View Full Version : Heritage Foundation: Gut FCC Powers, Abolish Net Neutrality

02-03-2011, 04:24 PM
"One of the nation's top conservative think tanks has issued a report urging Congress to review 20 "unnecessary and harmful regulations" that the group says should be clipped as soon as possible. Three of the 20 are administered by the Federal Communications Commission, notes the Heritage Foundation's new Rolling Back Red Tape backgrounder, and involve oversight over ISPs and media acquisitions.

"This regulatory tide must be reversed," Heritage's Dianne Katz concludes. "Policy*makers should not just prevent harmful new regulations, but must repeal costly and unnecessary rules already on the books."

Here are the three FCC-related powers on the list.


Full story @ http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2011/02/heritage-foundation-says-abolish-key-fcc-powers.ars

02-03-2011, 04:41 PM
noice! shared