View Full Version : [FB NOTE] 'It's their money': Chris Matthews Explains Taxes to Obama, discussion

Sentient Void
09-21-2010, 06:34 PM

My FB Note/Blog on: "It's their Money!"" Chris Matthews Explains Taxes to Obama

“Stop saying that giving people tax cuts is giving people money. It`s their money!”

YouTube - MSNBC To Obama: Tax Cuts Aren't Welfare "It's THEIR MONEY" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuRmIZtpYFU)

Now, right off the bat - I'm not a Chris Matthews fan. Generally speaking, I very much disagree with his politics, and especially his methods of journalism and interviewing (talking really fast over the person he's interviewing, asking question after question without giving a chance to respond, constant logical fallacies, etc)... but this was a shocking statement to hear, coming out of his mouth - and I was impressed.

I've read/heard that Chris used to be a big Barry Goldwater fan (small govt libertarian) and supported his campaign for president - but then he got old and 'grew up' (what an asshat). That statement, and an overall *amazing* interview between him and Ron Paul is right here where they discuss such things, along with libertarian philosophy overall, the Tea Party, et cetera.

YouTube - Ron Paul, Hardball - 04/22/10 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmdJ9oQzjgo&feature=player_embedded)

But I digress. My whole point in bringing up Chris Matthews' statement is that this really helps expose the view and perception that many high-up government agents and other Statists (like Obama) hold. That being - that *you don't own your body nor the fruits of your labor*. They believe that *they* own it, that the government owns you and your labor and what you produce, and that you are merely *allowed* to keep some of it. Literally - it's an *allowance*. As Chris said in the video I posted above, they *legitimately perceive* tax *cuts* as 'the government cutting you a check', at *their* expense.

To help illustrate my point on this further - this is a great approach by Stefan Molyneux to show how the the State is effectively used as a means to soak as much wealth and productive value from it's tax base at the benefit of the political class and other connected individuals at the top, and that a little increased freedom or lower taxes isn't because they care about you - but because they can soak more productive value from you.

YouTube - The Story of Your Enslavement (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xbp6umQT58A&feature=player_embedded)

Also, regulations are mostly not created to protect individuals, consumers, small business, etc - but instead to concentrate market share into a few large corporations at the *expense of* the consumer, small businesses, and the free market. Note how most sweeping regulations are most often written by the very largest corporations that are the ones to be regulated.

One of my Progressive friends (who i tagged on purpose for it) already commented on it invoking 'social contract' theory as the reason why we must pay taxes.

LOL, *that* didn't take long!

I encourage anyone to join in if they like - and request my friendship on FB with identification of who you are on RPF.

09-21-2010, 07:35 PM
I was pretty flabbergasted when Matthews said that myself.

And yes..the social contract..the last defense of any desperate Statist.

09-21-2010, 07:36 PM
When people are born into contracts isn't that another word for slavery?

09-21-2010, 07:38 PM
When people are born into contracts isn't that another word for slavery?

Not many people like to admit to seeing the cage.

Sentient Void
09-21-2010, 10:51 PM
When people are born into contracts isn't that another word for slavery?

Ooooo... Good one - I didn't even think of that. So true.