View Full Version : Just Looking At Obama And Thinking...There's Nothing There!

10-31-2010, 05:17 AM
That must be how the spell wears off? I only became educated about Libertarianism/Objectivism in the last two years so maybe others still under the thrall of the MSM's lies and their own state educational indoctrination can't see it?

He's really like a bird that's enamoured of its own plummage.With the cocked head,expecting everyone to look at it

Stary Hickory
10-31-2010, 06:01 AM
Yep once you figure it all out the world starts to looks quite ignorant, especially politicians.

10-31-2010, 06:35 AM
He is a man who traded everything of real value in life for an empty glory and sham dignity. What he has obtained by gaining this political office has turned out to be as empty as everything else in his life. And he knows it at some level but the horror of having been so very wrong, of having bartered honesty, integrity, and principle for nothing is too great for a man like him to face. So he tries desperately to cling to an illusion of grandeur. But he will fail and be a broken man in the end. Sad, really.