View Full Version : Muslims Exempt From TSA Security Measures

11-16-2010, 11:37 PM

Muslim women will likely opt for the not-very-invasive security pat-down, because most consider airports’ high-image body scans a violation of Islamic Shari’a law. CNS News adds, “In February, the Figh Council of North America, a group of Islamic scholars, issued a fatwa, or religious ruling, that full-body scanners violate Islamic law.”

So, Muslim women will not be subject to a full body scan or a pat-down on much of their elaborately concealed bodies.

11-16-2010, 11:46 PM
Can anyone say "favoritism"? Of course, would-be Muslim terrorists won't use that exemption to their advantage, Mr. Obama. :rolleyes:

11-16-2010, 11:48 PM
Story is bunk. They take the CAIR statement out of context. Check the source (http://www.cair.com/ArticleDetails.aspx?ArticleID=26681&&name=n&&currPage=1).

"Special recommendations for Muslim women who wear hijab:
If you are selected for secondary screening after you go through the metal detector and it does not go off, and "sss" is not written on your boarding pass, ask the TSA officer if the reason you are being selected is because of your head scarf.

In this situation, you may be asked to submit to a pat-down or to go through a full body scanner. If you are selected for the scanner, you may ask to go through a pat-down instead.

Before you are patted down, you should remind the TSA officer that they are only supposed to pat down the area in question, in this scenario, your head and neck. They SHOULD NOT subject you to a full-body or partial-body pat-down."

11-16-2010, 11:48 PM
So, to avoid the nude scanners and grope searches, all you have to do is become a muslim woman.