View Full Version : A Middle East Without America? by Patrick J. Buchanan

02-18-2011, 07:19 AM
The fever sweeping the Middle East is now coursing through Libya, Yemen, Iran and Bahrain, where the U.S. Fifth Fleet is based.

In all four nations, state violence is being used to crush the rebels, and regime survival hangs on whether security forces and the army stand behind the government or stand aside.

http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcREfdClK1Jd8QxmGVTBXLObSwvudax_O wy4bi7rIC8PfFJK8YSd

A new Middle East is dawning. What will it look like?

The U.S. press is transfixed by all this, but a question arises: What vital interest of a United States staring at bankruptcy would be imperiled if we got out of the way, stopped fighting these countries’ wars and paying these countries’ bills and let these people determine their own future for good or ill?


02-18-2011, 07:28 AM
Buchanan lost the plot long time ago. All this "revolutions" are made in "america" (notice the brackets on "America").

He lost the plot long time ago...


(Ron Paul kind of lost the plot too...sad but true)

02-18-2011, 07:47 AM
You a JBS guy Pete?

02-18-2011, 07:56 AM
You a JBS guy Pete?

Where is FrankRep?

02-18-2011, 09:09 AM
You a JBS guy Pete?

JBS guy? What do you mean? A member? No.

A fan? Well...yes and no. I think Welch, Mcdonald and some others were/are great man and i think JBS is certainly fighting the good fight but, for me, localism/decentralization-of-power/voluntarism + a realist, non-hippie but nevertheless strong anti-militarism (especially when it comes to those f*cking nuclear f*cking things) are of the utmost importance so i fell that JBS, as it exists today and as a collective, is not exactly alligned with my worldview. Plus they dont have people of McDonald caliber runing the show not even close. Keep in mind that i consider JBS, as a collective, one thing and its individual members are another thing.

02-18-2011, 11:03 AM
"To the rage of Hillary Clinton" I would like to get that tattooed on my face but I'm too chicken.

A great forward thinking article. I appreciate Pat's views but in my opnion this is his strongest suit.