View Full Version : Reverse ChipIn and Liberty Cache Ideas

10-12-2010, 04:18 PM
Have a couple ideas was thinking about.

Reverse ChipIn

First was about a sort of reverse ChipIn. Basically like ChipIn only the money comes first then the ideas. We could have a group of RPF'ers who pledge say $0.50 a day and they get to vote on ideas that get submitted by the general RPF crowd (non-pledgers) or ideas they themselves come up with. These ideas would be executed say 7 days after the vote. Another rule could be that every day a idea must be acted upon that requires a value of at least $20 be spent (if there's that much in the treasury). The treasury/escrow could be handled by perhaps Josh since he would have a vested interest to not defraud (the rpf public).

Basically, this idea is along the lines of figuring a way to get people to actively participate in brainstorming and grass roots participation by some mechanical means.

Ideas could be simple (and also dovetail with the "Liberty Cache" idea below):

1. Make another cool Collins video.
2. Make some anti-war signs and have a rally of 10 people in town x.
3. Get a photo op handing a pocket constitution to representative so and so.
4. Have a liberty barbecue and hand out literature during local carnival.
5. Get a video interview with the Oath Keepers babies daddy.

Point is to be creative. Ideas could be reused. If no idea was acted upon the money would just pile up until eventually something got done.

My basic idea for how the voting would work (since people aren't online everyday and would have others voting on what to do with their money) is that you'd get x points for your donation. Every official vote would require say 25% of the cost of the idea in points. People who don't use their points maybe could earn "interest" on those points for later voting.

Paypal costs money so if we have a trusted escrow person (perhaps Josh) we could all just write checks or give money orders to the escrow person. This person could then send check/money order to whoever the "idea executor" was for that project idea.

A big part of the idea has to do with centralizing our movement efforts. For instance getting video interviews, cool pics with famous people, etc. are great if we have a single place to put it all on a common website or database. Also, if we use the money to buy actual stuff we could reuse and keep a database/spreadsheet of who has what we could save money on common things like anti-war rally signs, etc.

I personally would pay $0.50 a day in a heartbeat if people were actually participating and doing this. But there would need to be feedback where people could all feel a part of it. Like a "Collins birthday bash" would be fun if the idea was conditional on photos and video. Or a video interview with RP that was straight out of the grass roots movement. Or questions for Lew Rockwell answered on video.

Point is to "act" on ideas and to do stuff outside of the campaign paradigm. But to do it in a mechanical way (creating money that has to be spent as a "group" effort), that requires the group to act, and if they don't the money keeps piling up until people start going, "man we should do something, there's $1000 in the treasury!"

Liberty Cache

This idea is straight from the "Geo-Cache" concept if you are familiar with it (www.geocaching.com). Basically what if we had a database of where all our reusable resources like signs, bumper stickers, fold-out tables, seating, free public venues, were at so that we didn't waste time or money executing the above "ideas". For instance if we organized one big rally in a big city and made a bunch of signs we could publicize who had what so in the future we don't reproduce our efforts making more.

This could dovetail with "human" resources as well. Who is available for how much money per hour to shoot/upload video, take pictures, set up a venue for a video viewing, or mall kiosk. Lot of possibilities. And it could all be organized around the "Reverse ChipIn" concept above.

Anyway, just some thoughts, wondering what you guys think.

I mean if we could get a 100 people to pledge $0.50 a day that would be like $1500 bucks a month RPF'ers would have to collectively figure out how to spend. I would enjoy watching and helping with that process a lot more than coming to RPF and reading editorials about all the "liberty news" that's floating around on the internets.