View Full Version : Giffords incident shows that no legislation can stop a NUT, suicidal terrorist, so repeal!

01-10-2011, 03:46 PM
It's the exact opposite of what the media is saying about this.

Repeal it all!

The media and gun ban groups are ready to pounce, but this really shows the opposite - that no amount of legislation can stop a nut that's bent on destruction and only a well armed populace can protect YOU from nut cases, terrorists, or invasion.

We need to learn to trust our fellow Americans, not restrict them.

This would have stopped after the first shot. Gunman down, end of story.

"did not stop him from legally buying the gun"
(and then the rant about how we need more restrictions etc..)

"lawmakers said the act raised concerns about heated national political rhetoric"
Yea, better shut people up!
“This is just another obstacle on a long list,” said Lee McPheters, director of the JPMorgan Chase Economic Outlook Center
Like that guy doesn't have an agenda?

"Clinton, who said she hoped her current trip to the Gulf would help to strengthen U.S. and Arab mutual understanding, said both societies should work to offset the sometimes overly loud voices on the political fringes."
Yup, even Clinton thinks speech should be muzzled. Let's follow her, she's brilliant!

When lies become the mainstream truth, you know we are a really messed up country.

01-10-2011, 03:53 PM
Here in Virginia they've been trying to close the "gun show loophole" ever since the VT shootings, even though Cho didn't buy them at a gun show - he bought them legally from a dealer and passed all the background checks.
Luckily they haven't gotten much traction on it at all, and we're still pushing for loosening restrictions.

When lies become the mainstream truth, you know we are a really messed up country.

The lies have always been mainstream truth. What gives me hope is the fact that the keepers of the mainstream truth are losing market share by the hour.