View Full Version : Ron Paul asked Hillary Clinton today, why do we prop up dictators? Video

03-01-2011, 09:32 PM

Personally, I'd like her to clarify which of the dictators we propped up constitutes 'getting it right', and as a follow up question, whether the people of the nation involved would agree...

03-01-2011, 09:35 PM
To paraphrase her answer, she said that Israel preferred it to be that way.


03-01-2011, 09:49 PM
To paraphrase her answer, she said that Israel preferred it to be that way.


More of a direct quote than a paraphrasing. I wish Ron would have mentioned that Israel has one of the most powerful militaries in the world supplied by the U.S.A. And provide a couple of human interest anecdotes about the suffering of people under these dictatorships. Or he could have asked Billary "Madam Secretary, can we agree that the life of an Arab is worth every bit the same as an Israeli, and will you go on the record today with this as your position?