View Full Version : Only Rich Will Eat Beef in 2050

Anti Federalist
09-30-2010, 09:29 PM
Of course, news from the UN.

Only Rich Will Eat Beef in 2050


(Newser) – You might want to have a hamburger while you can—beef is likely to become as pricey and exclusive as caviar over the next 40 years, predicts a UN agriculture expert. The production costs of raising cows, especially for water, are just too high to accommodate inexorable rises in world population and the hunger for beef, said Henning Steinfeld of the Food and Agriculture Organization.

By 2050, beef will cease to be a "mass product" and could become "the caviar of the future," he told a conference in Argentina. “The necessary resources for the production of beef will be three, four, five times higher than those of chicken and pork.” As a result, "beef will be what salmon was 50 years ago." Details at MercoPress and UPI.

09-30-2010, 09:37 PM
Eh, this was how it was before the Industrial Revolution.

09-30-2010, 09:44 PM
I'm not saying this isn't true but;

By 2050, the world will have ended.
The polar ice caps will have entirely melted.
Flying cars will have already been invented in the year 2000.
Time machines will abound.
Race of genetically superior men will have already enslaved mankind, and then be defeated, but some will be frozen to be thawed at a later date.
Replicants will be among us.
Earth will be 100+ degrees everywhere, always
Pollution will have killed all amphibians.
Deforesting will leave no tree on the planet.
Overfishing will have made whales, dolphins, and all but the most ugly and deep dwelling fish extinct.
The air will be toxic to breath, and several forms of artificial intelligence will be vying for global supremacy and enslavement of mankind.

You blew it up! Damn you! Damn you all to hell!

09-30-2010, 09:49 PM
Meh, they can have their beef. I'll take my elk and venison any day.

09-30-2010, 09:56 PM
Good, let the Rockefellers and Rothschilds eat the fattiest, most unhealthy meat there is. I've always said that plutocratic international bankers aren't carrying enough of the colon cancer burden these days.

09-30-2010, 10:03 PM
What was salmon 50 years ago :confused:

09-30-2010, 10:15 PM
I'm with Promo on this. I don't exactly trust any type of UN economist/statitican/analyst on such an issue. Such types have made bogus predictions before, wrong ones.

09-30-2010, 10:17 PM
Plenty of water in America.

09-30-2010, 10:29 PM
Uh, so in 2050 Burger King and McDonalds will only cater to rich people?? lol

Anti Federalist
09-30-2010, 10:30 PM
Just had the first of the beef from half a steer raised right down the road.


09-30-2010, 10:35 PM
http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTZtmKUMp8FETw2AJ7OuAYAeyqU2vVJG X8Foyx8VGWZS37MSWU&t=1&usg=__HQoI6Sk74HQUbhv_-Lr6Sf7Jswg=

Anti Federalist
09-30-2010, 10:40 PM
http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTZtmKUMp8FETw2AJ7OuAYAeyqU2vVJG X8Foyx8VGWZS37MSWU&t=1&usg=__HQoI6Sk74HQUbhv_-Lr6Sf7Jswg=

Mmmmmm, Solylent Green, ahhhhhhhhhh...


09-30-2010, 10:42 PM
Mmmmmm, Solylent Green, ahhhhhhhhhh...


Rofl. :D And with that I'll end my night on the interwebz. :)

09-30-2010, 11:18 PM
Uh, so in 2050 Burger King and McDonalds will only cater to rich people?? lol

Well to look back into history, this actually tends to happen a lot.

Look at lobster for example. It used to be considered junk catch from fishermen, worthless. Usually the only people that ate them were the very poor and prisoners.

Now look at lobster today.

I wouldn't be that surprised to see beef go the same way.

I'm honestly not too attached to beef, if there is any meat that I prefer over all others it would be chicken. So many different ways to cook/marinade it and always tasty and cheap.

10-02-2010, 08:20 AM

10-02-2010, 09:08 AM

where is THE beef?

10-02-2010, 09:13 AM
Whoa! If this ever turned out to be true, I'd be in the streets. Beef is by far my favorite food.

10-02-2010, 09:15 AM
Doesn't Cass Sunstein, Obama's regulatory czar, want everyone to become vegetarian? Hmm...

10-02-2010, 09:21 AM
Meh, beef is gross anyway.

10-02-2010, 09:29 AM
I'm with Promo on this. I don't exactly trust any type of UN economist/statitican/analyst on such an issue. Such types have made bogus predictions before, wrong ones.

Been to a store lately?

First they raised the prices on every crappy cut that ever became a cultish phenomenon. Southerners learned how to marinate tough, stringy briskit because it was cheap enough to feed everyone and, if you worked it long enough and hard enough, pretty darned tasty. Now you pay extra for the pain in the ass.

Same with skirt steak. Someone said, we can take a tough cut, slice it against the grain, call it 'fajitas' and (with a little sizzling presentation) charge extra for it.

Now you can't get the fattiest hamburger for less than the best pork chop. They're already incrementally at it. I doubt his prediction--but that's just because I think it'll happen sooner.

By the way, beef is already very, very expensive in Europe. And we all know what Europe is--the place where the psychocorps test their most obnoxious ideas to see if we might put up with them.

Whoa! If this ever turned out to be true, I'd be in the streets. Beef is by far my favorite food.

You'd get over it if you tried buffalo. Come start a buffalo ranch--right now the stuff is pretty profitable, but if you ran an efficient enough operation you could not only bring the price down but find it very profitable.

10-02-2010, 09:30 AM
If they want humanity in pre-industrial conditions than you will indeed have a mass die off.

10-02-2010, 09:57 AM
A family member of mine raises grass-fed angus cattle as a hobby and for food, and they can't raise cows fast enough for just the side-demand of friends/colleagues wanting grass-fed beef.

"Say, I'd take half a cow if you want to sell?" "Hmm, if you want to sell one, I'll buy the whole thing and get it butchered" "So, got any cows ready to go you want to sell?"

10-02-2010, 10:00 AM

And if the mainstream beef industry were more concerned with this, bison meat would still be about impossible to get. Quality will out over profit margin-improvment policies every time. Too bad government itself doesn't seem to understand this.

10-02-2010, 10:41 AM
Uh, so in 2050 Burger King and McDonalds will only cater to rich people?? lol

Hmmm... I don't think that's real beef they're serving.. :p

10-02-2010, 02:08 PM
I'll believe it when I see it.

10-03-2010, 01:13 AM
Hmmm... I don't think that's real beef they're serving.. :p

You are correct that fast food places don't serve real beef, although I hope everyone understands that... as in its seriously not real beef... as in thats not just making a joke about them serving low-quality real beef, but saying its literally no longer real beef they serve...

I don't have an article talking about the beef, but here's a short paragraph or two about the fake chicken served in fast food places.

And I'm certain the "beef" is probably far worse than the chicken! :eek:


10-03-2010, 12:38 PM
I call bullshit.

If you look at other parts of the world like South America, a lot of the latin countries like Argentina and Peru literally have beef coming out of their ears. I've heard that in some of these countries, cows out-number people.

Beef is great, I can't get enough of it when it's prepared correctly. I don't understand how people can not like beef. It's so fuckin mmmm. Dry aged steaks, carne asada, bbq brisket, bbq beef ribs, prime rib, corned beef, pastrami, short ribs, ox tail, organ meats, bone marrow, gimme gimme gimme.

Oh, and I recently had a nice beef carpaccio dusted with salt and pepper, topped with microgreens and shaved parmesan, drizzled with olive oil, and a sprinkling of lemon juice. I like beef so much, I'll eat it raw. No cooking.

Anti Federalist
10-03-2010, 12:52 PM
Beef is great, I can't get enough of it when it's prepared correctly. I don't understand how people can not like beef. It's so fuckin mmmm. Dry aged steaks, carne asada, bbq brisket, bbq beef ribs, prime rib, corned beef, pastrami, short ribs, ox tail, organ meats, bone marrow, gimme gimme gimme.

That ^^^ +1

When you get raised on synthesized glop like this chicken goo:


A good T-Bone would seem gross, I guess.


10-03-2010, 12:56 PM
Good thing the world will end first in Y2K38 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_2038_problem)

10-03-2010, 01:22 PM
A good T-Bone would seem gross, I guess.



Maybe I'm wrong, but that kinda looks more like a porterhouse considering the large size of the filet mignon portion. Whatever, T-bone or porterhouse, more is better.

10-03-2010, 02:08 PM
Simple solution...


Problem solved...


10-03-2010, 02:26 PM


Anti Federalist
10-03-2010, 02:29 PM

Maybe I'm wrong, but that kinda looks more like a porterhouse considering the large size of the filet mignon portion. Whatever, T-bone or porterhouse, more is better.

You may be right.

Both are pretty much one in the same except for the tenderloin size.

Bring on an ultra rare filet as well, seared in garlic butter.


The T-bone and Porterhouse are steak cuts of beef. They consist of a T-shaped bone with meat on each side. The larger side is the strip steak meat, which is from the short loin, whereas the smaller side contains the tenderloin. Porterhouse steaks are cut from the rear end of the short loin and contain a much larger section of the tenderloin. T-bone steaks are cut from farther forward in the short loin and contain a comparatively smaller section of the tenderloin.

In British usage, followed in Commonwealth countries (except Canada), only the strip loin side is called the porterhouse, and the tenderloin side is called the fillet.

There is little agreement among experts on how large the tenderloin must be to call a T-bone steak a porterhouse; steaks with a large tenderloin are often called a T-bone in restaurants and steakhouses. The US Department of Agriculture's Institutional Meat Purchase Specifications states that the tenderloin must be at least 1.25 inches (32 mm) thick at its widest to be classified a porterhouse. Similarly, the USDA says that the tenderloin must be at least ˝ inch (13 mm) thick for the steak to be classified a T-bone.

Due to their large size and the fact that they contain meat from two of the most prized cuts of beef (the short loin and the tenderloin), T-bone steaks are generally considered one of the highest quality steaks, and prices at steakhouses are accordingly high. Porterhouse steaks are even more highly valued due to their larger tenderloin.

Anti Federalist
10-03-2010, 02:37 PM
dupe post nvm

10-03-2010, 02:38 PM


Very nice looking ribeyes. Thick cut and marvelous marbeling.

It's getting cooler outside. A flame grilled would be ideal, but I really do love the crust on a cast iron skillet cooked ribeye with an oven set to 425F to shove the steaks into after a nice sear.

More proof that any non-vegetarians that don't like beef are absolutely psycotic.

Anti Federalist
10-03-2010, 02:47 PM
A family member of mine raises grass-fed angus cattle as a hobby and for food, and they can't raise cows fast enough for just the side-demand of friends/colleagues wanting grass-fed beef.

"Say, I'd take half a cow if you want to sell?" "Hmm, if you want to sell one, I'll buy the whole thing and get it butchered" "So, got any cows ready to go you want to sell?"

Gonna have a roast tonight from that grass fed steer meat I was talking about earlier in this thread.

I'm sure it will be good.

10-03-2010, 02:56 PM
You may be right.

Both are pretty much one in the same except for the tenderloin size.

Bring on an ultra rare filet as well, seared in garlic butter.



Anti Federalist
10-03-2010, 03:02 PM

MMMMMmmmmm Steak....


10-03-2010, 03:23 PM
I hate seeing a beautiful piece of meat that was obviously not properly rested :(

10-03-2010, 05:45 PM

I love it. But prefer ground beef these days. Had a steak for supper, With some homegrown taters.
Lost another piece of tooth. :(

Hard shots to the jaw in my youth+old age ;)


10-03-2010, 05:50 PM
Meh, they can have their beef. I'll take my elk and venison any day.

Hunting will be illegal - a capital crime, in fact. No trials, either. They find you with critter and pop one in your head and fine you $1 million, which your family will be obliged to pay.

The future's gonna be a FUN place!

10-03-2010, 06:28 PM
Beef is great, I can't get enough of it when it's prepared correctly. I don't understand how people can not like beef. It's so fuckin mmmm. Dry aged steaks, carne asada, bbq brisket, bbq beef ribs, prime rib, corned beef, pastrami, short ribs, ox tail, organ meats, bone marrow, gimme gimme gimme.


If I had to pick which of the seven deadly sins I participate in the most, gluttony would be the hands down favorite, due primarily to the deliciousness of beef.

Fox McCloud
10-03-2010, 07:16 PM
a lot of their assumptions never take into account revolutions in the market-place that make it easier/cheaper to produce the same amount (or more).

This is why the Club of Rome and others are incessantly predicting the end of oil.

Anti Federalist
10-03-2010, 08:13 PM
Gonna have a roast tonight from that grass fed steer meat I was talking about earlier in this thread.

I'm sure it will be good.

It was fantastic!!

10-03-2010, 08:16 PM
Hunting will be illegal - a capital crime, in fact. No trials, either. They find you with critter and pop one in your head and fine you $1 million, which your family will be obliged to pay.

The future's gonna be a FUN place!

The degree to which laws are, as a matter of practice, enforceable, is going to slowly decrease over time. I'm not really that worried about it.