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Bradley in DC
10-21-2007, 01:27 PM
GUAM 2004

9 Total Delegates: 9 AL
State Convention: 2/21/04


• The Guam Republican Party intends to issue a convention call and other materials that will provide for the specific procedures governing the selection of national convention delegates and alternate delegates.

Step 1 – District Conventions

Purpose: To elect delegates to the state convention.

Timing: No later than 02/07/2004 (Republican Party of Guam Rules and Regulations, “GU Rules,” Article II, §4(b)).

Qualifications: To be eligible to vote at district elections, a person must have been on the membership roll of his precinct three (3) months prior to the election and must be domiciling or voting in the precinct where the election is to be held (GU Rules, Art. II, §7).

Process: Each one of the 19 Guam districts is entitled to one delegate, plus additional delegates based on the Republican vote in the preceding gubernatorial election. Elected Republican officials are automatic delegates (GU Rules, Art. IV, §4).

Step 2 – State Organizational Convention

Purpose: To elect National Committeeman and National Committeewoman, delegates and alternate delegates to the National Convention, and to attend to other organizational business.

Timing: 2/21/04

Process: The state convention elects six delegates to the national convention. The National Committee Members are automatic delegates to the National Convention.

Step 3 – Organizing State Delegation

Purpose: To organize National Convention delegation and choose delegation
leadership and members of the Convention Committees from the state.
Timing: Promptly following their election (RNC Rule 40(a)).
Process: National Party Rules require the election of one (1) man and one (1) woman for each of the four (4) Convention Committees, including: Committee on Resolutions (Platform), Committee on Credentials, Committee on Rules and Order of Business, and Committee on Permanent Organization. States are required to file notice with the RNC Secretary the selection of these committee members and their state delegation chairman. Alternate delegates may not serve as delegation chairman or as members of the convention committees (RNC Rules, Rule 40(a)).

Step 4 – Certifying Delegates to the RNC

Purpose: Filing of the credentials of the state delegation to the Secretary of the RNC.

Timing: 7/31/04

Process: No later than thirty (30) days before the time set for the meeting of the national convention, the credentials of each delegate and alternate delegate shall be filed with the secretary of the Republican National Committee for use by the secretary in making up the temporary roll of the national convention (RNC Rule 18(c)).

Table of Authorities

Letter from David Sablan

GOP Delegate Allocation for Feb. 21, 2004 Convention

3 GCA 16 §16201

3 GCA 15 §15101

Republican Party of Guam Rules and Regulations, Amended 08/26/2003

01-27-2008, 07:53 AM

Total Delegates: 9
3 RNC and 6 AL
Territorial Convention: Saturday, Feb. 9

The three delegates are selected by the RNC, but the other 6 are selected at the territorial convention on Feb. 9.

This means that Ron Paul could obtain 6 delegate votes for the convention. Delegates are selected at the territorial convention. All 9 delegates are unbound.

Bradley in DC
01-27-2008, 08:01 AM
The three delegates are selected by the RNC, but the other 6 are selected at the territorial convention on Feb. 9.

This means that Ron Paul could obtain 6 delegate votes for the convention. Delegates are selected at the territorial convention. All 9 delegates are unbound.

The three RNC delegates are NOT selected "by" the RNC--they are the party leader delegates: they are the chairman of the Guam Republican Party and the Republican National Committee members (National Committeeman and National Committeewoman) chosen by Guam to represent them at the RNC. Those three also get to vote on whom they want as our presidential nominee.



9 Total Delegates
• 3 RNC and 6 AL
Important Dates
Territorial Convention: 2/09/08
Selection Method
Territorial Convention

Delegates Unbound

o 9 Unbound

Selection Details
AL – Delegate allocation: n/a
Delegate election: At Territorial