View Full Version : Dispelling the Myth of "Service Economy" Jobs.

Uncle Emanuel Watkins
02-06-2011, 11:40 AM
Our government is secular Christian as its three parts, the legislative, the administrative, and the judicial branches, arose from the Trinity or the Triune God, with this being the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (How they manifest themselves, I'm not certain).

A job is an administrative function!

Once and for all, we should see that it was the hopeful poor who had reason to show up everyday, and on time and not the tyrannies who either always showed up late or never at all! Likewise, it was the caring subordinates who chose to make products of high quality as tyranny, as they always got what they wanted from the disadvantaged, never had to be thoughtful in caring for themselves!

So, why do you demand that I show up everyday and on time while also pretending to know how to go about making a high quality product? When the people are served by being mainly left alone, then those attributes, my friend, become the prerequisite standard!

In creating "service economy" jobs, the Washingtonians, a bevy of lawyers, have turned to the official business of stripping the American people of every administrative function! Ultimately, this will cause our nation to return to the old tyranny when societies were made up of *masters, slaves, and untouchables.

A false notion people have is how individuals in the past would become slaves (Slavs). They weren't forced into servitude as is commonly believed, but they slowly fell into such a condition, as was the case with the Hebrews falling, over a long period of time, into bondage to the Egyptians.

Our government today is back to the wicked endeavor of performing "official business." Official business dictates who the elites are in society by deeming certain ones as official over other lessor bes. In a free society, the elites are left alone to be determined by the people. When one makes a lot of people happy, they should be rewarded with lots of money.

In order to correct this situation, corporate America, even for its own sake, needs to convene nationally to terminate as many in their legal departments as possible. After firing lawyers in the private sector, attention then needs to be given to the public sector as well. **Lawyers, being special, can always find other work for themselves much easier than the common people.

*The idea that tyrannies were made up of only masters and slaves is naive. In true tyrannies, both the masters and the slaves rejected a third class of people called the untouchable outcastes. The prostitute, the person I am writing this writ to, is an example of an untouchable. She isn't just a slave, but she is rated the very least amongst them as she is (even today!) a slave in plain sight rejected as an untouchable outcaste.
In other words, think of society as those who don't need any money (masters), those who need money (the slaves), and those without any (the untouchables). In order to keep the slaves in line, the masters in power threatened them with the reality of not having any money.
Or, another example, think of society as those who don't need homes (masters), those who have been granted homes (slaves), and those without homes (the untouchables). Once again, in order to keep them in line, the masters in power threaten the slaves with the reality of taking back the property granted to them.
As we continue to fall as a nation, we will begin to look more and more like the tyranny of old.
In the purest sense, a man with only the function of a husband is the ultimate tyrant master. In comparison, Christ had multiple functions as the Head as He was also a slave as well as the ultimate untouchable outcaste as He was the most hated firstborn "Son of Man."
**Gandhi was a great American because he put himself out of business as a lawyer.

Uncle Emanuel Watkins
02-07-2011, 11:26 AM
Rewrite, revise and bump. Main point of the writ: Major corporations need to convene nationally to agree to cut their legal departments. After cutting their legal departments, they then need to cut all health insurance from top to bottom. A days worth of work for a days worth of pay for all. If you then want to buy health insurance, then take your pay and buy it.