View Full Version : George Soros Touts China as Leader of New World Order

11-17-2010, 12:23 PM
Leftist Billionaire George Soros

Leftist billionaire George Soros continues to make headlines with his disturbing sentiments regarding a new world order.

George Soros Touts China as Leader of New World Order (http://www.thenewamerican.com/index.php/world-mainmenu-26/north-america-mainmenu-36/5226-george-soros-touts-china-as-leader-of-new-world-order)

Raven Clabough | The New American (http://www.thenewamerican.com/)
17 November 2010

Leftist billionaire George Soros continues to make headlines with his disturbing sentiments regarding a new world order. At the Canadian International Council on Monday evening, where he accepted his Globalist of the Year award, Soros not only defended the formulation of a new world order, but asserted that China should be one of the global leaders. At the ceremony, “Soros announced that China’s grip on the global economy is getting tighter and compared the United States’ recent economic woes to the decline of the United Kingdom following World War II,” reports The Blaze (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/soros-communist-china-has-better-functioning-government-than-the-u-s/).

Soros’ assertions came after harsh criticism of political gridlock on Capitol Hill, which he contends has stalled economic reforms in the United States.

Soros contends that China “has risen rapidly by looking out for its own interests.” (It seems worthwhile to point out that Soros’ praise of China for prioritizing its own needs is confusing as he has bashed the United States and the capitalist economy for doing the same in the Story of Stuff (http://www.thenewamerican.com/index.php/culture/education/4912-george-soros-distorts-religious-teachings) video series.)

In his acceptance speech, he adds, “They have now got to accept responsibility for world order and the interests of other people as well.”

Soros’ sentiments are reminiscent of statements he made in 2009 to the Financial Times (http://bit.ly/CgG2T). He claimed that China would supplant the United States as the leader of the new world order, and that America should simply accept it and not stand in the way of world progress. As a result, the American government, according to Soros, should not resist the decline of the dollar, nor the decrease in living standards and the introduction of global currency.


When the Financial Times asked Soros what Obama should discuss in his 2009 visit to China, Soros answered, “This would be the time because I think you really need to bring China into the creation of a new world order, financial world order.”

“I think you need a new world order that China has to be part of the process of creating it and they have to buy in, they have to own it in the same way as the United States owns … the current order.”

He added that the orderly decline of the dollar was “desirable” as it would allow the entire system to be reconstituted towards global currency.

According to Prison Planet, in 2009, “Soros predicted that China would become the new engine of the global economy, replacing the U.S., and that this would slow economic growth and reduce living standards. Soros characterized the United States as a drag on the global economy because of the declining dollar.”

At the time, Soros added that the G20 was a move in the right direction towards global governance.

On Monday, however, Soros voiced his disappointment in the G20. “The world order as we know it is turning into disorder. The G20 looked like the new central area of cooperation, and it actually did perform at the initial conference, but ever since then opinions have been pulling it apart and in Seoul I think that process was taken a step further.”

Soros recognizes that the path to the new world order would not be an easy one. The Globe and Mail (http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/economic-power-shifting-from-us-to-china-soros-says/article1800333/) reports, “Looking forward, Mr. Soros said global governance is a pressing concern, but it is hard to implement.”

Soros states, “Whereas globalization and deregulation spread like a virus, regulation is extremely difficult to achieve on an international scale.”

According to the Globe and Mail, “Mr. Soros chose not to attack the U.S. for revving up its printing presses in its new round of quantitative easing, focusing instead on China’s foreign exchange policies. Speaking at a gala hosted by the Canadian International Council in Toronto, Mr. Soros and China’s devalued currency manipulated global trade and distorts the global economic recovery.”

Most disturbingly, Soros indicated at the gala, “Today, China has not only a more vigorous economy, but actually a better functioning government than the United States.”

To clarify, the progressive Soros is claiming that the government of China — the same that suppresses dissension (http://www.amnestyusa.org/china/page.do?id=1011134), forces abortions on its citizens (http://www.thenewamerican.com/index.php/world-mainmenu-26/asia-mainmenu-33/4960-china-forces-abortion-on-woman-at-8-months), and tortures members of the Falun Gong faith (http://www.flghrwg.net/) — is a better functioning government than that of the United States.

To an extent, Soros’ allegations make sense, as they are representative of the typical progressive mind-set that a bigger and more powerful (and stifling) central government is the ideal government.

For example, progressive President Woodrow Wilson once said, “You know it was Jefferson who said that the best government is that which does as little governing as possible … but that time is passed. America is not now and cannot in the future be a place for unrestricted individual enterprise.”

Given that Soros hopes to play a role in the formulation of a new world order, has proven himself to play influential roles in the collapse of regimes, has targeted the United States as an “obstacle” in the way of a new world order, and now admittedly favors the government policies of China, shouldn’t Americans be concerned?


11-17-2010, 12:30 PM
http://www.kochsoft.com/tna/logo.png (http://www.thenewamerican.com/)
The New American Magazine on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-New-American-Magazine/146909368666979)

Fans of the Glenn Beck program on the Fox News Channel have long agreed with the conservative pundit that George Soros, left-wing billionaire, is a “spooky dude, but Beck aired a show highlighting damaging evidence in a TV special entitled George Soros: The Puppetmaster,against Soros anyway. by Raven Clabough

George Soros: The Puppetmaster (http://www.thenewamerican.com/index.php/usnews/politics/5172-george-soros-the-puppetmaster)

Raven Clabough | The New American (http://www.thenewamerican.com/)
11 November 2010

Fans of the Glenn Beck program on the Fox News Channel have long agreed with the conservative pundit that George Soros, left-wing billionaire, is a “spooky dude.” Just how spooky, however, remained to be seen, until Beck’s television special, “George Soros: The Puppetmaster (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/the-puppet-master-read-the-beck-tv-background-guide-to-george-soros/),” which was viewed by over three million Americans on its first day.

Being responsible for the orchestration of both economic collapses and communist revolutions in a number of countries; being a rabid Anti-Semite, anti-capitalist, and a leading proponent of the formulation of a new world order; and harboring delusional egotistical fantasies about himself prove Soros to be a far more dangerous individual than anyone could have dreamed.

Anti-Semitic Background

George Soros was born George Schwartz in Hungary in 1930. Both of his parents were Jews, though non-religious. In his early childhood, Schwartz's parents changed their last name to “Soros” to disguise their Jewish background and embrace their Hungarian roots.

When Soros was a teenager under Hitler, he and his family helped to confiscate land from his Jewish neighbors. He indicated in an interview much later in his life that he did not feel guilty for it.

“I don’t deny the Jews their national existence,” he told Steve Kroft in a 1998 60 Minutes interview (http://sweetness-light.com/archive/george-soros-on-helping-the-nazis-during-the-holocaust), “but I don’t want to be part of it.”

In his book Underwriting Democracy, Soros attributed his lack of Jewish sympathy to his mother:

My mother was quite anti-Semitic, and ashamed of being Jewish.

I left Hungary behind and my Jewishness did not express itself in a sense of tribal loyalty that would have led me to support Israel.

Economic Collapse

Known as “the man who broke the bank of England,” Soros prides himself on this billion-dollar endeavor. In The Shadow Party, Richard Poe relates:

He famously shorted the British pound in 1992, wagering $10 billion on a drop in its value. In a desperate bid to keep its currency afloat, the Bank of England tried to buy up pounds as fast as Soros could dump them. However, as more and more investors followed Soros’ lead and joined his efforts, the Bank of England eventually gave up.

The British pound was devalued, launching a tsunami of financial turmoil from Tokyo to Rome. When it was over, millions of hardworking Britons confronted their diminished savings, while Soros counted his gains. He had personally made nearly $2 billion on the catastrophe.

In 1997, the Malaysian Prime Minister accused Soros of doing the same to the Malaysian currency. In Thailand, Soros was labeled “an economic war criminal [who] sucks the blood from the people.”

According to Beck, Soros has been accused of causing financial collapses in Thailand (http://books.google.com/books?id=Tx4bwWJvuygC&pg=PA229&lpg=PA229&dq=Soros+collapses+indonesia&source=bl&ots=vBSoIqBuG2&sig=ETeqyNkaHy80TesAH3XjJvZABnA&hl=en&ei=vR_cTI2gA8WclgfJwJSACQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CCkQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q&f=false), Malaysia (http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/crash/etc/cron.html), Indonesia, Japan (http://moneymorning.com/2009/02/23/george-soros/), and Russia (http://dprogram.net/2009/11/18/george-soros-plundered-russia-for-illuminati-iii/).

Revolution Orchestrator

In the book The Shadow Party, writers David Horowitz and Richard Poe outline a step-by-step system Soros used to bring about regime collapse. Beck explains that Soros has made progress in this arena in efforts to undermine the U.S. government.

►Step 1 — Create a Shadow Government

Under the guise of humanitarian aide, Soros created the Open Society Institute (OSI), which donates billions of dollars to “charities” around the globe, including the 2000 “shadow conventions” which were hosted by Ariana Huffington and Reverend Jim Wallis, a self-proclaimed Marxist.

Of the many “charities” that have received funding from the OSI are ACORN, Apollo Alliance, Free Press, MoveOn.org, the TIDES Foundation, American Civil Liberties Union, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Center for American Progress, National Council of La Raza, Campaign for America’s Future, Foundation to Promote Open Society, and many, many more. In fact, the list was so long that when Glenn Beck revealed the scroll on which only half of the names of the “charities” appeared, it took up the length of his studio.

Likewise, by way of the Center for American Progress, a leftist think-tank, Soros has helped to manipulate America’s federal policies (http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=washingtonstory&sid=aF7fB1PF0NPg), including in the handling of the BP oil spill.

Through Soros’ Tides Foundation, organizations such as the Center for American Progress, the Institute for Policy Studies, and the Apollo Alliance — the latter of which wrote the $787 billion stimulus bill — are funded. The Tides Foundation also played an intricate role in the funding for the Chicago Climate Exchange (http://www.thenewamerican.com/index.php/usnews/politics/3553-crime-inc-the-movement-towards-global-government).

►Step 2 — Control the Airwaves

Perhaps the most obvious of Soros’ endeavors, his Open Society Institute, recently donated $1.8 billion to National Public Radio (NPR) — interestingly, in that same week Juan Williams (http://www.thenewamerican.com/index.php/usnews/politics/5027-soros-continues-to-target-glenn-beck) was fired for his appearance on Fox News’ The O’Reilly Factor — so that NPR could hire 100 new journalists.

Similarly, Soros wrote a $100 million check for Media Matters, asking them to destroy Fox News (http://www.thenewamerican.com/index.php/usnews/politics/5027-soros-continues-to-target-glenn-beck).

His Open Society Institute funds Free Press, an organization that has driven the movement to end “hate speech,” i.e. conservative speech, on talk radio, as well as fund the Huffington Post.

Additionally, George Soros has donated $1 million to TeaPartytracker.org, a website created by the NAACP to help combat alleged Tea Party racism.

►Step 3 — Destabilize the State

George Soros has openly admitted that the United States needs an “orderly decline of the dollar” in order to bring about the new world order, in which the “United States should find its place.” In order for this to happen, according to Soros, “[Americans] would have to give up some of their privileges.”

As of now, the United States remains the “main obstacle of a stable and just world order,” explains Soros.

Likewise, Soros has declared that capitalism “poses some serious threats to open society.”

He asserts that in order “to stabilize and regulate a truly global economy, we need a global society to support our global economy.”

The sovereign United States poses a threat to Soros’ global exploits and so must be conquered.

Through his various “charitable” donations to groups such as La Raza and MoveOn.org, Soros has helped create disorder and panic by way of angry protests. Working closely with Van Jones, former member of STORM (Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement), and Zack Exley, former trainer of anarchists in the Ruckus Society, as well as the founder of Students for a Democratic Society, Alan Haber, Soros has made friends with professional agitators.

He has also launched a campaign against capitalism, infiltrating academia to promote anti-capitalist sentiment among students. Soros’ Rides Center has funded the creation of the Story of Stuff video series (http://www.thenewamerican.com/index.php/culture/education/4912-george-soros-distorts-religious-teachings), video curricula for students that vilify capitalism and the American love of capitalism.

Likewise, Soros’ think tanks such as the Center for American Progress and the Institute for Policy Studies, both which have massive influence in the White House, continue to encourage the reckless spending which is crippling the American economy.

According to Zubi Diamond (http://island-adv.com/2010/11/soros-bets-on-u-s-financial-collapse/), author of The Wizards of Wall Street, the Federal Reserve’s newest action of “quantitative easing” is “in alignment with George Soros’ agenda to destroy global capitalism” by way of declining the dollar.

Diamond contends that Soros is betting on a U.S. financial collapse. “The collapse of capitalism will be a big day for George Soros and members of the Managed Funds Association. They are betting against the dollar and moving assets to gold and to the emerging economies. They are betting against U.S. survival as a capitalist nation.”

Likewise, Soros played an integral role in helping to elect President Barack Obama (http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=washingtonstory&sid=aF7fB1PF0NPg), whose administration, according to Diamond, has launched a “war on capitalism” and a “war on wealth,” particularly under the direction of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.

Combining agitation with a weak economy, Soros has the perfect formula for destabilizing the state.

►Step 4 — Provoke an Election Crisis

According to Richard Poe, George Soros used Sen. John McCain to push the McCain-Feingold Act, a law which restricts the ability of grassroots groups to advertise on television, while allowing major media free rein to promote their Democratic candidates.

The act was devised by Soros in 1994, explains Poe, but did not get passed until 2002 as a result of the efforts of Senators McCain and Feingold. Following the passage of the act, Soros rewarded McCain for his efforts by giving money to McCain’s Reform Institute.

Following the passage of the McCain-Feingold Act, there was an explosion of 501(c)(3) groups. Examples of such groups include Reverend Jim Wallis’ Sojourners, Van Jones’ Color for Change, and Soros’ MoveOn.org. Are you beginning to recognize a pattern?

Soros’ Open Society Institute also funds ACORN, the group behind massive voter fraud in 2008 (http://www.publiusforum.com/2009/05/08/obama-group-still-racking-up-voter-fraud-indictmentsconvictions/), and SOS (Secretary of State project), since the Secretary of State is the one who certifies election results. It has been widely claimed that it is by way of one of Soros’ SOS agents that Al Franken (http://www.dickmorris.com/blog/al-franken-stealing-senate-seat-stop-him/) was able to win the election in Minnesota in 2009.

►Step 5 — Take Power/Stage Demonstrations

According to Beck, this process is only beginning but is underway. “We have seen the beginnings already, through the One Nation Rally (http://www.thenewamerican.com/index.php/usnews/politics/4773-one-nation-rally-weak-display-of-leftism) in Washington, D.C., which was a project of the Tides Center.”

Also, OSI’s donations to aggressive vigilante groups like the Ruckus Society, and Faith and Public Life are not-so-subtle ways of promoting violent demonstrations.

Likewise, Bertha Lewis of ACORN, a group funded by George Soros, attempted to incite fear when she told a room full of Young Socialists that they would be attacked in their sleep by Tea Partiers. She concluded, “Organize, get out into the streets, you really have got to circle the wagon, this is not rhetoric or hyperbole. This is real.”


According to The Shadow Party, Soros adhered to this very system when he helped to bring about the Velvet Revolution in the Czech Republic, as well as revolutions in Ukraine, Croatia, and Jordan.

Anti-American Soros

Soros is a proponent of globalization, and as such, is a necessary enemy of the United States. In a 1998 article entitled “The Crisis of Global Capitalism,” Soros wrote, “The sovereignty of states must be subordinated to international law and international institutions. Interestingly, the greatest opposition to this idea is coming from the United States.”

Soros wants American authority to be replaced by greater authority in the hands of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, and supports the creation of the International Credit Insurance Corp to establish supervision over national supervisory authorities.

He also contends that the United States will have to lose its role as an undisputed dominant force. “The veto power that we have in the International Monetary Fund will disappear. We will be downsized. At the same time, hopefully, we will have a better working system and opponents will be more downsized than we will.”

Soros has also called for cap and trade as a “great opportunity to finally deal with global warming and energy dependence,” though it is clear that his support of such a system rests upon the negative impacts that cap and trade would have on the American economy.

In a 2008 interview with BBC, Soros said, “I am against market fundamentalism. I think this propaganda that government involvement is always bad has been very successful — but also very harmful to our society.”

Soros the Narcissist

Soros has narcissistic tendencies, or “messianic fantasies.” In his book, The Independent, Soros wrote, “It is sort of a disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” He later observed, “If truth be known, I carried some rather potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood which I felt I had to control, otherwise I might end up in the loony bin. But when I made my way in the world, I wanted to indulge myself in my fantasies to the extent that I could afford.”

Soros’ Response

Prior to the airing of Beck’s "Puppetmaster" episode, Soros’ right-hand man reached out to an executive of the Glenn Beck program. According to Soros’ aide, Beck is embarking on a dangerous mission, as he is engaging in a right-wing conspiracy. The aide also accused Beck of “hurting Mr. Soros and his business.”

When it became clear that Beck’s executive would not budge on the airing of the "Puppetmaster" episode, Soros’ aide gave Beck’s executive a gift for Glenn Beck — a threat cloaked as a gift. The aide handed the executive a 1957 DVD created by a communist, Budd Schulberg: A Face in the Crowd (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0050371/), starring Andy Griffith.

The video is about an alcoholic promoted to national fame as a television idol, but who, despite his fame and fortune, proves to be nothing more than an evil person. He uses his influence to sway the masses and control political elections. Soros’ aide made it very clear that they believe the character in the film to be a close depiction of Glenn Beck, though ironically, many think Griffith’s character more closely resembles Soros.

Also, on the same day the first installment of “Soros: The Puppetmaster” was aired, the Open Society Institute released a short video (http://bit.ly/ba9fbF) highlighting Soros’ efforts as a philanthropist and celebrating his various “achievements.”

Beck believes that Soros’ actions in response to the "Puppetmaster" episode indicate panic.

Let’s hope for the sake of America that he is right.


11-17-2010, 12:34 PM
Welch warned about the commies over 50 years ago.

11-17-2010, 12:47 PM
China is NOT the leader of NWO.
America is NOT the leader of NWO.
America vs. China is a distraction strategy.
The one and only, true leader of NWO is Israel.
When will people wake up, seriously?

11-17-2010, 12:55 PM

Historical Look: China Betrayed Into Communism (http://www.thenewamerican.com/index.php/history/world/1464)

China is still governed by a single regime, the Communist Party, which requires members to be atheists, imprisons dissidents without due process, oppresses Tibet, and enforces a policy, backed by compulsory abortion, restricting most families to one child. by James Perloff

11-17-2010, 08:18 PM
The puppet master speaks

George Soros Tells Progressives: Prepare to Bail on Obama

04-06-2011, 05:50 PM

When billionaire George Soros wrote two years ago that what the world needed now was “a new world architecture (http://www.google.com/search?q=George+Soros+new+world+architecture),” he was already laying plans for Bretton Woods II, April 8-11, 2011, to be held at the Mount Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire.

Funding of Bretton Woods II by George Soros Exposed (http://thenewamerican.com/world-mainmenu-26/north-america-mainmenu-36/6895-funding-of-bretton-woods-ii-by-george-soros-exposed)

Bob Adelmann | The New American (http://thenewamerican.com/)
30 March 2011

http://www.thenewamerican.com/images/stories/Econ_9_10/2619-cs.jpg (http://www.shopjbs.org/index.php/tna/subscriptions/1-year-standard-subscription.html)

2010: The Emerging Global Federal Reserve (http://www.thenewamerican.com/index.php/economy/economics-mainmenu-44/4602-the-emerging-global-fed)

As powerful as the Federal Reserve is, just imagine how much more powerful a global Fed would be in terms of its ability to control the global economy and an emerging world currency. By Alex Newman

2010: Waking up to a World Currency (http://www.thenewamerican.com/index.php/economy/economics-mainmenu-44/4591-waking-up-to-a-world-currency)

If global financial elites have their way, America will move quickly toward accepting a planetary fiat currency (a currency not backed by a precious commodity like gold) issued by a world central bank. by Alex Newman

2010: IMF Report Promotes Global Fiat Currency, World Central Bank (http://www.thenewamerican.com/index.php/economy/economics-mainmenu-44/4262-imf-report-promotes-world-currency)

An April report from the International Monetary Fund promoting a world central bank and a global fiat currency went totally undetected by the global press for months, but after a blog post earlier this month, it is now in the media spotlight. By Alex Newman

Stary Hickory
04-06-2011, 05:53 PM
I hope this Senile idiot dies soon.

Anti Federalist
04-06-2011, 05:56 PM
Thanks for bumping this.

Honestly, like there is any surprise here?

The NWO decided back in the 60's, when Mao was still in power, that China would become the de-facto NWO leader.

Why do you think Nixon broke the Bretton Woods accords, turned the dollar into truly worthless currency, started the US de-industrialization process and then went to China to deliver it all, including our national well being, on a silver platter to the man who had just committed genocide to the tune of 80 million people?


And the people eat it right up, just so long as they have an endless supply of cheap flat screen TVs and human shit fertilized broccoli.

04-06-2011, 06:00 PM
Then why did he pick Nancy Pelosi to headline his shindig?

Anti Federalist
04-06-2011, 08:13 PM

Interesting to note the other headline:

"Our looming electrical power shortage".

40 years later, it's still looming.

Anti Federalist
04-06-2011, 09:01 PM

Interesting to note the other headline:

"Our looming electrical power shortage".

40 years later, it's still looming.

04-06-2011, 09:27 PM
China is the perfect example of what Soros wants to model the entire world after. A communist country where the government affords exactly ZERO rights to the citizens, punishment for dissent is swift and severe, slave labor is the economic tool, and all information is scrubbed or outright censored in order to keep people in the dark. He wants a poor, ignorant, servant class to provide for him and his elite buddies. Who better to be the head of such a global "community" than the Chinese?

Said it in another thread and don't mind repeating it. Anybody that gets the opportunity to off that motherfucker should do it and that person will go down in history as a Patriot.

04-06-2011, 09:36 PM
I hope this Senile idiot dies soon.

Can't be soon enough.

04-07-2011, 08:18 AM

04-07-2011, 08:43 AM
Here we go again. What exactly does Soros do that upsets you quacks so much, short shitty currencies?

04-07-2011, 08:46 AM
Here we go again. What exactly does Soros do that upsets you quacks so much, short shitty currencies?

I only bumped because its related to this Bretton Woods II thing that's going on this weekend. I think Soros trying to remake the global currency setup is a little bit of news at least, considering everyone around here cares so much about currency related issues.

Freedom 4 all
04-07-2011, 10:04 AM
I hope this Senile idiot dies soon.

He's neither senile nor an idiot. He knows exactly what he's doing and for that reason, he's a ferocious enemy to humanity.

04-07-2011, 11:59 AM
Can any of you kooks name one fucking thing he's done? Or is he a face to the "NWO," an ambiguous bull shit phrase who's overuse/misuse has made it meaningless.

04-07-2011, 12:05 PM
Yes, there is a New World Order with China leading. That is the order list of strongest economies. It used to be headed by the United States. This NWO is not a One World Government. There was a New World Order when the Soviet Union collapsed for example. The Old World Order would have been the Cold War competition between the US and the USSR.

04-07-2011, 12:11 PM
Yes, there is a New World Order with China leading. That is the order list of strongest economies. It used to be headed by the United States. This NWO is not a One World Government. There was a New World Order when the Soviet Union collapsed for example. The Old World Order would have been the Cold War competition between the US and the USSR.

And that has what to do with Soros? He has about as much control over that as any of us, or a peasant, or an ant. People with an inferiority complex are pissed the US isn't #1 so they shoot the messenger. They should follow his advice, invest in China and bring some of that profit and capital back to America. Those who stick their heads in the ground and get xenophobic are unpatriotic.

04-07-2011, 12:15 PM
china is not the leader of nwo.
America is not the leader of nwo.
America vs. China is a distraction strategy.
the one and only, true leader of nwo is israel.
when will people wake up, seriously?



04-07-2011, 12:54 PM
And that has what to do with Soros? He has about as much control over that as any of us, or a peasant, or an ant. People with an inferiority complex are pissed the US isn't #1 so they shoot the messenger. They should follow his advice, invest in China and bring some of that profit and capital back to America. Those who stick their heads in the ground and get xenophobic are unpatriotic.

I agree with you. Just pointing out that some people have a different idea of just what "New World Order" really means. To me (and in nearly all uses) it means a change from the way things used to be. But people need a boogie man to blame for things they don't like.


04-07-2011, 01:19 PM
And that has what to do with Soros? He has about as much control over that as any of us, or a peasant, or an ant. People with an inferiority complex are pissed the US isn't #1 so they shoot the messenger. They should follow his advice, invest in China and bring some of that profit and capital back to America. Those who stick their heads in the ground and get xenophobic are unpatriotic.

It means that the elite have about used up their need for the dollar and want to move to the next scheme to start the Ponzi all over again. The average people lose no matter what they come up with. Soros has billions of the dollars he is trying to replace. Why? Because they will be worthless sooner or later and he wants to move his fortune (and his buddy's fortunes) into the next currency they can manipulate. The super rich don't leave anything up to chance. You act like this is the first time in history this has happened. What do they all have in common? International bankers. They move from one country to the next, manipulating to their benefit then leaving when the land has been sucked dry....kinda like locusts. This is just part of that grand plan. Time to leave the dead husk of the US for the fertile lands of China to start the game all over again.

04-07-2011, 01:26 PM
This is a brand new video explaining more about Soros' past as Nazi errand boy and his globalist agenda.


04-07-2011, 01:47 PM
"Angina News Network?" What is that?

04-07-2011, 02:24 PM
It means that the elite have about used up their need for the dollar and want to move to the next scheme to start the Ponzi all over again. The average people lose no matter what they come up with. Soros has billions of the dollars he is trying to replace. Why? Because they will be worthless sooner or later and he wants to move his fortune (and his buddy's fortunes) into the next currency they can manipulate.

He doesn't manipulate the fucking currency, the Feds do! The currency has been going to shit for decades, and he's just calling it how he sees it. The reason people like you are so paranoid over Soros is because you were taught to be that way by the Brit neo cons. He called out the overvalued Sterling and made a shit ton of money shorting it. Did he manipulate it? FUCK NO! The British central bank did just the same as the US Feds have done with the dollar.

So you think trading currencies on the open market is bad? Are you against free trade and capitalism? WOW! Didn't know we had socialist all over these forums.

The super rich don't leave anything up to chance. You act like this is the first time in history this has happened. What do they all have in common? International bankers. They move from one country to the next, manipulating to their benefit then leaving when the land has been sucked dry....kinda like locusts. This is just part of that grand plan. Time to leave the dead husk of the US for the fertile lands of China to start the game all over again.

More of that socialist talk. If the Feds weren't manipulating the currency, other countries would flock to the dollar (like they have done for years) as a safe heaven. Nothing to do with "international bankers." Get over you socialism and get back to abolishing the Fed.

04-07-2011, 02:27 PM
This is a brand new video explaining more about Soros' past as Nazi errand boy and his globalist agenda.


HAHAHAAHHAH!! You can't make this shit up, people really fill their role as kook quite well.

04-07-2011, 02:30 PM
He doesn't manipulate the fucking currency, the Feds do! The currency has been going to shit for decades, and he's just calling it how he sees it. The reason people like you are so paranoid over Soros is because you were taught to be that way by the Brit neo cons. He called out the overvalued Sterling and made a shit ton of money shorting it. Did he manipulate it? FUCK NO! The British central bank did just the same as the US Feds have done with the dollar.

He funded a huge part of Obama's campaign and you're suggesting he's just some random dude that knows how to make money? No way. Who are these "Brit neo cons" you refer to? The point is that he's on the inside and the ultra rich and central bankers collude to keep their power, once THEY have effectively destroyed the money they created and controlled. Remember my locust comparison.

So you think trading currencies on the open market is bad. Are you against free trade and capitalism? WOW! Didn't know we had socialist all over these forums.

I think holding a no-press meeting on the future of the world economy is bad. Where was my invitation to participate? You act like he's just some rich guy while ignoring that HE is organizing the new Bretton Woods agreement. Which is he? Just a rich guy or a central planner? WOW! Didn't know we had members that liked to carry the water for the wealthy all over these forums.

More of that socialist talk. If the Feds weren't manipulating the currency, other countries would flock to the dollar (like they have done for decades) as a safe heaven. Nothing to do with "international bankers." Get over you xenophobia and get back to abolishing the Fed.

The Fed IS international bankers! What the hell are you talkign about? You lose all credibility when you suggest international bankers and the Fed are different.

Btw, that's a cute little purple dot under your name. I guess Im not the only one that thinks you're a troll.

04-07-2011, 02:37 PM
Gotta hand it to him, he sure knows how to prod and poke the indoctrinated American psyche: of always being number one. The old coot knows how to get a reaction in his favor.

The label of 2nd place usually gets the protectionists all riled up and not thinking straight. Protectionism would not benefit him in any way would it?

04-07-2011, 02:46 PM
He funded a huge part of Obama's campaign and you're suggesting he's just some random dude that knows how to make money? No way. Who are these "Brit neo cons" you refer to? The point is that he's on the inside and the ultra rich and central bankers collude to keep their power, once THEY have effectively destroyed the money they created and controlled. Remember my locust comparison.

The whiny nuts who said he destroyed the Sterling, that's when all this BS conspiracy theory shit started. Read you history.

I think holding a no-press meeting on the future of the world economy is bad. Where was my invitation to participate? You act like he's just some rich guy while ignoring that HE is organizing the new Bretton Woods agreement. Which is he? Just a rich guy or a central planner? WOW! Didn't know we had members that liked to carry the water for the wealthy all over these forums.

He's an unelected private citizen, he's accountable to nobody.

The Fed IS international bankers! What the hell are you talkign about? You lose all credibility when you suggest international bankers and the Fed are different.

No. The Fed is collaboration of state and corporation mandated by our elected officials. The fact that foreign banks invest in the US is not a bad thing, as a matter of fact it's good! So why do you demonize foreign investors? Especially when it's our Congress who is to blame. Very anti capitalist.

Btw, that's a cute little purple dot under your name. I guess Im not the only one that thinks you're a troll.

Because they're the same internet rats that will chat away on this site but won't do a damn thing to help Ron get elected. I've donated money and countless hours of my time canvasing for Ron Paul, most of the buffoon kooks who neg rep me are too lazy and anti social to actual do anything worth while.

04-07-2011, 03:12 PM
Just ignore him. He starts off his a debate by call RPF members kooks. Then he asks you for evidence that Soros is a central bank inside man who probably worked with insiders in the system to enrich his bank account. He might as well ask you who in the govt planned 911 and then procede to call you a kook when you dont answer with specific name and dates.

Buffett, Gates, Soros and many of our multi billionares in the US all obtained their wealth through some govt - private dishonest scam

04-07-2011, 07:14 PM
Because they're the same internet rats that will chat away on this site but won't do a damn thing to help Ron get elected. I've donated money and countless hours of my time canvasing for Ron Paul, most of the buffoon kooks who neg rep me are too lazy and anti social to actual do anything worth while.Or maybe you're breaking the rules?

+Insulting or personally attacking other users is not allowed by any member. There is very little tolerance for violations, particular for new members. Reason: Insults lead to retaliation. This often results in a disruption of the board, which dilute the resources of members and the intent of the forum.

+ If you are to be critical of another users ideas or message please do so in a respectful manner. It is possible to discuss your points as to why you feel the way you do, ideally you should include alternate suggestions or acknowledge you have none.


04-07-2011, 08:00 PM
China may be the leader of the NWO but Obummer is the President of the United Nations :eek:

04-07-2011, 08:04 PM
China may be the leader of the NWO but Obummer is the President of the United Nations :eek:

Obama takes orders from the United Nations.

-> United Nations Trumps Constitution, Congress in President's Undeclared War on Libya (http://www.thenewamerican.com/index.php/usnews/foreign-policy/6782-un-trumps-constitution-congress-in-presidents-undeclared-war-on-libya)

04-07-2011, 11:53 PM
Just ignore him. He starts off his a debate by call RPF members kooks. Then he asks you for evidence that Soros is a central bank inside man who probably worked with insiders in the system to enrich his bank account. He might as well ask you who in the govt planned 911 and then procede to call you a kook when you dont answer with specific name and dates.

Buffett, Gates, Soros and many of our multi billionares in the US all obtained their wealth through some govt - private dishonest scam

How come I'm the only one bringing up historical facts about Soros' investment history? All I'm reading from everyone else is conspiracy theories. I've yet to hear even circumstantial evidence to back up the claims of global governance.

04-07-2011, 11:58 PM
Or maybe you're breaking the rules?

Only a cowardly eunuch goes around trying to neg rep or ban someone because their feelings got hurt.

04-08-2011, 12:23 AM
Obama takes orders from the United Nations.

-> United Nations Trumps Constitution, Congress in President's Undeclared War on Libya (http://www.thenewamerican.com/index.php/usnews/foreign-policy/6782-un-trumps-constitution-congress-in-presidents-undeclared-war-on-libya)

He fulfills his role lol. It is so crazy that it is funny!

04-08-2011, 02:05 PM
"Angina News Network?" What is that?

Check it out on Youtube. It's a small operation run by a Bishop Abouna Gregori. Here is part of his report on Soros.

04-08-2011, 02:28 PM
I hope this Senile idiot dies soon.

Maybe someone could help him? Where's Benjamin Fulford and his white dragon society assassins when you need them....

04-09-2011, 08:49 PM
@ AFPVet

Bernanke is more powerful than obama, even ron paul admits it.


04-09-2011, 09:38 PM
@ AFPVet

Bernanke is more powerful than Obama, even Ron Paul admits it.

Of course; however, Bernanke is only the tip of the Iceburg.

04-10-2011, 01:57 PM
Of course; however, Bernanke is only the tip of the Iceburg.

Bernanke, like Obama, is mearly a spokesman for the interests behind him. Bernanke himself holds little to no power, similar to the President. It is only when that person decides to buck the interests backing him that he can make changes and, sadly, he risks his life to do it.

04-10-2011, 02:09 PM
Bernanke, like Obama, is mearly a spokesman for the interests behind him. Bernanke himself holds little to no power, similar to the President. It is only when that person decides to buck the interests backing him that he can make changes and, sadly, he risks his life to do it.

Ben Bernanke answers to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).

The Bank for International Settlements (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bank_for_International_Settlements) (BIS) is an intergovernmental organization of central banks which "fosters international monetary and financial cooperation and serves as a bank for central banks."[1] (http://www.bis.org/about/index.htm) It is not accountable to any national government. The BIS carries out its work through subcommittees, the secretariats it hosts, and through its annual General Meeting of all members. It also provides banking services, but only to central banks, or to international organizations like itself. Based in Basel, Switzerland, the BIS was established by the Hague agreements of 1930.

06-19-2011, 10:22 AM
Russia and China’s New World Order: Chinese President Calls for Global Governance With Increasing Power for China and Russia Over Global Economic System (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/russia-and-chinas-new-world-order-chinese-president-calls-for-global-governance-with-increasing-power-for-china-and-russia-over-global-economic-system/)

The Blaze
June 18, 2011


06-19-2011, 10:27 AM
Sucking up to tyrants and despots has always paid handsome dividends, at least initially. In the end you simply get thrown under the bus when if there is a political gain from doing it.

06-19-2011, 12:10 PM
China is NOT the leader of NWO.
America is NOT the leader of NWO.
America vs. China is a distraction strategy.
The one and only, true leader of NWO is Israel.
When will people wake up, seriously?

I'm sorry, but you, sir, have fallen for the distraction strategy. Israel is a pawn in the game.