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Uncle Emanuel Watkins
11-18-2010, 01:57 PM
What is Formal-Culture?

The American Civil Purpose

by Uncle Emanual Watkins

The First Writ of Three

The greatest of benefits are derived from the most precious of alterations ~
Uncle Emanuel Watkins

Believe it or not, if every American today would agree to abandon their homes and their properties to patriotically move out from them to live under public bridges and parks, of which we rightfully own, then our nation could solve its problems much quicker than in the present situation. In other words, the Federal Government has the situation so messed up in hell, well, let's face it, there really isn't any other way of putting it, that it would take at least a thousand years or more of outer darkness, with this being tyranny (or a dynasty), for us just to recover to the extent that we are once again living in a shambles.
The primary reason for the junking of the American dream is a result of teaching against the ideal of a Formal-Culture. As I've often mentioned, the Formal-Culture is the Civl Purpose declare by our American *Founding Fathers in The Declaration of Independence with this formal document being justification for our legal divorce out from under tyranny.
You know, a criticism is often made that our Founders were less than thoughtful in issues regarding gender. Yet, it was they who declared a natural law based on a self evident and unalienable truth by working their final conclusion to a deeper formal definition of what is truly a person's inherited "endowment":

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
In regards to modern science, with these being those who have so rigorously distracted the American people away from their Civil Purpose, please take special note of what our Founders are declaring here.
In regards to our true endowment which exists in darkness beyond the use of our five senses versus that readily apparent endowment which is clearly observable by their use, the ultimate Truth exists in our conscience, with this being the deep theoretical, while deceptions exist in what we interpret directly in our minds by the use of our five senses, with this being the observable realm. Aman.
The Lord Jesus Christ was the ultimate Ideal, the Fullness in expressing the Holy Trinity. Once again, using myself as the ideal, as a young man, I had to go through a lot of training to learn to control in public the authority I inherited, with this being my endowment. After maturing, I have became ready to sit down at the national dinner table as the ideal Federal Government. In doing so, I sit as a husband, as a king, as the ultimate power, and as the supreme administrator, legislator, and judge.
Now, here is the subtle point. Although I am the rightful administrator, legislator, and judge, if it is my will to do so, much like the first president George Washington, then I need never exercize any of the power granted to me. After all, the usefulness that I perform is in the work of not doing anything as I was trained to constrain such power, albeit it might be necessary from time to time to use it as a "necessary tyranny." Instead, I can delegate such responsibility over to my wonderful wife sitting next to me at the national dinner table with her face representing the state, the city, the local governments, and so on. In doing so, it is she who becomes the ultimate administrator, legislator, and judge. In this way, the veil is lifted off her smile which, in turn, is expressed on her face which, in turn, represents her authority.
*Because they dealt in things regarding the truths or the formal Truth to set us free rather than dealing in matters regarding what we should all do in order to "fix" things, the American Founding Fathers should be referred to in the higher-case as the "Founding Fathers" or the "Founders."

Uncle Emanuel Watkins
11-18-2010, 07:30 PM
What is Formal-Culture?

The American Civil Purpose

by Uncle Emanual Watkins

The greatest of benefits are derived from the most precious of alterations ~
Uncle Emanuel Watkins

Believe it or not, if every American today would agree to abandon their homes and their properties to patriotically move out from them to live under public bridges and parks, of which we rightfully own, then our nation could solve its problems much quicker than in the present situation. In other words, the Federal Government has the situation so messed up in hell, well, let's face it, there really isn't any other way of putting it, that it would take at least a thousand years or more of outer darkness, with this being tyranny (or a dynasty), for us just to recover to the extent that we are once again living in a shambles.
The primary reason for the junking of the American dream is a result of teaching against the ideal of a Formal-Culture. As I've often mentioned, the Formal-Culture is the Civl Purpose declare by our American *Founding Fathers in The Declaration of Independence with this formal document being justification for our legal divorce out from under tyranny.
You know, a criticism is often made that our Founders were less than thoughtful in issues regarding gender. Yet, it was they who declared a natural law based on a self evident and unalienable truth working such a conclusion to a deeper formal definition of what is truly a person's inherited "endowment":
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
In regards to modern science, with these being those who have so rigorously distracted the American people away from their Civil Purpose, please take special note of what our Founders are declaring here.
In regards to that true endowment existing in darkness beyond the use of our five senses versus the endowment which is clearly observable by the use of them, the Truth exists in our conscience, with this being that thing science likes to call the deep theoretical, while deceptions exist in what we interpret endowment to be in our minds by the use of our five senses, with this being the observable realm. Aman.
The Lord Jesus Christ was the ultimate Ideal, the Fullness in expressing the Holy Trinity. Once again, using myself as the ideal, as a young man, I had to go through a lot of training to learn to control my authority in public. After maturing, I am now ready to sit at the national dinner table as the ideal Federal Government. In doing so, I sit as a husband, as a king, as the ultimate power, and as the supreme administrator, legislator, and judge.
Now, here is the subtle point. Although I am the rightful administrator, legislator, and judge, if it is my will to do so, then I need never exercize any of that power. Afterall, the usefulness that I perform is in the work of not doing anything as I was trained as a young man to constrain my power as such naked exhibitions are considered unsightly and deemed wicked. Indeed, I can delegate such responsibility over to my wonderful wife sitting down next to me with her representing the state, the city, the local governments, and so on. In doing so, it is she who becomes the ultimate administrator, legislator, and judge. In this way, the veil is lifted off her smile which, in turn, is expressed on her face which, in turn, represents her authority.
*Because they dealt in things regarding the truths or the formal Truth to set us free rather than dealing in matters regarding what we should all do in order to "fix" things, the American Founding Fathers should be referred to in the higher-case as the "Founding Fathers" or the "Founders."

This is another series of writs. How does a writ differ from an essay? Well, while an essay is written for either a general or a particular audience, a writ is written for an intended audience of one with her being a lowly prostitute condemned to a subsistence of working and living on the street. As an essay will depend on logic and other types of rational thinking to convince its readers, a writ depends on the kinds of envisioning and empowerment necessary to encourage the prostitute to stand in faith against evil, and to walk away in faith from it.
As slaves are the lowest of all members in society, even to the extent that their masters can end their lives at will, the prostitute, in turn, represents the lowest of all slaves.
Realizing how she represents the lowly people and how her pimp represents the tyranny that is persecuting and oppressing them, it is hoped that the prostitute will finally be envisioned and empowered to stand in faith and to walk in faith towards the Lord Jesus Christ and into His Kingdom.