View Full Version : Idea for Democratic Primary Voters

06-09-2007, 01:17 AM
Pass it along if ya like.

Leaving out the Bushies, nobody will argue that the Republicans have stronger or even equally as strong candidates as the Democrats. The Democrats have a united message, and are poised for a win in 2008. I understand what it means to be a die-hard supporter of a specific candidate, but I think the Democratic primary voters have very little to lose in...imagine this...re-registering as Republicans before the primaries!
Most of the people reading this already know something about Ron Paul. You probably know he's anti-war, libertarian, for a balanced budget, and pisses off mainstream neo-con Republicans. My suggestion is to have non-Republicans swallow hard and register as a Republican as I will be in order to build support for Ron Paul. Why you ask?
Imagine a 2008 general election with Ron Paul on the ticket instead of Guiliani/Romney/McCain...remember that the D's ticket is not nearly as divided as the R's. If you like Obama, isn't it worth not voting for him, if you're going to vote for another anti-war candidate? Imagine a 2008 election where the debate is actually how to get out of Iraq the quickest. 70% of Americans are tired of Bush. But Republican primary voters actually still support Bush! We have to counter-act this!
The Democrats have a lot to gain out of the candidate Ron Paul. I understand it's asking a lot to abandon your candidate, be it Clinton or Edwards...but it's going to bring more attention to your message if it can be expressed in both parties, not just one. Maybe your Democratic primary candidate ends up being VP/cabinet member instead of becoming president, but in the meantime you helped squash the status-quo.
Re-register to vote as a Republican, and destroy their corruption from the inside with the help of Congressman Dr. Ron Paul.
Then hey, re-register as Democrat, Libertarian, Green, or whatever you are and vote for your best candidate in the general election. The vote for Ron Paul will mean so much for the face of Washington DC whether he wins or not.

06-09-2007, 01:32 AM
I will argue it, and Ill go ahead and say that Hillary or Edwards would do significantly more to harm this country than McCain, Giuliani, or Romney would.

06-09-2007, 01:34 AM
i don't want anymore clinton. i'd rather encourage democratic voters to vote gravel.