View Full Version : Peter Joseph ZMF Q&A pre ZDay London

Jim Casey
03-16-2011, 02:29 PM
I got a lot of great information out of this 90 minute session, and have listed it in my summary below.


PJ answers questions about our culture and it's sustainability, and refers to the constant changing of culture in reference to technology that has been a hallmark of mankind's history and evolution.

Needs are to be addressed within the context of what is possible regarding the earth's resources and level of technological advancement. Utility maximization must fall in line with natural law.

Folks tend to believe their opinions really are personal, when they're really just reflections of their cultural environment. Once efficiency and sustainability goals are attained, it's really no longer the main issue of focus. Peak efficiency is only a goal when inefficiency results in scarcity of needs being met.

Changes in the global society will be navigated along the lines of the collapsing of civilization and the problems and solutions offered. TZM is simply offering the logically efficient alternatives in the hope of it being adopted.

What can be done is the building of a parallel society structure to the point where the dominant influences within the current society will accept the change, or perhaps even be forced to accept the change due to civil unrest. Increasing the global demand for the RBE is really the best transitional means.

If some folks continue to resist the efficiency of the new paradigm, they can still live the way the want to just like the Amish do today. When 90% of the global population wants a RBE, what will the remaining 10% do while watching the rest live with so much stability, sustainability, and access abundance?

Mankind's survival is contingent on learning to work together. There is no longer any place to hide as the breakdown continues.

TZM is in it's infancy still. Compared to other "activist" organizations, the goals of TZM and it's levels of achievement in two years is profound.

There is a paradox in being a member of TZM and the active lifestyle of that member. We can all do more to take actions that are more congruent with TZM concerns, and there can be an interest in doing more to stay away from parasitic industries. Simply maintaining a balance between meeting basic survival needs and working toward a better future for humanity is quite a task.

Computers will continue to take on a larger role in the management of resources. The benefits of applying a systems approach to resource management as advocated by TZM will become more obvious as this trend continues.

TZM doesn't advocate societal breakdown, it is rather observing it. The ending of ZMF is more of a cathartic gesture rather than an actual means of transition.

Folks are motivated by biosocial stressors. Intellectualizing and rationalizing is done to justify responses to the environment.

If the market system really worked, there would be no need for TZM to exist. The RBE is the answer to an evolutionarily flawed system. Biosocial stressors resulting from systemic conflicts will motivate the population to make the transition. The presentation of alternative transitional means is also welcome.

Labor requirements in a RBE is substantially minimalized compared to what exists today. Value systems that folks have involve engaging in activities that could be described as "labor". Doing research, organizing individuals, and expressing ideas are all forms of labor that many folks do for money and yet some folks do it just for the satisfaction of contributing and learning. Nominal contributions can easily be rotated based upon values without monetary reward.

Folks in the current society often have values that result in a knee-jerk reaction of refusing to engage in labor without monetary reward. The most satisfying jobs tend to be the ones that help people.

When monetary requirements for survival are removed, voluntary participation flourishes. Improvements that folks make toward society ultimately comes back to them.

Even if 40% of the society is entirely lazy, you would only need a small percentage of the remaining 60% to pick up the slack. The level of volunteerism is America is colossal despite the overwhelming self-indulgent culture. Volunteerism is more common amongst lower income brackets as well, it does seem rather evident that humans do basically want to help one another.

The deprivation that exists among wage slaves prevents them from becoming as active in making the transition to a RBE as they are really motivated to be. This kind of systemic oppression keep the monetary market structure intact. Means of optimizing activism is best developed on a per case basis.

Established institutions motivated by self-interest understand that scarcity is a major source of demand for their existence. The survey of the earth's resources using advanced technology could really be done without a price tag attached to it.

ZMF was created to be more concise than Addendum, and although many folks aren't willing to watch the entire film, they can be introduced to certain sections that pertain to subjects of their interest.

The transition is unpredictable, which is why specifics regarding transitional means can only be assessed within the context of current conditions. The context of the three films has transitioned in response to awareness of TVP. The best condensed methods of communicating possible transitional developments will continue to evolve.

Restricting information from the masses has historically been a means of maintaining power for established institutions and leaders. There will continue to be dissatisfaction with information distribution as long as this dumbing down continues. Learning how to communicate TZM ideals more effectively is often a result of learning how establishments take things out of context and adjusting to avoid that.

We don't really know the current carrying capacity of the earth under current conditions. Increased efficiency and understanding environmental restrictions won't occur with totalitarianism. Teaching more folks about the current state of the planet and the survival needs of the population is the alternative to the distorted values that motivate population increases to maintain consumption growth.

A depopulation could occur if folks continue to ignore the carrying capacity issue. It won't be any kind of NWO agenda that folks fear, but rather a result of systemically flawed values within the society. Mass starvation continues to increase and will overwhelm the population increase if these flaws aren't corrected.

A program for real-time surveys of global resources is being played around with a bit right now, and is a crude example of what information we'll all have access to eventually. The direction toward critical mass of RBE demand is the key to preventing colossal catastrophe motivating the transition.

The multiple influences on the minds of individuals generates perceptions based upon what is comprehended. Understanding grows even without consciousness of it. Cooperation amongst various volunteer organizations occurs with a common direction.

We're in the transition now, and everything we do today will be as important as what we do ten years down the road. Politics as it is known today is going to be phased out. If somebody already involved in politics wanted to promote a RBE agenda, that is admirable, yet most such folks are already too tied in to a campaign platform that won't serve such an agenda.

03-16-2011, 02:40 PM
:mad: Someone gimme a man-portable, high-orbit-capable, anti-ship Photon Missile and a Anti-Matter warhead! :mad:

I will blow the Enterprise to smithereens with the missile, i will shoot the survivors escape pods with an American-civil-war-era musket to depressurize them. I will grab the Anti-Matter warhead and go "Timothy McVeigh" on the United Federation of Planets building and build a Westboro Baptist Church chapter and a football stadium in the middle of the crater.

:mad: Goddamn transistor-worshiping Commie-Scientism NERDZ :mad: