View Full Version : Create positive Ron Paul news

08-23-2010, 12:26 PM
I remember during one of the LP elections we were complaining to a reporter about the lack of news coverage about our candidate. His response was "send me something news worthy". Basically...make his job easy and he'll go ahead with the story.

We need to create something news worthy on a weekly basis to highlight Ron Paul's strengths during the campaign. Stuff like the food drive, tea party rallies and moneybombs.

We can't just sit around this time complaining about the lack of coverage from the MSM. We need to do their jobs for them.

We should have a nationally coverable event on a weekly basis that gets bigger and more exciting as the election goes forward, all the way into the Iowa and New Hampshire elections.

30 big things starting April 15 to January should do it...

Any thoughts?

08-23-2010, 12:31 PM
Congressman Paul's Texas Straight Talk‏ could possibly be put out as a press release every week?

08-23-2010, 01:09 PM
Congressman Paul's Texas Straight Talk‏ could possibly be put out as a press release every week?

Something tells me that Joe 6 pack doesn't get all that excited about policy discussion.

I was thinking more along the lines of what we, the grassroots, could do. The Ron Paul campaign will be putting out their press releases on the issues of the day and whatever strategies they might have.

We need to have nationally newsworthy events that cannot be ignored. Huge 100k person Ron Paul concerts, food drives on election day (highlighting charity over government), Tea Party parades like the one in Austin that kicked off the Tea Party rallies. April 15 tax protest...etc.

08-23-2010, 04:07 PM
End the Fed rallies with creative signs.