View Full Version : GOP argues for the status quo. #fail

12-21-2010, 11:43 AM
The GOP for far too long has COMPROMISED! The GOP has for the most part been the party of the status quo. When the communist and liberals of congress push for "reform" you can't argue against it with "compromise" or "status quo". I suggest you read the last chapters of "For A New Liberty". It says the same thing. We have to have GOP members not willing to "compromise" or "defend the status quo". We must have congressional members who want to ACT to reverse the status quo, because the "status quo" is never going to win out against a liberal assault. The recent status quo is caving to liberal demands at an ever increasing rate.

The only way to defend against a liberal onslaught is with equally fierce determined efforts in the opposite direction. The only alternative to extreme liberal policies are libertarian ideologies.

Vote Ron Paul 2012

12-21-2010, 11:57 AM
I agree. I don't remember exactly what she said, but in one of her essays on capitalism, Ayn Rand basically said that too many so-called "defenders" of free markets took a defensive posture in debates with statists, almost as if they were apologizing for the merits of their system. When I get home (much later tonight), I'll try to find that quote.

12-21-2010, 11:59 AM
The only way to defend against a liberal onslaught is with equally fierce determined efforts in the opposite direction. The only alternative to extreme liberal policies are libertarian ideologies.

Careful, the statists will call you a reactionary.
Oh well, embrace it as I have. :D

12-21-2010, 12:33 PM
I am so sick of people compromising. Seems any time I see anyone of a Conservative, Libertarian or Anarchist belief system in any setting they always compromise their values for the audience around them. I suppose due to too many years of conditioning. TV is the worst, you cannot channel surf without seeing compromise or bashing of those with such a belief system.