View Full Version : Recovering Aristotle's Final Cause and Reestablishing the Scientific Method of Natural Law

Uncle Emanuel Watkins
02-15-2011, 11:21 PM
Being an outright deception, there is no such thing as a "legal definition" of the Truth, but a lone definition of it. In others words, in reducing down to what is the Truth, the term "legal" needs to be weeded out. In actuality, the term "legal definition" means this or that, with this being Sage and Sophist like. Meanwhile, in comparison, the self evident and unalienable natural-law declared by our Founding Fathers meant this and that with this definition transcending the mind reducing the Truth to the collective conscience, spirit, heart, and soul (bipartisanly).

While modern science defines observable evidence as conclusions perceived directly by the senses, it defines theoretical science as conclusions perceived indirectly by them. One example of indirect evidence would be conclusions gathered by looking through a microscope or a telescope. In comparison, our Founding Fathers declared the real truth to exist indirectly in our consciences while the deception of it is viewed directly by the use of our five senses.

All men are endowed equally! All men (mankind) were created equally born with the exact same business agenda for life!

Where modern science fell by the wayside towards tyranny is in its determining, metaphysically so, what is the final cause, with this being the ultimate determination of what is the purpose of creation. During the Last Supper, the conclusion to the ultimate experiment, Jesus Christ determined mankind to be His existential primary purpose. Rather than it substantiate such a conclusion or deny it outright, modern science just weeded out Aristotle's concept of final cause altogether.

Later on, the cognitive, social sciences narrowed the importance of modern science to the endeavors of "knowing" and "reproduction" establishing them as primary ends to a mean rather than secondary means to an end.

To challenge this, I have established a natural law:

Every part of a living organism is either growing into becoming a sense organ, is a sense organ, or it is a sense organ in a state of rudimentation, the latter organs withering in such a fasion for the express purpose of improving the quality of the remaining senses.

In other words, the senses didn't develop for the purpose of thinking and reproduction, but those two endeavors developed for the purpose of improving the quality of the senses.

So, the ultimate "final-cause" is to see better. Not just to see, mind you, as one needs the nourishment of light to see something or else they will still be blind, but to see God Himself better and better by the use of our senses with these being our sense of taste, smell, hearing, feeling, and vision.

Uncle Emanuel Watkins
02-16-2011, 08:48 AM
Rewrite, revise and bump.
Once again, in order to enhance understanding, I have written this argument in the form of a writ. While an essay argues condescendingly from up above, I have elevated my audience instead by reducing them, whether they be a general or an expert person, to within that of a single audience member with her being the very least prostitute having to live and work on the streets. As the part I play is that of a tyrant, yes, as a Christian I have confessed to being a rotten sinner, the prostitute herself plays the part of the people. In time, as she realizes how helpless the people are in their situation with tyranny and as she realizes how it is her who represents them, the prostitute will become envisioned and empowered to stand in faith and to walk in faith.