View Full Version : Seperating Ourselves Reestablishing a Metaphysical Science For the United States.

Uncle Emanuel Watkins
02-22-2011, 12:46 PM
In a prior writ, it was demonstrated that Aristotle’s “final cause,” once weeded out from science, could now be reestablished as the forth of his Four Causes. There four are the Material Cause, the Formal Cause, the Efficient Cause, and, lastly, the Final Cause:

The Final Cause, the ultimate definition of life, is not just for life to "see," by way of hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, or seeing, but for it to sense better, qualitively speaking.

This leads to the formulation of the following natural law: Every part of a living organism is or was sense organs either existing outright or in a state of rudimentation with this latter state being necessary to further enhance the existing sense organs. For example, as the little toes and fingers were at one time sense organs, every part making up the higher brain functions were once sense organs as well.

In the writ that follows, the accepted evolution of today is challenged.

Fishy, Crabby, and Mammalian like things.

How does a living thing with a fishy side to side locomotion walk out of the ocean and then evolve into a living thing with a mammalian like up and down locomotion? As a living thing is never a living thing in itself, but both a predator and a prey, and as all life both hunts and is hunted, then the matter regarding walking out of the water onto land isn’t a casual phenomenon. Being dimensional creatures, a living being can’t just walk out, but they have to eat their way out while also surviving from being eaten themselves.
As it stands now, crabby creatures are the most common things surviving in the waves close to shore as well as in parts of the earth where oceans collide creating tremendous turbulence, such as the Bearing Sea off the coast of Alaska. As they can dig into the sand burying themselves during dry times when the tide is out, after returning they can then use one of their claws to dig into the bottom against the force of the waves while using the other claw to catch food with to eat.
Geometrically speaking, as fishy prey flees closer and closer to shore to get away from fishy predators, both the prey and the predators would tend to shrink as the smaller creatures would stand a better chance of survival in such a narrowing environment respectively. This would prevent creatures from walking out of the water onto land.
It is the act of “digging” that best explains how a fishy thing with a side to side locomotion managed to make its way to shore while, in the process, becoming a mammalian like thing with an up and down locomotion. As it has been proven that land mammals and sea mammals have a similar galloping locomotion (motion pictures have proven this similarity by superimposing overlapping the locomotion of land and sea mammals atop each other ) so, the same is true of digging.
From my observations, there are two types of digging: casual and galloping. As the casual digging locomotion was the catalyst for their eventual locomotion towards walking, so, likewise, the galloping digging locomotion was the catalyst for the eventual locomotion towards galloping. As a living thing will dig in a casual fashion most of the time, it will dig in a desperate galloping motion when trying to get away from prey or when trying to catch prey. A creature partakes in a casual type of digging when thrusting one paw in the ground and then the other, doing the same thing with their hind legs alternating pushing out the dirt in a similar fashion with one paw of the hind legs and then the other. In contrast, they partake in a galloping type of digging when thrusting in both paws of their frong legs at the same time and then pushing out the dirt in a similar fashion with both the paws of both hind legs.

Once again, science should not exist for the sake of science alone, but for the sake of that government which best serves the people and their existential Civil Purpose.

Uncle Emanuel Watkins
02-23-2011, 06:12 PM
Review, Rewrite, and bump.
As the right hand of tyranny, modern science has betrayed the people and their Civil Purpose.