View Full Version : Mother Jones: Ron Paul, Hemp for Victory

03-10-2011, 05:27 AM

03-10-2011, 05:55 AM
Industrial Hemp FTW!

I think a lot of people don't know that the industrial hemp industry was targeted for destruction by William Randolf Hearst, DuPont, and other corporate interests. Corporate powers did not want to compete with industrial hemp products because hemp grows like a weed and produces an abundance of raw materials not scarcity like petroleum does. Hemp rope competed with DuPont's nylon. Hemp paper competed with Hearst's forests of trees in which he was heavily invested. Hemp fibers compete with fiberglass, on and on, etc.

Hemp clothes are more durable and last longer than cotton (planned obsolescence is not as viable using hemp products) meaning less profits.

Plastic made from hemp (which could be used for product packaging) is compostable unlike the petroleum plastic which fills our landfills and sits for years upon years without breaking down.

Keeping industrial hemp illegal to grow (it just recently became legal in North Dakota (with licensing, permits, and heavy fines for mishandling)) proves how inadequate our current system of governance is at benefiting society. An entire earth friendly green industry is illegal to grow while we are told we are destroying the planet because we are addicted to oil... it is a shameless political ploy to extract even more taxes from the people through carbon taxes ... shameless indeed.

03-10-2011, 06:01 AM
And the Model T was originally designed to run on hemp oil; the oil companies got their subsidies in and hemp could no longer compete, but if you want energy independence....we are talking about technology that was practical even in Henry Ford's day.

03-10-2011, 06:19 AM
In this video a man hits the panel of the car made from hemp fiber with a sledge hammer. Most fender benders could be a thing of the past. Hemp should be legalized ASAP for jobs, opportunity, and quality.
