View Full Version : Some Helpful Tactics

Captain Shays
02-23-2011, 07:26 AM
This originated as a response in another thread but I decided to start a new thread with it because I believe we can do a better job if we work together with some workable, proven "tactics".
My main point here is not to deceive but to keep our main intentions sort of close to the vest. To plant seeds. Make suggestions. Disarm the opposition with overt truth and implied truth because some truths are better whispered or suggested than they are beaten over the head.

One of our members made a great point in the aforementioned thread and below it is my response.

"Saying that they are otherwise only shows how out of touch you are with the conservative movement and the groundswell of traditionalism returning to the Republican party.".

You hit the essence of the problem.

The "new" ( or like we usually say "neo") conservatives have taken over the traditional Republican Party and the conservative movement. Their pundits and media voices dominate the phraseology and the rhetoric so they are defining what it means to be a "conservative" and, a "Republican". Therefore they can simply deny access and squash real debate and if they can't beat us that way, they can either marginalize us, try to ignore us, or attempt to co-opt us.
We have seen it relative to the Tea Party movement and Ron Paul's campaign for president. When Ron Paul got the most votes in debates, they still put Romney's face on the cover of the story and declared him the winner. When it continued people like Hannity blasted out on mass media "there is no way Ron Paul won that debate" all the while ignoring the numbers right above his head showing otherwise. So then, we were accused of voting 1,000 times each. But, when we raised $4.3 million, at that point they KNEW we weren't voting a 1,000 times each and were a serious threat to their power structures. So instead of giving Ron Paul and his supporters due credit, people like Glenn Beck called us terrorists. Ron Paul continued to grow in popularity and the elites KNEW they couldn't squash it forever though they tried. When We raised $6.5 million just one month later from an average contribution of just $50 their response was to exclude ONLY Ron Paul from the debates just a few days before the New Hampshire primary where he was polling about 16%.
Even though the elites did everything in their power to subvert Ron Paul and us, after we raised the $6.5 million which was the birth of the Tea Party movement, we saw the more liberal talking heads, pundits and politicians try to discredit us/them, even to the point of slander. We also saw the more conservative pundits, talking heads and politicians try to join us, Even Hannity and Beck who did EVERYTHING in their power to stop us.

There are some ways we can fight back. First of all, We NEED to call into radio shows that are hostile to Ron Paul and present ourselves to the screeners as Romney, Pawlenty or some other neo favorite and make a good point and as neutral as we can, but then insert a GREAT point to bolster our main positions whether non interventionist foreign policy, ending/auditing the fed/sound money or Constitutional government and don't forget to insert some admiration for Ron Paul. PLANT SEEDS. Let someone else come to water it later and the truth will make it grow.

Just as an example. Usually the talk show host is going off about how bad Obama is and how destructive his policies are to our Republic. When they are talking about what or who can turn it around they will usually give creds to one of their favorites. Christie, Romney, Pawlenty, etc.. When you call in, agree how bad Obama is. That will usually keep you on the phone longer than blurting out Ron Paul. When you get his ear, agree with him on one point about his favorite. Briefly. Then insert something you worry about. Ask why a corporation that has controlled our money supply since 1913 hasn't once been audited? Why do the DEMOCRATS oppose it. Make it clear that their usual piniata boys Barney Franks and Chris Dodd opposed the audit while real Constitutional conservatives supported it. Ask who the politicians are doing the work of the corporation that controls our money or the people? Play into their left-right paradigm even though we know its bullshit. Play into their partisan game of Democrat bad bad bad and Republican good good good even though we know that too is BS because the bigger point you will make has yet to be made. In other words put the problems square on DEMOCRATS. Make the problems seem more a DEMOCRAT problem because even the hard core Ron Paul opposition CANNOT defend against their own game when you put the ball in their hands. If DEMOCRATS are against auditing the Fed, who is the REAL Republican who authored the bill to audit them? Ron Paul thats who! If DEMOCRATS are the police the world party and REAL Republicans always opposed it then who is the REAL Republican? RonPaul Thats who.
When foreign policy all one needs to say is that EVERYONE they talk to is sick and tired of the US being the police of the world and getting us into wars against countires that never attacked us or threatened us like DEMOCRATS always did. If you have time, point out that DEMOCRATS are the original police the world party and were in power during WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Bosnia, Somalia, Serbia, Columbia, etc. and that EVERYONE they talk to likes the Ron Paul/founding father approach to minding our own business better than the DEMOCRAT style of meddling in the affairs of other countries which ALWAYS backfires.
If you are out there actually talk to people then you KNOW that the truth is that Americans don't want to police the world. That sentiment actually pre-dates apple pie and baseball in the American mindset and we didn't start to be the police of the world until anti-founding father president like Wilson and FDR. DEMOCRATS!
In fact, we should hone our skills and use tactics that teach, work and change minds in EVERY political discussion forum, radio talk show and out on the street. The whole point is to make it CLEAR that the policies the "new" (try to refrain from using "neo") Republicans favor are REALLY the policies of those vile, reprehensible, loathsome DEMOCRATS not the old REAL Republicans. At that point, you don't even need to say Ron Paul's name. Someone else will come along later and water it by mentioning his name. Meanwhile anybody who knows anything will automatically KNOW what REAL Republicans stood for is what Ron Paul is talking about. Then what are they going to do? Defend the policies of DEMOCRATS? LOL You have already played into their left-right paradigm and now, you are forcing them to either agree with you and Ron Paul or defend those loathsome DEMOCRATS. Get it? Use Facebook, Twitter and EVERY venue where one of us plant a seed and allow someone else to come and water.. Don't try to make it all happen in one post or one phone call. Have faith in the truth, common sense and our message.

In fact, I would even suggest starting "teams" comprised of our members who have phone numbers to talk shows and links to political discussion forums where we could imply a great majority or people who support our ideas of liberty, sound money, Constitutionalism and non interventionism. KNOW this though. They are on guard against "those Ron Paul people" so DO NOT let on that we're working together or even that we're Ron Paul supporters at the outset or they will use THEIR proven tactics to squash us! We KNOW they are doing it. They KNOW that We KNOW they are doing it but what they don't know is how we can counter them. and We MUST

Captain Shays
02-23-2011, 10:50 AM
Mark Levin is going to blast us and Ron Paul EVERY chance he gets. So is Dom Giordano out of Philly. I'm sure there are others but they have the power of 50,000 watts and they reach and influence millions of people across the country. Their's is our ONLY mass media. My contention is that when we come in passionately supporting Ron Paul they are going to equally blast back their anti Ron Paul talking points.
I like to say things like "It seems that Romney is clearly the Republican front runner and he's no doubt a formidable candidate but he carries a lot of negatives'"." I like Mike Pence )or some other Republican/conservative who isn't in the race) but the more Ron Paul talks about the economy, foreign policy and personal liberty, the more I agree with him". In fact, just so they don't cut me off before I make my point, I might even say instead of "the more Ron Paul talks...." I might instead say "there is another Republican who the more he talks about the economy, foreign policy........and that is Ron Paul". That way, the host won't cut you off before you mention Ron Paul. Remember that when you first call into a talk show their screener asks you what you're main point is. That is the point when you say Romney seems to be the front runner or whatever half nice thing you're going to say about another Republican and then list your concerns but DO NOT mention Ron Paul when talking to a screener (unless the topic is Ron Paul of course). Also remember that whenever you mention ANYTHING about another Republican, feign something nice then just as you intend to plant seeds of support for Ron Paul and his policies you want to make sure that you plant seeds of doubt about ALL the other Republicans ESPECIALLY the one's the media are trying to shove down our throats.
The intent here is to show a growing support for Ron Paul among those who are on the fence and undecided (even though we have decided). Its their own tactic in reverse and if we do it right, they won't see it coming and won't have the tools to counter us. They love to say things like "Ron Paul doesn't have a chance to win" but when numerous people call in and seem to be persuaded by Ron Paul's arguments despite their best efforts to make it seem that no one is supporting him they might abandon their own tactic and try something else.

At EVERY opportunity remind them that Ron Paul has been a Republican Congressman for 20 years. Yes he's a "libertarian" (small l) but when they label him as a libertarian they are implying the big L who would be a member of the Libertarian Party and not a Republican at all. Don't let them get away with that. We're trying to reach the undecided conservatives and others who are in agreement with Constitutional principles and persuade those who "think" they are conservatives when they're really following the rhetoric of the new conservatives. We can dismantle all their arguments if we're tactful.