View Full Version : Tea party supporters own guns - they are fringe extremists!

10-30-2010, 04:01 AM
A few selections:

As militias grow in number in the Obama era, conservative candidates have to walk a fine line between getting the political support of militias to generate local votes, while avoiding national headlines accusing them of extremism. Advocating for militia rights would have been considered political suicide in prior elections—and it's still risky—but for staunch constitutionalists it’s a given part of a pro-Second Amendment platform. What results are politicians like Miller and Paul using lots of double-talk and symbolism.
Despite their potential for causing candidates national embarrassment, militia members have proven strong political activists, not just within their own organizations, but by joining highly vocal Tea Party groups. They fill online forums with election discussions, put out nationwide blasts endorsing candidates, and donate during money bombs. This lady is off her rocker.

She describes every one of us as if we are a terrible cross section of humans that may not be worth reaching out to for their vote.

I added a comment, you should too!

http://www.alternet.org/teaparty/148674/how_tea_party_candidates_like_joe_miller_and_rand_ paul_benefit_from_armed,_right-wing_militia_groups/

10-30-2010, 04:15 AM
She makes it sound like anybody who takes advantage of their second amendment rights is some kind of extremist. Heck, she seems to think constitutionalists are extremist. If that is the case, she should hope everybody in Congress, the Senate and any part of government are extremist.

10-30-2010, 05:34 AM
The author also penned some diatribe on the Oath Keepers a while back. She's just grinding her axe.:
At a press conference yesterday for the Second Amendment March, Rhodes delivered remarks at the National Sheraton in Arlington, Va., at which he complained of his treatment at the hands of MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, as well as Justine Sharrock, who penned Mother Jones' recent cover story (http://www.alternet.org/rights/145769/the_oath_keepers:_the_militant_and_armed_side_of_t he_tea_party_movement?page=1) on Oath Keepers, and who also writes for AlterNet. He said he was thinking about suing Mother Jones for libel because she chose to profile in her story an Oath Keepers fan who is preparing for war against the government, rather than the active-duty naval commander who sat on the organization's board at the time Sharrock was reporting her article.
When the press conference concluded, I approached Rhodes to ask what facts Potok had gotten wrong. He put me off until his cameraman was free. He records everything now, he said, especially since the Mother Jones piece. "I call it the Justine Sharrock rule," he said.

http://www.alternet.org/news/146511/gun_march_warm-up:_oath_keepers_founder_goes_off_on_maddow,_mothe r_jones_--_and_alternet


I was going to post the following comment, but they don't allow anonymous comments and I'm not registering for them:
Oh Noes. Militia! It's a dirty word. The SPLC says so. Didn't you get the MIAC memo?

10-30-2010, 05:52 AM
Any American who exercises their Constitutional rights is an extremist unless she happens to be a woman getting an abortion