View Full Version : Information from 2004, please update

Bradley in DC
10-21-2007, 01:18 PM

Details on submitting written Nominations Request: from whom, to whom, etc.

29 Total Delegates: 3 CD & 26 AL District Conventions: prior to 4/19/04
Caucus/Convention State convention: 5/21/04 – 5/22/04
Delegates not bound

Step 1 – District Conventions

Purpose: The Legislative District Convention is held to elect delegates and
alternates to the State Convention.

Timing: February to 4/19/04: District Conventions.

Qualifications: Any registered Republican residing in the precinct may be a District
Convention delegate. State Party Rules Art. III § 15.

Process: Each person who desires election as a state convention delegate must submit a written Nominations Request to the district convention nominations committee before nominations begin. Id. at Art. V § 14(d)(1). Only seated District Convention delegates may be elected as State Convention delegates. Id. at § 14(b). State convention delegates are elected by a plurality of the votes cast. Id. at § 14(d)(2). An alternate delegate list is elected in order of preference and must be approved by a majority of delegates to the district convention. Id. at § 14(d)(3).

Step 2 – State Convention

Purpose: To elect delegates and alternates to the National Convention.

Timing: 5/21/04 –5/22/04: State Convention.

Qualifications: Each State Convention delegate must be a registered voter in his/her
district and elected at the district convention.

Process: Each person who desires to be a national convention delegate or alternate must submit a written Nomination Request and a check or credit card authorization in the amount of Convention hotel charges to the State Nominations Committee before nominations begin. Id. at Art. VII § 15(g)(1). The convention seeks equal representation of men and women in its delegation to the national convention. Id. at § 15(c). Only seated delegates to the state convention, the Congressional Delegation, Governor, and Lt. Governor have the right to be elected as a national convention delegate. Id. at § 15(d). Delegates are elected by a plurality of the votes cast by the seated state convention delegates. Id. at § 15(g)(2). In practice, delegates are selected by the Nominations Committee and approved by the stated convention. Conference Call w/ state party (12/16).

Step 3 – Certification of Delegates

Purpose: Filing of the credentials of the state delegation to the Secretary of the

Timing: 07/31/2004

Process: No later than thirty (30) days before the time set for the meeting of the national convention, the credentials of each delegate and alternate delegate shall be filed with the secretary of the Republican National Committee for use by the secretary in making up the temporary roll of the national convention (RNC Rule 18(c)).

Step 4 – Organizing Convention Delegation

Purpose: To select national convention delegation chairman and choose committee persons.
Timing: Promptly after the selection of delegates.
Process: National Party Rules require the election of a delegation chairman, as well as one (1) man and one (1) woman for each of the four (4) Convention Committees, including: Committee on Resolutions (Platform), Committee on Credentials, Committee on Rules and Order of Business, and Committee on Permanent Organization. States are required to file notice with the RNC Secretary the selection of these committee members and their state delegation chairman. Alternate delegates may not serve as delegation chairman or as members of the convention committees (RNC Rule 40(a)).

Elector Selection

Purpose: To select presidential electors.
Timing: 5/21 – 5/22
Process: Presidential electors are selected by the state convention after the selection of delegates. State Party Interim Rule 12/6. List of party’s presidential electors must be submitted to the director of elections before 9/1/04. Alaska Stat. 15.30.020.

Table of Authorities

2002 Republican Party of Alaska Rules.

Alaska Statutes.