View Full Version : RIP Glenn Beck

08-30-2010, 11:13 PM

Right of Revolution.

The philosophical American right to revolution.

"In whatever form presents itself, your instincts should tell you that in due and near time a gut check will be in order. To spend time marveling at the lack of observation by the masses, is to hand over, without reservation, opportunity to tyranny. Urgency is the essence of success and the bane of crawling plots.

The system will not verify Patriotism, one only needs to look to themselves and their own for guidance and confirmation of proper course. The worse we have seen is preparing to take the altar and you will be expected to sacrifice for the state. For myself, and I am sure my kindred, my sacrifices cannot be deposited for the progress of authoritarian collectivism. No real and free human can tolerate despotism, especially this arrogant, cowardly brand taking form."

pdf (http://aztlandestroyer.com/public/rightofrevolt_chosen2008.pdf)

Know Your Enemy: A citizens guide to authoritarian collectivism.

This document will describe in detail how the collectivist works and thinks. How they form their philosophy and how to distinguish and identify them in them in our society. The identifying characteristics are universal and the information within applies to any society which has experienced oligarchical tyranny and despotism, as well as societies which are under the influence of authoritarian collectivism.

pdf (http://www.aztlandestroyer.com/public/knowenemy_chosen2008.pdf)

Steps for Amelioration of the Republic. Organizing Pamphlet.

A set of tangible Liberty agitations and steps to be taken as a whole or in modified pieces to achieve our objectives.

pdf (http://aztlandestroyer.com/public/stepdocument_chosen2009.pdf)

Birth of the Willing Pawn

The origins of balkanization and decay. This pinpoints the exact moment in American history where direct and overt measures were taken to destroy the common identity of our culture for the sake of globalized oligarchical convenience. Examined is the creation of special foreign class which is exempt from the rule of law and is allowed to lobby our government outside of the publics access.

pdf (http://aztlandestroyer.com/public/birthofwilling_chosen2009.pdf)

The Representative Market as an Act of Revolution

The implementation of moral markets, better defined as Representative Markets as a means of fighting tyranny and the goals of a centrally planned by the American Oligarchy. Examined is the existence of two markets in Western Civilization, a totalitarian market for the citizenry and a free market for the oligarchy.

pdf (http://aztlandestroyer.com/public/representativemarket_chosen2009.pdf)

The Media Versus Revolution

The constructions and methodology of the media and it's active role in diffuse revolution and furthering the agenda of the American Oligarchy. Examined are the techniques employed and their implications on the public space, civil interactions and the enslavement of perception. The media is a business and the employment of malignant narcissists as a new ruling class which contextualizes and censors all information which enters the former public space.

pdf (http://aztlandestroyer.com/public/mediavsrevolution_chosen2009.pdf)

False Sheepdogs

A discussion on the concept of the role of the "sheepdog" in the United States and the use of false moral goals to justify violence and imprisonment of individuals who chose Constitutional rights and rule of law over the States adoption of rule by law. It is an examination of how the established protectors in our society have been mislead into becoming wolves.

pdf (http://aztlandestroyer.com/public/falsesheepdogs_chosen2009.pdf)

I, Warmachine.

An individual narrative expression of the existence of self over authoritarian collectivism. A reaction to the accelerated decline of American sovereignty which adopted exponential traits beginning with Bush I, continued under Clinton, gained cosmopolitan law traits under Bush II and is finding implementation under B. Hussein Obama.

pdf (http://aztlandestroyer.com/public/iwarmachine_chosen2009.pdf)

Opposition to Rational Terror

An individual narrative addressing our downward spiral in accelerated descent into balkanized waste.

pdf (http://aztlandestroyer.com/public/oppositiontorationalterror_chosen2009.pdf)

Our Condition and the Act of War.

An examination of the implications of subtle violence and subjugation caused by bailouts and their destruction of the rule of law for the sake of increasing the power of the state. Addresses the first bailouts and tarp actions.

pdf (http://www.aztlandestroyer.com/public/ourcondition_chosen2008.pdf)

The Inauguration of Tyranny

A narrative which contextualizes the election of B. Hussein Obama as the figurehead for the implementation of the oligarchy's agenda. This is not meant as a document which excuses Bush II or any of the neo-cons, it focuses on what the inauguration of tyranny actually is.

pdf (http://aztlandestroyer.com/public/inauguralplague2009_chosen.pdf)

authorship by "Chosen"
(c) 2010aztlandestroyer.com and Marbleheaders Northwest

08-30-2010, 11:42 PM
The Inauguration of Tyranny

A narrative which contextualizes the election of B. Hussein Obama as the figurehead for the implementation of the oligarchy's agenda. This is not meant as a document which excuses Bush II or any of the neo-cons, it focuses on what the inauguration of tyranny actually is.

pdf (http://aztlandestroyer.com/public/inauguralplague2009_chosen.pdf)

To me, people lose credibility when they use his name like that. Names don't define a person.

George Hitler doesn't need that waved in his face.

08-31-2010, 01:36 AM
To me, people lose credibility when they use his name like that. Names don't define a person.

George Hitler doesn't need that waved in his face.
