View Full Version : Jake Towne clean the house money bomb!

09-05-2010, 11:46 AM
Hey guys,
Jake Towne is having a last money bomb for his campaign and could really use the funds. This will give him some money for advertising, lawn signs, phones, door knocking and such.

Jake is in over 5 debates, his lawn signs are everywhere, he has done one of the best jobs of our liberty candidates, and will do great in November.

Please think about giving to the campaign once people see him in the debates we are going to see his popularity explode.


Show your support for him we gotta put our money where our mouth is!

09-10-2010, 10:09 AM
have any Towne supporters out there?! Does the liberty movement only support republicans or can it find room for an independent?

09-14-2010, 10:30 AM
It was standing room only at last night’s debate. http://towneforcongress.com/economy/debate-video-footage/
The $$ you’re donating today will be used to buy advertising so even MORE people will learn about Jake Towne and will want to hear him at the other upcoming debates.
-Rebekah Forney, TFC Volunteer Web Coordinator

09-14-2010, 11:28 AM
Thank you for your donations, whether large or small! This $$ will be wisely used to advertise the Towne campaign, buy supplies, and perhaps rent out a Campaign HQ. Our 1st HQ was...well... read for yourself. http://towneforcongress.com/events/money-bomb-today-plus-yard-sign-bomb-and-hq-update/
-Rebekah Forney, TFC Volunteer Web Coordinator

09-14-2010, 02:09 PM
$1,370 donated by 4pm! Last night's debate was Round 1 of Towne v. Republocrats. Winner of Round 1? Jake Towne. Jake spoke clearly while Dent was told to speak up and Callahan got mixed up on what he was saying. Looking forward to Round 2.

Keep on donating!!
-Rebekah Forney, TFC Volunteer Web Coordinator

09-14-2010, 04:41 PM
Let's try to hit $3K by midnight! Have you told your Facebook friends about the money bomb? If not, please do so!
-Rebekah Forney, TFC Volunteer Web Coordinator