View Full Version : [VIDEO] ~ "FOX News Dr. Marc Siegel Wants Mandatory Flu Shots"

10-04-2010, 02:04 AM
YouTube - FOX News Dr. Marc Siegel Wants Mandatory Flu Shots (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eY45rAMt1XI)

10-04-2010, 06:42 AM
If I were king, there would be a mandatory ass-kicking for any "expert" who calls for mandatory anything regarding health, medicine or personal safety.

10-04-2010, 11:28 AM
That guy is an asshole, and he's completely contradicting himself by saying "I don't support big government." He just prefaces his statement with that to make his message more widely palatable.

10-06-2010, 06:45 PM
Well from a pragmatic stand point mandatory vaccination would be a less government position. A vaccine is far cheaper compared to hospitalization. The elderly are more likely to be hospitalized due to flu infection. They're also a group that draws from government welfare thanks to Medicare. Maybe a requirement should be placed on Medicare that any recipient of the funds must be vaccinated. Be it the patient that benefits from the funds or the staff of a hospital that gladly takes the funds. If you don't like it don't take welfare or work for a place that takes welfare. No one is forcing you to take government cheese.

10-10-2010, 03:46 AM
Well from a pragmatic stand point mandatory vaccination would be a less government position. A vaccine is far cheaper compared to hospitalization. The elderly are more likely to be hospitalized due to flu infection. They're also a group that draws from government welfare thanks to Medicare. Maybe a requirement should be placed on Medicare that any recipient of the funds must be vaccinated. Be it the patient that benefits from the funds or the staff of a hospital that gladly takes the funds. If you don't like it don't take welfare or work for a place that takes welfare. No one is forcing you to take government cheese.

You assume without evidence, that flu shots keep people out of the hospital.

The cohort studies, because of their self-selection flaws, do not answer that question. The ones that have followed up during non-flu season show that also there are fewer deaths and pneumonia admissions (such studies do not measure incidence of flu infection verified by viral titer but only these indicies of it) during non-flu season. And the ones done when the virus in the shot is different from the virus that is circulating also show fewer hospital admission and deaths. Obvious conclusion: the people who get flu shots also generally better follow medical advice and better take care of their health.

10-10-2010, 03:52 AM
The way to determine whether the flu shots not only keep people from getting the flu but also that the expense, inconvenience, and adverse reactions caused by the flu shots are outweighed by the differential of the incidence of death and hospital admission caused by flu infection among vaccinators and non-vaccinators is as follows:

RANDOMISED, DOUBLE-BLIND PLACEBO-CONTROLLED (where the placebo is normal saline instead of a cocktail of adjuvants and perservatives contained in the vaccine) CLINICAL TRIALS. None have ever been don on flu shots and for the very few that have been done on any vaccine, the control group got instead of normal saline, all the constituents of the vaccine minus the inactivated virus.

10-10-2010, 04:07 AM
I wonder if the heirs and assigns of his cousin "Bugsy" bought some stock in a pharmaceutical company when they went "legit".