View Full Version : Stacy McCain gets a clue -- Finally discovers Assange isn't as "un-American" as he assumed

12-29-2010, 02:34 PM
Julian Assange, Libertarian ‘Reactionary’? (http://theothermccain.com/2010/12/29/julian-assange-libertarian-reactionary/)

“The United States’ Founding Fathers took [Enlightenment principles] further and the federalism of the United States also, of relatively powerful states trying to constrain federal government from becoming too centralized. . . .
“But after World War II, the federal government of the United States started sucking the resources to the center, and the power of states started to diminish. Interestingly, the First Amendment started overriding states’ laws around that time, which I see as a function of increasing central power in the United States.”

Wow. Assange praising federalism, criticizing the centralization of power and even taking a shot at the so-called “incorporation doctrine”?

Has he been reading Lew Rockwell?

Has he been watching Glenn Beck?

Is there some kind of Rothbardian anarcho-libertarianism influence on Assange’s worldview? Will we next find Assange favorably citing General Lee’s prophecy to Lord Acton that “the consolidation of the states into one vast republic, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of that ruin which has overwhelmed all those that have preceded it”?

Better late than never, I guess. No that this will stop him and other conservatives from continuing to call for Assange's head for embarrassing the same non-representative government that steals our liberties daily and secretly (and not so secretly) sentenced us all to debt slavery.

I do hope their cognitive dissonance on this issue is producing some embarrassing tics among them though!