View Full Version : Some serious RP Slandering:

06-08-2007, 01:57 PM
If you want to argue with Liberals about Dr. Paul here is very in depth analysis of why Big Government Liberals hate Dr. Paul:


I think someone needs to explain that Dr. Paul only votes yes for bills that are explicitly allowed by the Constitution for congress to meddle in. He has said himself, he likes a lot of concepts behind some bills he votes "No" on, but that he has a duty to uphold the Constitution. Principle!

06-08-2007, 02:00 PM
Waste time on those guys at your own leisure . . . personally I think the time is better spent elsewhere, trying to spread the message to those who haven't heard it. Those DailyKOS people are just mindless big government robots who want to see shit blow up.

06-08-2007, 02:06 PM
phenry is essentially a communist. No way to win him/her over until they get to live in the sewage that Communism always leaves behind.

Bob Cochran
06-08-2007, 02:06 PM
Slander is spoken, I think you mean "libel". But I agree with those saying this stuff isn't worth paying attention to.

06-08-2007, 02:14 PM
I'd have to agree. It is good to have some refutions for the undecided to read.

But please remember our time could easily be thrown into a rat hole by arguing with those who hate Dr. Paul.

Try and convert those who are looking for information on the candidates. If someone is constantly knocking him, they have most likely made up their mind. Go for the easier targets for now and as we grow in size with these people who we convert then we can start tackling some of the tougher cookies.

Get out of the house this weekend and pass out some flyers! We need just as much offline action!

06-08-2007, 02:59 PM
Those attacks are vicious and slanderous. We need to confront them.

06-08-2007, 03:03 PM
Try and convert those who are looking for information on the candidates. If someone is constantly knocking him, they have most likely made up their mind. Go for the easier targets for now and as we grow in size with these people who we convert then we can start tackling some of the tougher cookies.

I agree, hard targets should be our last priority. Our first priority right now is to introduce Ron Paul to people who have never heard of him, not to argue with socialists who will never ever support Ron Paul.

Go after the soft targets!

06-08-2007, 03:08 PM
If I was going to tell people something, I would keep it positive(It may be refreshing for people like this, since these types are usually negative). But I agree, I wouldn't put a whole lot of energy outside of keeping to Ron Paul's positive message.

06-08-2007, 03:09 PM
Those attacks are vicious and slanderous. We need to confront them.

Actually, it's the author of the article that is vicious and slanderous. And rock hard stupid to boot.

Nothing will be gained by arguing with those clowns. It isn't wise to wrestle with a pig, because all that happens is you both end up covered in shit, and the pig likes to be covered in shit.

06-08-2007, 03:11 PM
thanks for the article, I have been arguing against people like that for years. I was starting to get worried that I was doing something wrong supporting the same candidate that a bunch of liberals apparently support. There was even one post about what Noam Chomsky thought of Ron Paul. I couldnt care less. But I have begun to wonder why so many liberals support Paul.

Ron Paul has been great for America because he makes people question whether they agree with one party on every issue. Most Democrats arent socialists like the person who wrote that article, but they end up blindly supporting socialist economic policies, becuase they support civil liberties and oppose the Iraq War. Just like I agreed with Republicans on economic issues and social issues and then blindly supported the war because I had never reseached foreign policy and figured if I agreed with them on most other issues, they were probably right about the war too. I belive Paul has cause many people to question the uniformity of their political beliefs and made them realize that you most likely dont agree with any party on every issue.

06-08-2007, 04:32 PM
Right on Bluedevil great analysis. I can admit that in labeling myself as a liberal because of my pro-civil and human rights and anti-war (or in Paulian speak, non-interventionist) stance that I have given support to failed domestic policies, just as many a conservative have supported failed foreign policy because of their belief in Republican economic and social issues.

That is the great thing about Dr. Paul......I have learned from him. I can see the logic that the welfare/warfare state coexist because it's all big government no matter how you slice it, and we can't just hold our nose and look away from the Constitution in order to get the "big government" that we think will work to suit our belief system. All big government policies tend to overgrow their usefulness and expand beyond what is wise or economically sound.

Those guys at the Daily Kos really creep me out. It scares me that liberal progressive ideals can be so easily twisted into socialist communist thought. Just as easily as neo-cons have edged conservatives toward corporatist/fascist ideas recently. I don't want an overbearing military industrial complex ruining the world but I don't want an overbearing nanny state wrecking the country either. I want the govt. to stay out of my life, out of my pocketbook and out of the internal affairs of other nations. Liberty, Prosperity and Peace...need em' now.