View Full Version : Ellen Brown: Bernanke's Cheerleader by Gary North

11-23-2010, 09:39 AM
For the record, I like fellow attorney and Fed-exposer Ellen Brown. Her book Web of Debt is a very good read that makes the case for ending the Federal Reserve. She has her own ideas about what to replace The Fed with. I have defended here several times against Gary North's attacks.

However, now she is defending QE2 and I stand with Mr North on this issue.
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Ellen Brown has just switched sides. Instead of becoming an Austrian School critic of the Federal Reserve, she has become its cheerleader.

In my criticism, I kept saying that she is a leftist. She wants a welfare State funded by zero-interest loans from the government. She wants a big Federal government. She does not care how we get it. Now that the FED will inflate enough to pay for it, she has switched sides. Her primary commitment was always to the welfare State, not the battle against the FED.

In my detailed critique of her economics, I made it clear that she was never a conservative. Now she proves it. She praises Bernanke and the FED. She says that QE2 is not fiat helicopter money, and that Bernanke is not "Helicopter Ben," which he obviously is.

Hard to believe? Let me quote her.
