View Full Version : Information from 2004, please update

Bradley in DC
10-21-2007, 01:39 PM

39 Total Delegates: 24 CD & 15 AL
Delegates Bound for 2 Ballots (see notes)
Winner-Take-All by CD, Winner-Take-All by
Primary: 3/2/04
CD Delegate Filing: 12/22/2003
CD Delegate Authorization: 1/1/04
AL Delegate Filing: 4/16/04, 4 pm
State Convention: 4/30/04 – 5/1/04

Step 1 – CD Delegate Candidate Filing

Purpose: To qualify for ballot placement as a committed CD delegate candidate.

Timing: 12/22/2003 (9pm): Certificate of candidacy filing (Instructive Materials 1(a)). 01/02/2004 (not later than 5pm): Candidate authorization filing.(Instructive Materials 1(b)).

Qualifications: Must be a resident and qualified voter in said district and shall be
registered as a Republican (Instructive Materials 1(a) and Resolution §2).

Process: CD delegate candidates may have a presidential candidate’s name placed adjacent to their own on the ballot if written permission from the appropriate candidate is submitted to the state administrative board at least 60 days before the primary (within 10 days of certificate filing deadline) (Instructive Materials 1(b)). Each presidential campaign should authorize 3 delegates per district.

Step 2 – Presidential/CD Delegate Primary

Purpose: To elect 3 national CD delegates per district and bind them to the winning presidential candidate in that district.

Timing: 03/02/2004

Qualifications: Only registered voters in Maryland who are affiliated with the Republican Party shall be eligible to vote in the 2004 Republican Presidential Election (Instructive Materials 1(c) and Resolution §2 and discussion with Eric Sutton on 11/10/03).

Process: Voters vote directly for presidential candidates and for delegates.
Top 3 delegate candidate vote-getters are elected as CD delegates.

Step 3 – AL Delegate Filing

Purpose: To nominate the AL delegate candidates.

Timing: 04/16/2004 - Must be filed with the Maryland GOP by 4:00 pm on April 16, 2004, the Friday 2 weeks prior to the 2004 State Convention (Instructive Materials 2(b)).

Qualifications: Must be a registered Republican, resident and qualified voter of Maryland (Instructive Materials 2(a)).

Process: Each candidate for AL delegate must file a nomination with the state party which must be signed by 3 members of the state central committee (not just proxy holders). Each signer must reside in a
different county (instructive Materials 2(b)).

Step 4 – State Convention

Purpose: To elect and bind the national AL delegates to the top-finisher statewide in the presidential primary.

Timing: 4/30/04 – 5/1/04

Process: AL delegates are selected at the state central committee meeting held at the state convention. Delegate candidates are voted on individually. Election is by plurality vote. The candidate for at large delegates having the highest number of votes shall be deemed elected in descending order, until all seats are filled. Alternate delegates are chosen the same way (Instructive Materials 2(e)).

All nominations for AL alternate delegates shall be places on separate printed ballots in alphabetical order by last name (Proposed Rules for Spring Convention §C(iii)).

Step 5 – Organizing State Delegation

Purpose: To organize National Convention delegation and choose delegation leadership and members of the Convention Committees from the state.
Timing: Promptly following their election (RNC Rule 40(a)).
Process: National Party Rules require the election of one (1) man and one (1) woman for each of the four (4) Convention Committees, including: Committee on Resolutions (Platform), Committee on Credentials, Committee on Rules and Order of Business, and Committee on Permanent Organization. States are required to file notice with the
RNC Secretary the selection of these committee members and their state delegation chairman. Alternate delegates may not serve as delegation chairman or as members of the convention committees (RNC Rules, Rule 40(a)).

Step 6 – Certifying Delegates to the RNC

Purpose: Filing of the credentials of the state delegation to the Secretary of the RNC.

Timing: 07/31/2004

Process: No later than thirty (30) days before the time set for the meeting of the national convention, the credentials of each delegate and alternate delegate shall be filed with the secretary of the Republican National Committee for use by the secretary in making up the temporary roll of the national convention (RNC Rule 18(c)).

Presidential Electors

The Convention shall divide into eight caucuses (divided by CD) for the purpose of
nominating eight Presidential Electors. Membership to the CD caucus corresponds to the CD within which such member (of the State Convention) resides (Proposed Rules for Spring Convention §G(i)). The nominee must reside in the Congressional District to which the caucus relates. The nominee may not be a member of Congress, a federal appointee, a military officer, a governmental employee forbidden by statute to be a candidate for public office, a judicial officer of the State or a candidate listed on the November 2004 ballot (Id.) Election is by plurality vote and shall be by voice vote unless there are more than two candidates or by request for a roll call vote (Id.).

When the Convention reconvenes, each CD caucus shall nominate the person it has selected as Presidential Elector. The eight persons so nominated will be confirmed by the State Convention as a whole (Id.).

Two at-large Presidential Electors will be nominated by the Convention. These electors are elected in the same manner as the CD Electors (Proposed Rules for Spring Convention §H(i)).

Other Information

• Ballot placement is alphabetical.
• Delegates caucus and organize immediately following state convention.
• Delegates are bound for 2 ballots or until the candidate to whom they are bound receives less than 35% of the votes for nomination by the Convention or is released by the candidate (Instructive Materials 3(c)).
• CD Delegates are bound to vote for the candidate who received the highest number of
votes within that delegate’s Congressional District in the 2004 MD Primary (Instructive
Materials 3(a)).
• AL Delegates are bound to vote for the candidate who receives the highest number of
votes in the State of Maryland in 2004 MD Primary (Instructive Materials 3(b)).

Table of Authorities

“Instructive Materials Relating to the Delegate Selection Procedures for the 2004 Republican National Convention” memo


“At-large Delegates” sheet

“Article IV-State Central Committee” from Constitution and Bylaws of the Republican Party of Maryland, Amended December 8, 2001.

“Maryland Republican Party Proposed Rules for 2004 Spring Convention” – Rule 8

Annotated Code of Maryland art. 33, § 8-201 et seq and §8-501.