View Full Version : Information from 2004, please update

Bradley in DC
10-21-2007, 01:54 PM

21 Total Delegates: 6 CD & 15 AL Delegate Filing: 1/2/04 – 1/12/04
Primary/State Convention Delegate Certification: 1/27/04
Delegates bound until released by presidential Candidate Approval: 2/2/04
Candidate who prevails in winner-take-all primary. Primary Election: 3/2/04
State convention: on or before 6/28/04

Step 1 – Delegate Candidate Filing

Purpose: To qualify for primary, ballot placement as a committed Congressional district delegate alternate.

Timing: 1/2/04 – 1/12/04: Delegate candidates file declaration of candidacy with Secretary of State.
1/12/04 - 1/22/04: nomination petitions available to Delegate candidates.
1/27/04: Petitions must be submitted to local board canvassers for certification.
2/2/04: Delegate candidates must submit to Sec. of State authorization from appropriate presidential candidate signifying approval to be identified with him. Sec. of State must also receive consent in writing from presidential candidates regarding which
delegate candidates are affiliated with said presidential candidate.

Process: All delegate candidates must file a declaration of candidacy with the Secretary of State between 1/2/04 – 1/12/04, which includes the candidates name, address, party designation, place and date of birth, length of residence in town and state, a statement that the candidate will comply will all party rules, and a statement that such delegate candidate is either identified with and committed to a presidential primary candidate or uncommitted. R.I. Gen. Laws § 17-2.1-3. After receipt of the declaration of candidacy, the Secretary of State’s office will make available between 1/12/04 – 1/22/04 petition papers which must be signed by at least 150 eligible voters. § 17- 12.1-5, 12.1-6. Petitions must be submitted to the local board of canvassers where the signatories appear to be voters on or before 1/27/04. § 17-12.1-7.

The Steering Committee (appointed by the Presidential Nominee according to Rule 3.07(a)) must meet with the potential delegate candidates to “interview” them before approving or rejecting them for placement on the primary ballot as identified with the Presidential campaign (Rule 3.04(c)). These meetings must be completed in time
for the 2/2/04 deadline for submission to the Secretary of State the delegate candidates who are approved to be identified with the presidential candidate (Conference Call, 1/6/04).

Delegate candidates must also submit to the Secretary of State authorization from appropriate presidential candidate signifying approval to be identified with him on or before 2/2/04. Sec. of State must also receive consent in writing from presidential candidates
regarding which delegate candidates are affiliated with said presidential candidate. Id.

Step 2 – Certification of Delegates

Purpose: To ensure that all delegates have proper credentials and are certified to act as delegates to the national convention.
Timing: 1/27/04
Process: Secretary of State certifies all candidates for delegate for national convention.

Step 3 – Presidential Primary

Purpose: To elect CD delegates and award delegates to the winning presidential candidate in the primary.

Timing: 3/2/04

Qualifications: Closed primary – only registered Republicans and unaffiliated voters
registered 30 days before the primary.

Process: The election of CD delegates are determined by (1) the statewide vote in the presidential primary and (2) the number of votes cast for each CD delegate within their respective congressional district. State Party Rule 3.05(b). The three highest CD delegate candidates in each congressional district designated as “committed” to the presidential primary candidate receiving the largest number of votes statewide in the presidential preference primary and who also receive the first, second, or third highest number of aggregate votes in the delegate election in that District while committed to that presidential candidate shall be declared the elected delegate in that congressional district. Rule 3.05(c). The alternate delegates will be those who receive the fourth, fifth, or sixth largest amount of votes who are committed to the presidential primary candidate that receives the largest amount of votes statewide. Rule 3.05(d). The presidential primary candidate receiving the greatest number of votes statewide is awarded all CD and AL delegates. Rule 3.06.

Step 4 – State Convention

Purpose: To elect AL delegates and alternates to be bound to the winning presidential candidate.

Timing: on or before 6/28/04

Process: AL delegates are elected in the following way: Each presidential nominee shall on or before 1/10/04 appoint a steering committee of 5 qualified voters from each congressional district. This steering committee designates a slate of candidates to fill all or any portion of the AL delegate and alternate delegate positions allocated to the state and submits the slate to the State Central Committee on or before 3/17/04. Rule 3.07(a). The Nominating Committee reviews all slates and may endorse for election by Convention of the State Central Committee on or before 6/28/04 any of the submitted slates or any other slate of candidates identified and designated by the Nominating Committee. Rule 3.07(b). The state convention elects a slate of both delegates and alternate delegates nominated at the state convention, provided that the each delegate and alternate candidate was eligible to participate in the primary election as a candidate for CD delegate. Rule 3.07(c).

Step 5 – Organizing Convention Delegation

Purpose: To select national convention delegation chairman and choose committee persons.
Timing: Promptly following selection of delegates.
Process: National Party Rules require the election of a delegation chairman, as well as one (1) man and one (1) woman for each of the four (4) Convention Committees, including: Committee on Resolutions (Platform), Committee on Credentials, Committee on Rules and Order of Business, and Committee on Permanent Organization. States are required to file notice with the RNC Secretary the selection of these committee members and their state delegation chairman. Alternate delegates may not serve as delegation chairman or as members of the convention committees (RNC Rules, Rule 40(a)).

Elector Selection

Purpose: To select presidential electors.
Timing: At the state convention.
Process: The state convention shall select the party nominees for presidential electors and their names are to be placed on the fall election ballot.

Table of Authorities

Rhode Island General Laws Annotated § 17-12-13, 17-12.1-1, et. seq.

Rules of the Rhode Island Republican State Central Committee.