View Full Version : Has the GOA accomplished anything?

02-04-2011, 12:36 PM
Coming from this thread

I have to wonder... Anyone know?

02-04-2011, 02:06 PM
By calguns.net standards, no, because the GOA files lawsuits and challenges gun restrictions:

Examples: Original support for Heller to file against DC.

Defended David Olafson on the NFA charge

Original legal team for McDonald vs. Chicago - the NRA muscled into the case later.

You would think someone in CA would be aware of this: http://gunowners.org/pr0603.htm

It was GOA that published the Katrina gun confiscation story, the NRA had to jump on the case later in order to look like they supported gun rights.

They used to have the list of court cases filed on the website before the redesign - including support for the MT FFA in federal court, and dear to me the suit against Holder on non resident US citizens right to buy firearms - currently not permitted by BATFE regulation.

Who supported the candidates we did in 2010 - it wasn't the NRA.

The question just adds to my perception that the calguns site is rife with gun owners who will line up to turn in their Elmer Fudd guns at the earliest opportunity. They hated Hamblen for being too "controversial" in challenging the NFA.

Politically, calguns seems to be like being a member of the National Republican Committee.