View Full Version : A serious discussion about affordable, timely, and consistent donations.

10-18-2007, 09:42 PM
Hi all!

I've received plenty of positive feedback on my weekly pledge (please sign up if you haven't already):


With it we offer:

1) smaller consistent donations to break up the monster goal into more manageable goals. For instance, Ron Paul needs money in October, not at the beginning of November.
2) affordable donation targets so that everyone can participate (only very few can not afford $8/week).
3) a realistic approach. The target amounts are thought out in advance with respect to the resources we have. For instance, I calculated we have enough donors carried over from Q3 to support the $12 million goal. We just need to communicate this message to everyone!

My goal is to spread this message. My concern is that we currently have splintered efforts pulling us in different directions, so we won't be marching in unison to the larger goal set by the campaign. I'm hoping at least a large number of us can quickly come to some consensus. Once we get the contribution train moving, others will join.

What I'd like to see:

One site to allow a group of people to coordinate their donations. This means:
A weekly individual goal with a group goal clearly stated.
A goal to not crash the Ron Paul servers (we won't all contribute the same minute) - when we get large enough, we can split it up to different days for different sub-groups.
Encouragement for people to give consistent affordable donations. For instance, when a person signs up, they could select to give $8/week, $17.76/week, $25/week, etc. or maybe any combination with a minimum of $8.
I think this is the most important point. Most people don't realize that $8/week really adds up, so they don't contribute and end up contributing less for the quarter than what they would otherwise.

I remember reading another thread here which mentioned a weekly donation signup site, which looked pretty good. The search feature is turned off in these forums, so it's almost impossible for me to find, again. Can someone point me to that site? I remember clicking on it, and I remember it lacking some of the features I think important. Can it be configured to implement those?

Please pledge at least this $8 for this week:

10-18-2007, 10:28 PM
I know there are a few sensible people out here who can reply. Please do! I welcome all comments!
