View Full Version : Is playing the diversity card still playing?

08-31-2010, 02:27 AM
These links were found on Drudge Report (not sure who cares)

That Beck's rally was "diverse"


Liberals want to believe that we're racist, they want to believe that their crowd is full of blacks.

But do we want to keep playing into their hands by shouting "we're not racist" and see who get can win over? How many liberals and "we don't agree with racists" people are we trying to please?

Shouldn't we focus on "If we can't win you on the issues of freedom, taxes, war, healthcare, nevermind, go back to think what you want to think about us"?

Are there really so many people who are refusing to join us (by us, I mean Beck, to Palin to Ron Paul) just because they THINK we're racist?

At what point will we laugh and say "stick and stones" when the word "racist" is thrown out without actual evidence? Aren't we just letting our adversaries waste our time when we choose to glorify their ad hominems with actual arguments they don't want to listen to anyway?

If we have blacks, Mexicans, Muslims and Jews that know us, love us and join us, why don't we just let THEM do the "minority recruitment" in their own words, and not "use them as our token"? I think my overall message is, win over one of your own kind, that's the least you can do. Because only you know people who share your occupation, financial situation, and neighborhood. Don't worry about people who THINK you're different and you have to explain yourself, there's enough people you DON'T need to explain & justify yourself to, get the easy fish first.

08-31-2010, 03:35 AM
Diversity doesn't matter. Whenever some minority group goes out to one of these rallies, they're called "Uncle Toms" or Stockholm Syndromers, or sell outs. I honestly do believe there's a tremendous social pressure placed on black republicans.

You can't really win with the left. If you don't have enough diversity, you're 'racist'. If minorities show up to your rallies, they're a 'token' and a 'disgrace to their race.'

08-31-2010, 07:47 AM
The left is full of collectivists.

Ask them if they'd like to end group identity.

Ask if they'd like people to all be treated the same.

People such as the poor, the rich, the handicap, minorities, etc...

Ask if they're willing to get rid of all laws that take from one group and give to another group.