View Full Version : Unconfirmed: Police officer who gives most DUI's awarded with a new police cruiser...

12-31-2010, 12:15 PM
I was talking to my father, and he had told me that his boss, whose son is a police officer, had said that for the New Years there would be a nice competition for law enforcement personnel. Whoever gives out the most DUI's will be awarded with a new police cruiser. I haven't found any article to confirm this, but figured I'd share this all the same. Has anyone else heard anything about this?

12-31-2010, 12:38 PM
I have heard that police in a city near me do that all the time. I have no real proof if he gets awards but Google Officer Olecki from Scranton PA. look at comments from locals on stories about him. He follows people from bars, he finds really dumb reasons to pull people over or just plain makes them up! I know alot of people that refuse to drive in that city because of fear of being pulled over for NOTHING! The sad thing is it will never change because this area is corrupt beyond belief