View Full Version : Glen Bradley Webdomain Update 12/23

12-23-2010, 06:41 PM
(I only fail to name out out of politeness in case you want to remain anonymous)

Help for the structure of both the overall Constituent Dashboard, and the eventual virtual caucus is onboard.

Help for the social media broadcast site is onboard.

Help for the application-specific Joomla interfacing to subdomains is looming.

Make a whole subdomain for "I am a constituent, and I need your help" and yet another subdomain just for "I want to speak out on issue XYZ" Tailor each "end-user website" to the need that it meets, drawing from a central database owned by the Representative Committee.

This will allow an executive user to share and network communities together on common issues.

Content managers will be needed in short order.

A million thanks to Yieu for helping to regulate my domain. :)

12-24-2010, 09:01 AM
This is good to hear Glen, It pulls on me that I could not be of more help. This is important.

12-24-2010, 09:57 AM
Bump. Please volunteer if you can.