View Full Version : Show that Gun Owners support of Ken Cuccinelli by signing his petition to Stop the Mandate

Michael Landon
12-20-2010, 05:47 PM
I received the following e-mail from the Gun Owners of America, please take the time to sign the petition at the link provided at the end of the e-mail.

- ML

Dear Friend of Liberty,

By now, you’ve heard about the victory of Gun Owners of America's good friend, Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli.

It was the 21st Century version of the “shot heard ‘round the world.”
Fifteen minutes after the anti-gun ObamaCare was signed into law in March, Ken filed suit on behalf of Virginia. Earlier this week in Virginia, a federal judge ruled that the healthcare bill’s provision forcing citizens to purchase health insurance is unconstitutional.

Of course, that doesn’t mean we’ve won the war in repealing ObamaCare and reining in the federal government.
Like those shots in Lexington and Concord that kicked off the American Revolution, the opening skirmishes over ObamaCare have just begun. We’re in for a long fight against those who want to suppress freedom and liberty today.
The federal government will inevitably appeal the Virginia decision – and the case will ultimately be decided by the Supreme Court.

Ken Cuccinelli is a true fighter in the cause of liberty, and when he served in the state senate he led the charge in defense of the Second Amendment. And now he’s reminding the federal government that it was created by the people and the states, not the other way around.

I hope you will take the time to lend your name in support of Ken’s effort.
As we continue fighting for liberty, our opponents in the liberal media are determined to marginalize Cuccinelli and halt his success. They have already begun to attack him – and we can’t let their misrepresentations go unchallenged.

We need to continue to show that Virginia’s case has the support of the people. GOA stands with Attorney General Cuccinelli as he takes this case to the Supreme Court.

Virginia has a winning case to protect individuals from an unconstitutional mandate. And an ultimate victory over ObamaCare will keep federal bureaucrats from using a medical records database to disarm law-abiding gun owners.

Please show your support of Ken Cuccinelli by signing his petition to Stop the Mandate! Visit http://www.cuccinelli.com/index.php/stop-the-mandate to sign the petition today.

Thank you for your help and support.
Tim Macy
Vice Chairman
Gun Owners of America

12-20-2010, 06:17 PM
Well, don't forget to sign Ron's! http://www.chooseliberty.org/hr4995.aspx?pid=em01

Michael Landon
12-20-2010, 08:48 PM
Thanks, sailingaway, I signed Ron's also.

- ML