View Full Version : Help This Guy. Pat Barron, MA 3rd. Video that is stunning

09-23-2010, 12:25 PM
OK folks, you want to make real change?

You want to put your efforts behind a candidate that can win?

Well, then check out this video.


This is a 10 minute on the air mini debate that took place on Fox News Boston last night.

Three candidates are present. All are now on the ballot. Jim McGovern, incumbent for 14 years, Democrat, rates more liberal than Pelosi. Marty Lamb, new politician, Republican establishment candidate. Pat Barron, independent who gathered enough signatures and is ON THE BALLOT. Holds positions just like ours.

This race is up for grabs. Scott Brown beat Martha Coakley 60/40 in this district. McGovern is a much worse candidate than Coakley.

I have given maximum support to Pat Barron.

See earlier thread.


I believe Barron can win. If not, I believe that he stops lame republican Lamb from winning which means more McGovern and a better candidate wins next time. Lamb is not much better than McGovern. It would also be an in your face to the Republican establishment in Worcester which has not given Pat the time of day.

MMMuuuuwwwaaahaaaaa...... how do you like them apples establishment politicians!

If you do not listen to us............... we help the LIBERALS! Doom on you stupid Republican party.

Do what your conscience tells you.


09-23-2010, 12:26 PM
good to hear from you again, llepard..

I'll consider donating.

09-23-2010, 02:35 PM

09-23-2010, 03:55 PM
thanks for the heads up,