View Full Version : Dem Senator calls lobbyists to arms to fight budget cuts

02-04-2011, 10:01 PM

As Congress prepares to make deep spending cuts, an army of lobbyists is gearing up to fight back.

In an e-mail obtained by ABC News, a top staffer for the key Senate Appropriations subcommittee called for a meeting of lobbyists and interest groups that would be affected by expected cuts to the Labor and Heath and Human Services budget. The Jan. 24 meeting was attended by approximately 400 people, sources told ABC, and served as a “call to arms” for those determined to fight Republican budget cuts.....

02-04-2011, 10:05 PM
No surprise.

It's like reading from Atlas Shrugged. Right down to the letter in some spots.

I say tough shit to the lobbyists. Your time of the free ride is over.

There is no free lunch.