View Full Version : Can Obama call off the drone strikes?

09-13-2010, 09:57 AM
or are the CIA and the Pentagon de-facto rulers here...?

09-13-2010, 11:08 AM
It would seem logical that the Commander in Chief can add 60,000 troops to one location and pull tens of thousands from another, that he could call off the drone attacks as well.

Of course, he could end the war and then the point would be moot.

09-13-2010, 11:49 AM
Obama is a baby killer

how do progressives defend him?

09-13-2010, 12:15 PM
It would seem logical that the Commander in Chief can add 60,000 troops to one location and pull tens of thousands from another, that he could call off the drone attacks as well. .

He's the leader of the military. He could stop it anytime he wants.

09-13-2010, 01:37 PM
i was speaking with a duechebag coworker that is joining the Air Force (so that his family and his friends don't have to go fight the terrorists...) and he said something very intriguing - that the "pilots" of these "reaper" drones (apparently the ones that carry bombs are "reaper" drones and the ones with cameras are "predator" drones) have higher stress rates than other fighters/pilots/soldiers.

apparently killing folks from "your mother's basement" isn't as fullfilling as they'd like us to think.

back to the posed question - of course Obomber can.

09-13-2010, 05:59 PM
Yes , he can . No he will not . The drones are primarily used on the border of Pakistan . This is part of the Pakistani Interior of Ministry plan to eliminate taliban in the tribal areas to protect Pakistan citizens .

09-14-2010, 01:55 AM
Yes , he can . No he will not . The drones are primarily used on the border of Pakistan . This is part of the Pakistani Interior of Ministry plan to eliminate taliban in the tribal areas to protect Pakistan citizens .

And, of course, it is our duty as U.S. citizens to protect the citizens of Pakistan. I think it's in the Constitution somewhere....

I wonder if it also helps protect the CIA's access to good quality heroin? I think that's article 19 of section 34 or something like that..

09-14-2010, 01:57 AM
and, of course, it is our duty as u.s. Citizens to protect the citizens of pakistan. I think it's in the constitution somewhere....

I wonder if it also helps protect the cia's access to good quality heroin? I think that's article 19 of section 34 or something like that..


09-14-2010, 12:19 PM
And, of course, it is our duty as U.S. citizens to protect the citizens of Pakistan. I think it's in the Constitution somewhere....

I wonder if it also helps protect the CIA's access to good quality heroin? I think that's article 19 of section 34 or something like that..

No it is not as you know . If the CIA wants access to heroin they will have it , drones, Pakistan or not . What it would do though is open the Waziristan region back up as safe haven for people to operate against our troops .

09-14-2010, 12:22 PM
Can Obama call off the drone strikes?

Only if his handlers allow it.

not likely.