in Yemen, Jordan, Egypt, and Morocco.

Janus-faced “Diplomacy”

The Obama administration was chastised by both the Left and the Right for indecisiveness and ineptitude for its public announcements of support for Mubarak and then the manner of its vacillation and flipflop to the side of the protesters. But what has been criticized as “amateur diplomacy” was more likely planned deception. While the foreign policy establishment at the CFR had already determined to dump Mubarak months (or years) before, Team Obama was likely tasked with reassuring the soon-to-be-deposed dictator that the United States was backing him up. Imagine a scene from one of the many gangland movies you’ve seen in which the Godfather embraces a “brother” with faux affection; the real purpose is to distract the victim while a knife is driven into his back.

Mubarak may not have seen it coming; after all, he had been the darling of the American establishment for decades. On March 5, 2002, he was the speaker and guest of honor at a CFR star-studded gala in New York. The event was opened by Peter G. Peterson, chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations. “The Council has hosted leaders from our nation and around the world but not likely one more important to quelling the fires of violence and indeed to breaking this most unvirtuous circle of violence and to rebuilding dreams of peace than our guest today,” he told his distinguished guests. He continued: “My honor is to welcome President Mubarak on behalf of the Council members and guests and to say how honored we are to have you with us, Mr. President.... Matters in the Middle East can take a turn now for the better or worse. We all look to you, Mr. President, to help all of us toward that better future.”

Many other leaders — some genuine, honorable allies (Shah Pahlavi, Anastasio Somoza, Ian Smith, Chiang Kai-shek, Moise Tshombe) and some tyrants (Saddam Hussein, Nicolae Ceausescu, Robert Mugabe) — have been given similar red carpet treatment, only to have it jerked out from under them when it suits the “new world order” convergence policies of the globalist elites who run the Council on Foreign Relations.


Related Article:


2009: Council On Foreign Relations (http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/foreign-policy/item/1213-council-on-foreign-relations)

During his presidential campaign, Barack Obama consistently promised Americans “change” and such promises aren’t new to the voting public as was seen with Carter and his Trilateral Commission group, chief among these the CFR. by James Perloff

03-22-2011, 10:43 AM
While the foreign policy establishment at the CFR had already determined to dump Mubarak months (or years) before, Team Obama was likely tasked with reassuring the soon-to-be-deposed dictator that the United States was backing him up. Imagine a scene from one of the many gangland movies you’ve seen in which the Godfather embraces a “brother” with faux affection; the real purpose is to distract the victim while a knife is driven into his back. Yep...that statement above... that's how it's done. I did bring up the CFR was well implanted in these nations and like clockwork, when the countries went into termoil, CFR propagandists were on EVERY SINGLE corporate media channel and airwaves in the following days and weeks... including C-SPAN.

You can even see the Islamophobia and foreign interventionists groups that have hijacked and co-opted the TEA PARTY and created organizations to spew thier Fascist/Globalist/Fear Incitement on the unknowing TP members. Fake organizations like RESISTNET, Patriot Action Network, Freedom Works, etc all have the same power politicos and elitist groups in the wings, manipulating, steering, and controlling the unknowing.

03-22-2011, 11:46 AM
http://www.thenewamerican.com/images/stories2011/10aMarch/2707-egypt1.jpg (http://www.shopjbs.org/index.php/tna/subscriptions/1-year-standard-subscription.html)


Photos Afghanistan - before US imposed jihadism there


03-26-2011, 03:42 PM

Photos Afghanistan - before US imposed jihadism there


Ron Paul didn't actually say "Israel created Hamas." Israel aided and supported Hamas to fight against PLO. Hamas eventually became radicalized and turned against Israel. Israel and Hamas became enemies.

03-26-2011, 04:31 PM
While in principle I support freedom for all religions including moderate Iraq style sharia, there could be some elements in sharia community in America with questionable views. Once example are views of Islamist cleric who inspired protests by Neocon/Israeli wing of Tea Party in Orange County CA recently:

On Sunday, February 13, 2011 a group of Muslims attended a fundraiser while another group of self-described "patriotic Americans" gathered to protest the event, holding signs that read, "God Bless the USA."

Why were these patriotic protesters so upset? In the words of one angry demonstrator, "Never forget 9/11!"

Imam Siraj Wahhaj was the featured speaker of the ICNA (Islamic Society of North America) Relief USA event. Wahhaj has said things like, "Neo-cons are all Zionist Jews." And "The wars against Iraq (Gulf War and Operation Iraqi Freedom) were manufactured by the Jews in America to avert attention from the two [Palestinian] Intifadas." And "[T]he Israelis were in control of 9-11," which "was staged to give an excuse to wage war against Muslims around the world."

I don't pretend to know who orchestrated the 9/11 attacks, but unfortunately, some people did pretend to know.

Thomas H. Kean and Lee H. Hamilton the chairman and vice chairman, respectively, of the 9/11 Commission wrote (over six years later),
"What we do know is that government officials decided not to inform a lawfully constituted body, created by Congress and the president, to investigate one the greatest tragedies to confront this country." (January 2, 2008 New York Times oped, "Stonewalled by the CIA")


Ron Paul didn't actually say "Israel created Hamas." Israel aided and supported Hamas to fight against PLO. Hamas eventually became radicalized and turned against Israel. Israel and Hamas became enemies.

So Hamas Islamists used to be more moderate than PLO/PFLP groups when Israel started supporting Hamas?

JANUARY 24, 2009

How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas

"Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel's creation," says Mr. Cohen, a Tunisian-born Jew who worked in Gaza for more than two decades. Responsible for religious affairs in the region until 1994, Mr. Cohen watched the Islamist movement take shape, muscle aside secular Palestinian rivals and then morph into what is today Hamas, a militant group that is sworn to Israel's destruction.


But in root cause analysis, Israel's open ended and illegal occupation and terrorizing of Palestinians for almost 4 deacdes and a disbelief in equality between arabs and jews is the cause behind redicalization of PLO/PFLP, Hamas, JDL, Irgun and various other groups active on holy land.

03-26-2011, 04:40 PM
JANUARY 24, 2009

How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas

"Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel's creation," says Mr. Cohen, a Tunisian-born Jew who worked in Gaza for more than two decades. Responsible for religious affairs in the region until 1994, Mr. Cohen watched the Islamist movement take shape, muscle aside secular Palestinian rivals and then morph into what is today Hamas, a militant group that is sworn to Israel's destruction.


Yeah, it's a BIG oops on Israel's part. In this case, you could call it "Blowback." Every country makes mistakes, it happens.

03-26-2011, 04:57 PM
tons of great info here

03-27-2013, 11:51 PM
1994 - How to Create an "Islamic Enemy" (http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?409317-1994-How-to-Create-an-quot-Islamic-Enemy-quot)

Here's another powerful article everyone needs to read.

The New American (http://www.thenewamerican.com/)
March 21, 1994

06-27-2016, 07:32 AM