View Full Version : CNN's Don Lemon Debates Confederate History Month

10-21-2010, 07:52 PM
YouTube - CNN's Don Lemon Debates Confederate History Month Pt 1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hu6I5CuqOkw)

YouTube - CNN's Don Lemon Debates Confederate History Month Pt 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGOXup4Caq4&NR=1)

Austrian Econ Disciple
10-21-2010, 08:14 PM
I think CNN needs to actually go back and read the works of those alive at the time instead of Northern historians who destroyed the South. When I was taught reconstruction and the "Civil War" in public school the bias was obvious. A lot of pertinent historical facts left out, and Sherman's atrocities weren't even talked about. I agree with HK about the piety and pompousness of the North to portray themselves as some great liberators. They were no such thing and Lincoln didn't even free slaves in the North until much after the war!!! What the fuck does that say?

Besides if you read the Kentucky Declaration and others who declared independence after the original 4 (South Carolina, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi) did, hardly any mention slavery whatsoever because it wasn't an issue. The issue was Lincoln raising an army to forcefully keep those States in the Union. Many of those men still remembered the American Revolution and what a Confederation of States meant. It wasn't a pact for all time. It was a voluntary agreement and any of the States could leave at any time if they so chose. This was an abomination to them that Lincoln would raise an army to kill fellow Americans who no longer wished to be under DC. Moreover, if you read the Seminole and Native American declaration to join the Confederacy it would portray the exact opposite picture of what CNN believes the war to be about. The CSA was very much friendly to the Native Americans and had many units fight for them in the "Civil War". They knew what Lincoln was doing meant for history. They knew the atrocities that Washington DC had committed against their peoples. They knew that local southerners were favorable to them.

I really hate "winners write history" bullshit. CNN douchenozzles.

*Certainly the original four states who declared independence were concerned about the issue of slavery, but for the remaining seven slavery was not an issue whatsoever. To proclaim a homogenity of issues that did not exist for all CSA States is blatantly wrong and to me purposefully so because if the real issue got out about our natural right of independence and secession it would topple the power structure. I hope all 50 states declare independence. We would all be much better off.

10-21-2010, 08:32 PM
I still have this DVR'd... Lemon doesn't have a clue. Don Lemon is a prefect example of our failed Department of Education and Propaganda Systems.

No mention of Northern "WINNER" atrocities in history.

600,000+ Americans died... Good FAILED Communist Nothing Network garbage

10-22-2010, 01:22 AM
Winners write the history books - #1
The south wanted to secede because the north wanted to force taxes on the southern ports that were not constitutionally allowed - #2
It was not a civil war - ( a war of northern aggression is a better description) the south wanted to leave the union and form their nation - 10th amendment justification - #3
Lincoln was the only president to invade his own nation, slaughter 700,000 of his own people, over taxes, then have monuments built all over this nation telling us what a good man he was - #4
Lincoln and the federal government turned into a war over slavery to gain sympathy in the north - #5
The south would be more free today, if they survived, and won - #6
The federal department of education would not teach a subject that goes against the federal government (common sense would tell you that you don't bite the hand that feeds you) - #7
The declaration of independence is a secession document - #8
whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness - #9

Black CNN anchor, you are apparently a product of the current federal department of education, since you acknowledged that you were taught about the subject in the 1970's

Do you REALLY think the south would let the central government - tap every phone conversation, email, and bank transaction?

Learn the truth before you blindly regurgitate crap you've learned in the public education system - our congress is a good example of the education system.... and what is their approval rating?
Learn the truth - blind man

10-22-2010, 02:42 PM

10-22-2010, 02:53 PM
CNN still stuck on keeping people arguing over the race issue to keep people divided rather than see the emperor is screwing everyone over. What is with all their racially divisive programming? :confused:

10-22-2010, 02:54 PM
I wish the people defending Confederate History Month would just ask the CNN anchor how many slave states were in the Union when the Union invaded the South and why they didn't stop on the way and free the slaves in the North if the war was supposed to be about slavery. It is ridiculous to let them get away with pretending slavery was only in the Confederacy.

10-22-2010, 03:26 PM
HK is a friend of mine and he is one heck of a guy. He gives some speeches in the D.C. area from time to time (usually in conjunction with a Sons of Confederate Veterans hosted event). If you ever have a chance to go hear him than do so but be prepared to talk because he will talk your ear off and will load you up with merchandise to take home and read or display. The man is a modern day hero and I am proud as can be to call him a friend.