View Full Version : Gallup - unemployment hits 10%

02-17-2011, 02:12 PM

h/t drudge

02-17-2011, 02:15 PM
So, they said it was almost 11% a year ago.

02-17-2011, 02:16 PM
But they have been redefining terms frantically to keep it below 10% since then.

02-17-2011, 04:16 PM

02-18-2011, 08:53 AM
FBN picked up this story last night and FOX did this morning!


Hopefully the rest of the media will now pick it up

02-18-2011, 08:59 AM
The unemployment rate going up isn't necessarily bad, most likely just more people looking for work again because the economy seems to be improving.

02-18-2011, 09:25 AM
The unemployment rate going up isn't necessarily bad, most likely just more people looking for work again because the economy seems to be improving.

No, it's because they are actually counting everybody, not lying with some accounting tricks like the government does. The 20% underemployment rate is more telling. A lot of places will give you 1-2 shifts a week so they don't have to pay benefits (again, government meddling).

I worked in a union once (never again!) where time in grade was everything. In our case we got full Bennies even if we worked one day a week. Anyway, the most senior person fot 40 hours a week, and it went down from there. Knew a couple of co-workers that turned down promotions (involved a position change) and a raise, because they would only get 1 day a week at the bottom of the ladder and couldn't pay their rent on that. If they made you strike, some didn't, because they couldn't pay their rent on what the union offered in compensation. The pay was better than most entry level jobs, but then you found out that union dues ate most of the difference. If you were looking at an emergency promotion to fill in for someone that was sick, you stood around for a couple of hours while they had to call around to all the other stores to get someone rated for that job to come in - and the customers suffered.

UNIONS SUCK! - it doesn't matter if they are private or public sector.

I remember 2 airports being built, one by a private, non union company and the other by union labor. The first was finished ahead of schedule and under budget. the union one took over a year over projections and cost twice what it was bid at.

Knew a guy working road construction who had some engine problems, and knew exactly what was wrong but couldn't touch it due to union rules. So he came in and sat around for a couple of days before the mechanic cama along and fixed it. The repair took less than 5 minutes.

The union airport job and the highway thing were both on the public dime. Think about that next time you see a road crew and wonder why you never see more than one person working.