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10-22-2007, 12:07 PM
I was just mulling over what is happening and thinking of the neo-cons approach to Ron Paul’s success. If I were to be one of the neo-con socialists what would I need to eliminate in order to squelch the Ron Paul grassfire? The focus could not be on anything that the campaign is doing because they know that the message isn't going to change. But people’s passions are fickle, so if the grassroots passions can be changed quickly, if the people can be demoralized and the excitment turned to negativity, the fire will die out.

How can they make that happen? The flame is too big to step on or to blow out so they bring in their biggest weapons to squelch our passion with their nay-saying. They’ve got to change our perception of how liberty is viewed by the masses.

So they boo Ron on national TV to show us that our efforts have had no effect. They tell us that 49% of Americans hate him and have said in "scientific" polls that they absolutely will not vote for him (an interesting turn around from recent "scientific" polls that said that 70% of Americans don’t even know who he is). They make “liberty” and “libertarian ideals” dirty words. They tell us that the world will never accept this movement, quit wasting our time and go home.

If they can only get us to stop bringing in new fuel the fire slowly goes back to embers and they go on their merry way, controlling people and countries, taking as theirs the rewards for our labor, expanding their power and wealth.

Some of us respond to their efforts just as they hope we will. We say to others “quit getting excited over what you think may happen”, “stop being serendipitous”, and “the whole world besides us is stupid”. We look at the world thinking that the battle is too difficult, we’re fighting uphill. When we go talk to people our message and our stance becomes negative and the growth is stymied. After all who wants to drink that Kool-aid?

But we must see differently! We must focus our minds on the people we see that hear the solid reasoning behind the stances and clutch the hope of freedom in their grasp like a person who is drowning holds on to a life ring. We must focus on the fact that thousands of people turn out for quickly planned events when the "front runners" couldn't fill a Denny's with a months notice. We see the truth setting people free in their minds, and know that the public manifestation of that freedom will surely follow as long as that flame of freedom is not eliminated.

Feeling discouraged? Don’t spew that poison around here. Think of the message, get it in your mind and go share it with someone. You’ll be amazed at how excited you become when one person says “Well, that makes sense”.

Let’s overcome the lies and the spin by seeing what really happens. And may the first negative poster on this thread be blessed with 40 long years of sitting in your lazy-boy, watching Faux News and collecting a $17.76 social security check each month. :rolleyes:

Go feed the fire!

10-22-2007, 12:58 PM
Good point.

I have to admit, today I am feeling rather lethargic.
I'm upset about Fox, the debate, the lack of questions, the boo's from the crowd last night, and my overall battle with others who JUST don't seem to give a shit.

Oh yes, every Thursday at my pool league, I talk to all the smokers, who are now forced to smoke outside because of the smoking ban in MN.

They all say it's unfair, that they hate government telling us what to do.

When i say, I have just the man for you, and tell them about him, they all go 'he sounds great'.

I then tell them I'm running for my local precinct delegate, and ask them, 'would you come vote for me in a building that's about 2 blocks from here?'.

Almost all of them say "nah, I don't really care."

How do you get people to vote when they are so fucking lazy they won't even put an ounce of effort into changing their world?

You can't.

Even when thier own rights and civil liberties are being trampled on, they still won't bother getting off their fat asses and do jack shit about it.

Now I realize many of these people are bar flies. Basically, unambitious people for the most part, who either don't give a fuck about much of anything, or they're so convinced in their party (one lady said "I'll never vote for another R". Thanks for fucking it all up GWB....we appreciate it.

I'm ready to take a week off from this shit.
I'm ready to pull people out of their cars, throw em on the hood and JAM FREEDOM down their fucking throats.

But that would be a violation of their civil rights, and it would be wrong.

it's tough to play this game we play when I don't own a radio station or TV show.

We NEED to find GUERILLA techniques to spread the word.
I'm even willing to consider civil disobedience.

The fact is we need to find a way to spread his name to the masses.

God, I'm so f'ing pissed off right now......

Sorry for the swearing.

10-22-2007, 01:10 PM
If you encounter resistance, change your tactics. The most important part of any guerilla action is to stay mobile, never be a sitting target.

10-22-2007, 01:18 PM
Good point.

I have to admit, today I am feeling rather lethargic.
I'm upset about Fox, the debate, the lack of questions, the boo's from the crowd last night, and my overall battle with others who JUST don't seem to give a shit.

Oh yes, every Thursday at my pool league, I talk to all the smokers, who are now forced to smoke outside because of the smoking ban in MN.

They all say it's unfair, that they hate government telling us what to do.

When i say, I have just the man for you, and tell them about him, they all go 'he sounds great'.

I then tell them I'm running for my local precinct delegate, and ask them, 'would you come vote for me in a building that's about 2 blocks from here?'.

Almost all of them say "nah, I don't really care."

You should go an canvass your precinct, door to door, and ask the same questions. I bet you'll get a much better response than you will at the bar. If you can, get a list of all registered Republicans and hit those houses first.

10-22-2007, 01:21 PM

I'm a real estate developer. I get so sick and infuriated at the socialistic approach of the local governments in this area, especially when it's to the point of ignoring their own written codes and ordinances. I decided to forget about it, it's not worth it. And had just sat on a project for about 6 months without moving forward. Your little battle with your banner inspired me and I decided maybe I could do the same. So I started pushing and now it's moving forward again. Slowly, but with definate results. I think that's the best reason to have the forums is to inspire and encourage each other to push forward in our fight for freedom. So thanks for inspiring me, and keep it up.

10-22-2007, 01:23 PM
Thanks Blam.

I'm just being a puss today.

I need a break.....I've been going at this stuff all day, everyday since June.
But I can't quit.....there's no time for it.

I will go out tomorrow evening and hit my neighborhood and see if I can get some voters.

10-22-2007, 02:00 PM
Thanks Blam.

I'm just being a puss today.

I need a break.....I've been going at this stuff all day, everyday since June.

Dude, take a break. Seriously, take a couple of days off. Don't watch the political shows, don't go on the internet. It will do you and our efforts a lot of good.

I took a two day "break" a couple of days ago. I didn't even watch the debate. I was discouraged, stressed and really pissed off. Now I'm all full of the good kind of fire and brimstone again.

Just a couple of days, and you'll be much more productive after that. The increased productivity and more positive attitude will more than make up for lost time.

10-22-2007, 02:02 PM
Huckabee is like a weak middle ground now, it seems like his strategy shift might be a move for the non-hardcore/semi-neocon's to "settle" on Huckabee instead of gravitating to Paul.