View Full Version : Forum Challenge: Bring up Ron Paul to a Stranger/Acquaintance

12-11-2010, 12:47 AM
I thought this would be an interested idea to bring to the forums, thought it up during my shift at work tonight.

The power of our ideas cannot be spread by political ads and media attention. Sure these things may elevate his status in many peoples minds; however, they still offer a certain remoteness that most people cannot connect to.

The most powerful way to spread the ideas of liberty, sovereignty, and freedom is through personal connections and living by example.

I'm not sure about many of you, but within my group of friends, as well as many people who know me as acquaintances, they view me as a fairly intelligent person who knows what they are talking about more often than not. This comes from a consistent attitude I have and being a morally good person. When I talk about something they tend to at least listen.
Having that personal connection with someone when you talk and reason with them is very important. It lets you break past many barriers people put up to avoid new ideas, and lets you show them your own ideas.

Find an issue that they can get engaged about. Talk about it with them, and then bring up Ron Paul and his stance on it. Put his name out there, mention that they should do their own research. Ask them about it the next day. This can be done with even the most hardcore socialists and neocons usually.

Now for strangers, it can be tricky as your time is often limited, but it can be done. I work at a gas station. It's not the best job, but it pays the bills and keeps me fed. Strangely enough I'm finding it is an easy way to bring up pro-liberty topics.
Many people, for example, notice prices going up. Whether it be cigarettes, gasoline, or other products. I've used this topic then to make a quick mention of the Federal Reserve, Quantative Easing, and inflation. I've had customers nod agreeably, and even a few ask more questions before I tell them to do their own research because I have another customer.
One man mentioned that he was New Hampshire, I took this as an excuse to bring up the Free State Project. He never heard of it and was pretty intrigued, told me he would look into it some more.

Enough rambling, however, these are just some ideas that you can use. But the end goal is to bring up Ron Paul or pro-liberty ideas at least once a day through your conversations with people.

12-11-2010, 12:57 AM
I did this with my local Meetup group at a public library a couple years ago. I especially remember a young, sort of hippie-looking couple, about 20 or so, to whom we really played up the foreign policy angle.

They seemed receptive, but in hindsight, the way we swarmed the poor kids and delivered our testimonials so eagerly, they probably thought we were members of some kinda religious cult.

People make fun of the RP movement for having so much zeal, but I like to think we come by it honestly. RP is well worth getting excited over.

12-11-2010, 12:58 AM

Fortunately, most of the people I'm "close" with are already on the liberty trail. I do, however, find a way to talk to new acquaintances about the subject. More times than not, new people are receptive to the pitch; although, my gf just finished her first semester of graduate school (public health) and those socialist are like trying to get through an impenetrable wall.

12-11-2010, 12:59 AM
I've already converted one of my friends from someone who somewhat supported Obama to someone who wants Ron Paul to be President.