View Full Version : If Ron Paul Announces 2012, I pledge to attack his competition

09-11-2010, 02:56 PM
No more mr. nice guy. Romney, Huckabee, Palin, who ever, you are going to be crushed in the media for the scum bags that you are. I will do everything in my power to destroy you.

I know most of you on this forum are to nice and it is not a very libertarian thing to do, but if we don't expose these people as the trash they are, we will never get the rank and file base to look past the blind leading the blind mentality and see our candidate as the only logical choice.

My Dad is a rank and file republican and he always trashed McCain and said he wanted Rudy, then when Rudy dropped out he trashed McCain again and said he wanted Romney, then when McCain got the nomination he said he liked McCain all along. This is the mentality of most of the party. Until they see the shift change to a candidate they only support who ever was on the middle podiums during the debates.

If one good gossip story takes hold on Romney or Huckabee etc then they will drop out or lose support from the base.

They lied about Dr. Paul through out the 2008 campaign and we never attacked them back. They just laughed at us and we never did anything severe enough to change the fight and bring it to them.

All the banners and blimps in the world will not help us this time.
This is fargin war!

Who is with me?

Michael Landon
09-11-2010, 03:38 PM
I'm in.

- ML

09-11-2010, 03:41 PM
Be careful with this strategy. If we want to win votes away from those candidates, which we need to do if we want RP to do well, then sometimes we have to bite our tongues and get the point across winsomely.

But yeah, try to get as much dirt to stick to them as possible without getting their supporters to think you're a jerk and anybody you'd support must not be any good.

09-11-2010, 03:42 PM
Why wait?

A sign I made last night for 9/12

09-11-2010, 03:46 PM
Unleash the dogs of war.

Matt Collins
09-11-2010, 04:17 PM
All's fair in love and politics?

09-12-2010, 08:40 AM
We should hit Mittens on not being this economic guru he's made out to be. There's debate footage showing him to be clueless and for the bailouts. Also nail his ass on Romneycare.

Huckabee needs to be exposed as being soft on crime allowing murderers to kill again.

Palin I'm sure will get attacked from any number of directions.

09-12-2010, 08:55 AM
they fight with fire, we fight with fire, period.

09-12-2010, 09:19 AM
This is what the grassroots should focus on....attacking the competition.

Matt Collins
09-12-2010, 09:53 AM
This is what the grassroots should focus on....attacking the competition.
No, the grassroots should focus on going door to door, building lists, donations, phonebanking, voter ID, and GOTV. THAT's how elections are won. :)

09-12-2010, 04:13 PM
the grassroots definitely needs to just worry about double plus activities...

door to door, ames straw poll, phone banking, activating new and older supporters, fundraising

the best defense is still a good offense... if you attack incorrectly you draw sympathy.

any negative campaigning on our part needs to be solid and clearly poll supported... and extremely grassroots, non ron paul related

09-12-2010, 04:37 PM
The amount of people needed to destroy the competition is small. A handful of well placed people with one goal and a well thought out plan.
The rest of the grass roots can carry on as normal.

Grass roots special forces.

09-12-2010, 05:00 PM
Mark & associates have been working on attack sites for a while now and seem to have it down. I think it would be best to support them via means as using Google Adwords (often free if you know where to look) and simply placing their site in your sig to boost their placement in search engines.

Though, for myself, I humbly pledge to rip out the spleen of all who run against Ron Paul in 2012, even if it's Stossel/Judge-Nap.

09-12-2010, 05:04 PM
Though, for myself, I humbly pledge to rip out the spleen of all who run against Ron Paul in 2012, even if it's Stossel/Judge-Nap.

Woah there!! Stossel?

You been taking steroids, Kludge?

09-12-2010, 05:12 PM
Woah there!! Stossel?

You been taking steroids, Kludge?

Alcohol, tobacco, and firearms. No steroids.

Matt Collins
09-12-2010, 05:45 PM
I don't think there will be enough resources for attack ads which is what is effective.

09-12-2010, 06:36 PM
I got it! Go to all their rallies waving 911 was an inside job sign! Glenn Beck set up Debra it looked like, we should do the same. These guys don't play games! Look at how they treated Rand. We can't mess this up this time. Instead of being on the defensive, let's push an offensive smear on these guys!

2010 we didn't have to do much, Obama helped us out with his hypocrisy and betrayal! lol IF Ron Paul wins the Republican Primary he wins period, popular vote that is, 60-70% I'd say! Another two years of Obama's "change" and that will guarantee it! The main battle is the Republican Establishment and the media.

Full blown, no holding back, campaign like you are about to lose your country!, because we are!

Matt Collins
09-12-2010, 06:58 PM
I got it! Go to all their rallies waving 911 was an inside job sign! Glenn Beck set up Debra it looked like, we should do the same. These guys don't play games! Look at how they treated Rand. We can't mess this up this time. Instead of being on the defensive, let's push an offensive smear on these guys!

Full blown, no holding back, campaign like you are about to lose your country!, because we are!

Agent provocateurs?

YouTube - TEA PARTY "INFILTRATOR" EXPOSED POSING AS RACIST AT RAND PAUL RALLY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hkgeRYqyJY)
YouTube - Rand Paul Smears and Racism of Imposter Jack Conway Supporter (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIx2VopChNk)

09-12-2010, 07:37 PM
"Agent Provocateurs"

No never! That would just be, well, uncalled for ;)

Seriously though, If Fleet Admiral William Frederick Halsey, Jr. would be alive today, his advice, Hit hard, hit fast, hit often!

09-12-2010, 10:20 PM
"project mayhem"
First rule of grass roots special forces is not to talk about the actual events that will take place.

09-13-2010, 10:27 AM
"If Ron Paul Announces" no longer applies...

it's on


09-13-2010, 10:59 AM
I personally disagree with this "attack Republicans" strategy.

Why? Because as long as Ron Paul is running for high office as a Republican, we need to find ways to reform the party from within. Believe me: attacking Palin or Huckabee or Romney will backfire, because it will render what good you say about Paul useless. You will create a brick wall between you and the voter.

My strategy for 2012 is to talk to as many Republican mainstream folks as possible, and show them why Ron Paul encapsulates everything conservatism stands for, without demeaning other candidates.

Here's the poster I'm going to make viral in my local community in Maryland:


09-13-2010, 11:55 AM
Perhaps you are right! Napoleon said it best, "There are only two forces in the world, the sword and the spirit. In the long run the sword will always be conquered by the spirit."

Also Reagan has TREMENDOUS pull. MY mother, retired Navy, DOD, and Raytheon employee, full blown neocon! Her two favorite presidents, Ronald Regan and George W. Bush! lol

Bush has no credibility, but Reagan still does! That picture is PRICELESS!

As for the smear campaign, you have to remember who you are up against! These people own the media, own the political party, and have HUGE resources to carry out their agenda. They won't play games!

Still though, I think you are right, going door to door and talking to people would probably be the most effective.

Also that picture should be put on a mailer and sent to all registered Republicans in the US!

09-13-2010, 12:17 PM
My RomneyCare sign that I used at the STL 9/12 event went over very well. Had a couple people ask me about it and were surprised and a LOT of knowing smiles/winks/nods...

I did not wear any Ron Paul gear while doing this...

09-13-2010, 12:37 PM
Like I said this tactic is not for everyone. Me personally, well you know my stance.
I witnessed it first hand at the beginning of the last cycle. I was the guy who video taped this.
YouTube - Tyranny at the Texas Straw Poll Ron Paul (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDnWT4gCJSE)