View Full Version : Matt Lewis

02-21-2011, 11:04 AM
It's a three-fer!

The Case for Conservatism (vs. Libertarianism) (http://www.politicsdaily.com/2011/02/16/the-case-for-conservatism-versus-libertarianism/)

At CPAC, we saw a mixture of Ron Paul conspiratorial extremists and political entrepreneurs battling it out for financial and political reasons: GOProud, David Keene, Tony Perkins, Grover Norquist, etc. But there is no schism -- just people who are conservative and those who are not.

A Tale of Two Libertarianisms (http://www.politicsdaily.com/2011/02/20/on-conservative-movement-libertarians-and-neo-objectivists/)

Writing at the DC Examiner, Chris Malagisi writes:

On the other hand, Neo-Objectivists, led by Rep. Ron Paul (TX-14) and his affiliate groups, demand libertarian ideological purity and are outright hostile to the other strands of the conservative coalition. The Neo-Objectivists are the modern descendants of Ayn Rand and her philosophy of objectivism. While Rand is known primarily for her two novels – Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead – her philosophy of objectivism, stressing radical self-interest and domestic isolationism, lives on through the Neo-Objectivist's cult-like following of Ron Paul and their zealous, if not, belligerent display of licentiousness. For example, as former Vice President Dick Cheney was speaking at the recent CPAC, this crew raucously yelled at him throughout his speech calling him a "war criminal."

Via HotAir (http://hotair.com/headlines/archives/2011/02/20/on-conservative-movement-libertarians-and-neo-objectivists/), where DONDEROOOO bastardizes libertarianism, again.