View Full Version : [Video] Glenn Beck special on China's rise and America's fall (w/ Jim Rogers)

01-16-2011, 09:53 AM
If you want to skip right to Jim Rogers, go to 15 minutes into the first video.




01-16-2011, 03:05 PM
Prepare for "honey honey poison" "neo-con warmonger snake in the grass" "medina!" type post :)

01-16-2011, 05:10 PM
Interesting stuff.

01-16-2011, 08:51 PM
The Chinese own enough US Treasury bonds that the interest payments are enough to cover over 95% of the budget of the Peoples' Liberation Army. We are paying for the PRC's army and that can't have a happy ending.

01-16-2011, 08:55 PM
where I disagree with Rogers is moving his children to a dictatorship; learning Chinese is a good idea, but learning to think is more important. and in Singapore they are taught to be obedient to the state, the state comes first .......

low preference guy
01-16-2011, 09:12 PM
where I disagree with Rogers is moving his children to a dictatorship; learning Chinese is a good idea, but learning to think is more important. and in Singapore they are taught to be obedient to the state, the state comes first .......

i sort of suspect that the rich in singapore can do whatever they want and give their children a good education.

01-17-2011, 12:56 AM
i sort of suspect that the rich in singapore can do whatever they want and give their children a good education.

at age 18 all males, Singaporean and permanent residence non-citizens, are forced into the conscript army. Rogers mentioned a daughter so she is safe (for now, neighboring Malaysia already drafts women)

I think Hong Kong or even Taipei would have been better choices than Singapore

01-17-2011, 01:53 AM
Prepare for "honey honey poison" "neo-con warmonger snake in the grass" "medina!" type post :)

Well it's pretty easy when one of the first things he says is that Happy Meal toys should be banned :rolleyes:

01-17-2011, 06:07 AM
Well it's pretty easy when one of the first things he says is that Happy Meal toys should be banned :rolleyes:

I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic, but clearly nobody on that panel believed that.

01-17-2011, 06:12 AM
In China (and in US) today the goal is to homogenize the population. It is designed not to teach individuality, but teaches one how to be a worker bee, part of a group. (Thus large class sizes and multiple choice testing)

Teachers are now the biggest influx into the homeschool venue (http://ezinearticles.com/?Thinking-About-Homeschooling?-Teachers-Are&id=2499296). One of the complaints they give is that class sizes have become so large that kids are taught to act like robots rather than individuals. Teachers find themselves having to teach as if a one size fits all...they are less able to individualize their curriculum.

I often talk with friends who are opposed to the Constitution for this very reason. They are often the most educated in our population, and sincerely believe that a "One World Government (http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/2007/12/boughton.htm)" is the only way to obtain "world Peace", solve world hunger, and environmental issues.

In China, workers live, eat and sleep above their place of work which makes for greater efficiency. They also have a very high suicide rate because some find themselves unable to conform. As a tutor I often see the stress some students experience (http://www.read-phonics.com/help-child.html) as a result of large class sizes, and suppression of their natural individuality. But, in China, where the group is more important than the individual that is not a major concern as it might be to some here in the U.S..

For parents who want their child to be trained to be a worker, there should be that choice, but for parents who want their child taught individuality, and to think outside of the group there should be that choice as well. ;)

01-17-2011, 06:22 AM
Question for all the people who watched this show: Did Beck ever bring up Soros? I would imagine that he would have, given Jim Rogers was one of Soros' primary business partners in the past.

01-17-2011, 07:34 AM
Question for all the people who watched this show: Did Beck ever bring up Soros? I would imagine that he would have, given Jim Rogers was one of Soros' primary business partners in the past.

Yes, he asked him if Soros was "spooky." Rogers said he doesn't really know - He hasn't seen him in over 30 years.

01-17-2011, 08:19 AM
Glen's whole demeanor normally changes when he is defending himself against something Soros has said about him. But this time he did not do that...he remained calm. However his face turned quite red, and his eyes got bigger when asking Rogers questions about China. I imagine we will hear more about China in the future.

It was really one of his better shows. I recommend watching it because it does explain what has happened to our educational system as well as government. I (as a tutor), and many teachers have been trying to explain what more government regulation, and mandated testing is doing to the kids. http://www.read-phonics.com/psychology-frued--bernays-constitution.html

I disagree with adjusting to the Chinese way of life though. Why do we want to make all our children fit into a group rather than helping them find their unique gifts? As a tutor I see the stress (http://www.read-phonics.com/help-child.html)this sort of thing causes in about 35% of U.S. children. It causes suicides in China, Is that what we want for our kids?