View Full Version : Help me to create a new educational system in Germany

02-07-2011, 03:57 PM
Hey Guys,

I'm a liberatrian from Germany. Quite active in a small political party and I like to think about new ways to improve society.

Currently in Germany (nearly) all universities are state-owned. I would say their quality is quite good. But imho they could be way better with the help of competition.

I believe that with the new IT movement you could/should stream-line many processes in the educational system. Provide the same (or even better) quality for lower costs. But I'm also convinced that this change for lower costs and higher quality can't come from bureaucrats.

I once saw a video with Peter Schiff suggesting that government should not pay for college education directly but rather give the people the money for education so that the market forces can work: People would choose the most efficient colleges. Government can't choose the most efficient colleges. Only the market can.

So I was wondering if instead (like right now in Germany) the government gives a fixed amount of money to a college for each student, the government should give the people "study credits" worth x-thousend Euros.

So with that money, people would choose the most efficient colleges. Better colleges would get more students and earn more money. Bad colleges would go bankrupt (and that would be good).

As these "study credits" could be only used for college education, that colleges would only compete for quality but not for price.

So my idea would be, that colleges would be able to make profits. As colleges would be able to make profits and people could also choose private universities to spend their money for, private enterprises would (probably) start (better) colleges.

What do you guys think? Any things I didn't think of?


02-07-2011, 09:40 PM
Hey Guys,

I'm a liberatrian from Germany. Quite active in a small political party and I like to think about new ways to improve society.
Welcome to the forums. :)

The way to improve society is to implement honest sound (real) money into the markets and put an end to central bank counterfeiting worldwide. Read "End The Fed" by Ron Paul, "Gold, Peace, and Prosperity" by Ron Paul, and "A Cross of Gold" by Edwin Vieira. Almost all societies distortions will correct when governments are separated from the power to print money and people begin trading honestly in laissez-faire free-markets with each other ... including education.