View Full Version : Infowars.com: Glenn Beck Channels Alex Jones In NY Times Bestselling Book

08-23-2010, 07:30 AM
Glenn Beck Channels Alex Jones In NY Times Bestselling Book (http://www.infowars.com/glenn-beck-channels-alex-jones-in-ny-times-bestselling-book/)

August 23, 2010


One of the primary characters in Glenn Beck’s New York Times number one bestselling novel The Overton Window is blatantly a caricature of our own Alex Jones, according to a reader who sent us his review of the book. Jones is fictionalized as “Daniel Baily,” the patriot movement leader who tries to prevent the U.S. government from carrying out a false flag terror attack on Los Angeles.

Beck describes his book as a work of “faction,” fiction based on facts, and accordingly many of the characters in the novel are people plucked from the real world with only their names changed.

The novel’s plot centers around an evil public relations firm that works with Homeland Security and the CIA to collapse America from within. “An unprecedented attack on U.S. soil shakes the country to the core and puts into motion a frightening plan, decades in the making, to transform America and demonize all those who stand in the way. Amidst the chaos, many don’t know the difference between conspiracy theory and conspiracy fact–or, more important, which side to fight for,” states the Amazon.com promo for the book.

The character of Daniel Baily could merely be considered to be a construct of different people, Alex Jones amongst them, unless it was for a very specific detail contained in the plot that is a giveaway as to the fact that Beck based the character on Jones.

“The book begins with a meeting between a PR firm and members of Homeland Security trying to squash the leak of the MIAC report. The PR firm boasts that they have successfully prevented the Washington Post from publishing the story,” writes Ed Clarkson.

“Unbeknownst to the PR firm, there is a “patriot” mole amongst them, and she leaks the MIAC report to Daniel Baily (Alex) and he exposes it at a widely attended patriot movement meeting.”

The MIAC report was a real document put out by the Missouri Information Analysis Center, a public safety partnership consisting of local, state and federal agencies, that characterized gun owners, Ron Paul supporters, libertarians, constitutionalists, and anyone who believes in a new world order or a one world government as domestic terrorists. The document was widely reported on at the time of its release and caused uproar amongst conservative news outlets and activists.

The MIAC report was originally leaked to Alex Jones by an anonymous Missouri police officer in March 2009 (http://www.infowars.com/secret-state-police-report-ron-paul-bob-barr-chuck-baldwin-libertarians-are-terrorists/). Alex Jones was the source of the story after he had obtained the document from a whistleblower, mirroring almost precisely the plot in Beck’s book. This, allied with almost every other facet of the character’s involvement in the story, including the fact that Baily is depicted as the “father of the “radical’ patriot movement, with a wide following of his videos on the Internet,” strongly indicates that “Daniel Baily” is none other than Alex Jones.

According to Clarkson, the “patriot movement” along with Daniel Baily are portrayed by Beck in a positive light throughout the book, and indeed Baily becomes the hero of the story when he sacrifices himself to prevent the government from setting off a nuclear device in Los Angeles by detonating the bomb in the desert. This also borrows heavily from a plot focused around the character of Jack Bauer in the drama series 24.

However, perhaps the biggest twist contained in the book does not occur during the course of the actual story itself, but in an afterword in which Beck completely distances himself from the notion that any of the material is accurate, despite him describing the book as a work of “faction”.

“In the “afterword” of the book, he makes a feeble attempt to discredit some of the damning info revealed in the book,” writes Clarkson. “He dismisses the 7/7 war gaming as a coincidence. He also dismisses the Army’s advertisement for internment and resettlement specialists by citing our armed forces mission of bringing democracy to lands afar, such as Iraq and Afghanistan. He dismisses the fact that such policies will be used here on the homeland.”

So why does it matter that a caricature of Alex Jones is one of the main players in Glenn Beck’s new book? Primarily it goes to show that Alex and his message, via your activism, is now firmly woven into the fabric of American political discourse. Beck has an audience of millions and wields a significant, albeit somewhat declining, influence on the body politic.

Secondarily it again highlights the baffling disconnect between Beck’s often accurate and compelling message that a new world order is trying to destroy America from within, and his contradictory debunking of the issues that form that assault – FEMA camps, false flag terror, and a multitude of other facets of the new world order agenda.

Is Glenn Beck a genuinely concerned patriot who is just afraid of losing his media platform if he goes all the way? Is he merely an opportunist out to make money from paranoia about the obvious and very real collapse of America? Or is he a pied piper, gaining trust from the patriot movement by putting out a good message only to later lead them astray?

We have been told by several highly placed and credible sources at Fox News that Beck has a team of researchers whose primary role is to listen to and read Alex Jones’ material from his radio show and websites. This obviously suggests that Beck and Fox News are obsessed with Jones’ material because they are trying to gain the trust of Jones’ growing audience in an effort to exalt Beck as a Jones counterfeit and misdirect the patriot movement. The fact that Beck is constantly attacked by the establishment left only increases his credibility amongst conservatives.

With world government advancing as the economy goes into meltdown, Americans are waking up to the new world order agenda in droves, thanks in part to Alex Jones and the work of Infowarriors worldwide. The only way Glenn Beck can stay relevant is to identify with these people by mixing in some truth with his message.

Beck puts out the information in a fictional context and then adds a disclaimer at the end in order to psychologically inoculate people against the fact that everything he talks about in the book is really happening. This ‘revelation of the method’ technique allows him to gain the trust of his audience and then steer them in the direction he wants.

From everything we’ve seen it appears as though Beck is trying to sit on both sides of the fence at the same time, and in doing so is playing a very dangerous game with his masters at Fox News. We all choose sides in life, and whatever the truth really is surrounding Beck’s motivations, we hope for his sake that he has chosen the right side.


08-23-2010, 07:31 AM
JBS / The New American Review of the book:

Glenn Beck's "The Overton Window" — A Powerful Political Thriller (http://www.thenewamerican.com/index.php/reviews/books/3906-becks-the-overton-window-a-powerful-political-thriller)

Raven Clabough | The New American (http://www.thenewamerican.com/)
Wednesday, 30 June 2010

As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began.
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool’s bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;

And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!

The above poem appeared in both the commercial for Glenn Beck’s newest book, The Overton Window, a political thriller, and resonates often throughout the novel as well. It fittingly describes how quickly mankind forgets the political past of its country and willingly allows bad history to repeat itself.

Funnily enough, when this commercial aired, the Left had a field day, mocking it and the poem Beck used, seemingly unaware that it was written by one of the most famous poets in history: Rudyard Kipling.

Beck’s The Overton Window is aptly named for a political technique used by the political elite. The Overton Window is the “way of describing what the public is currently ready to accept on any issue, so you can decide how best to move them toward what you want”.

The novel centers around the character of Noah, who works for a powerful public relations firm that works with the oligarchy of the United States. The firm controls what the public knows about their country’s progress, and continuously aids in the movement of the Overton Window towards the more radical extremes in a way that the public willingly accepts under the guise of say, emergency scenarios like “war” or the threat of “terrorism.”

Noah is a man who, despite his connections to the dangerous and evil PR firm, is on the fence. He has the potential to see the error of his ways and join the group of determined individuals who aim to save the country from the politicians and their progressive agendas that will ultimately take the United States to a new age of a one world government and one world economy. This group, the Founders’ Keepers, similar to our modern day Tea Party movement, led by Molly Ross, has grown wise to the true agenda of the politicians and works vigilantly to save the United States.

The Overton Window allows its readers to see what happens when the lines between patriots and terrorists is skewed, as can be seen today even. Strewn with actual quotes from our political leaders, past and present, including the memo entitled “Growing Threat of Domestic Terrorism” issued by the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC), which over-generalized virtually anybody on the Right as a potentially dangerous militia member. The Overton Window provides its readers with a glimpse of what may come if Americans continue to sit by idly as their civil liberties are infringed upon.

In this political thriller, much of the police department has been corrupted by the governments’ interference, and can no longer be trusted. With the police engaged in rabble rousing and torture techniques, Americans have few trustworthy individuals to whom they can turn.

The government and the PR firm have the power to rewrite history, and do so regularly, in order to turn perception of hardworking Americans and fierce patriots into lunatic militia members.

Critics of the novel claim that most of the ideas expressed in The Overton Window are absurd, paranoid conspiracy theories. Yet much of what is written therein can even be seen today. In the same way that Tea Party members are depicted as violent racists — though an arrest has yet to be made at a Tea Party event, nor has any proof been provided of Tea Party racism (which is more than can be said at Leftist rallies or union gatherings) — the Founders’ Keepers are portrayed by the PR agency as dangerous, and the government uses the threat of danger to push a more radical police state.

Today, we see very similar scenarios in our country. The government has used Americans’ fear of terrorism to pass the Patriot Act and now considers taking control of the Internet, under the guise of cybersecurity.

It is not difficult to see that in the novel, the PR agency is mirrored after our mainstream media, as it manages to distort every despicable act of large, multinational corporations and the political elite to portray them in a positive light. Likewise, the character of Noah represents all independents who are aware that something is awry but cannot quite place their finger on the discomfort they feel, nor can they see how they can make any real change.

I believe the character of Danny Bailey, one of the more outspoken members of the Founders’ Keepers, is mirrored after Glenn Beck himself. Bailey has used blogs, and other less mainstream media outlets to put forth his message, which is often distorted to appear insane and potentially dangerous, though it is never his intention to promote violence.

The last 20 or so pages of the novel actually identify most of the areas throughout the text that are based on actual events, people, and language used by America’s politicians and other powerful individuals, including Edward Bernays, author of the 1928 book, Propaganda, and a member of Woodrow Wilson's World War I propaganda agency — the Committee on Public Information. Bernays’ ideas on propaganda were so demented and powerful that his book was actually used by Hitler’s Joseph Goebbels.

The Overton Window is a heart-pounding thriller and can be read in two sittings if the proper amount of time is allotted for it. What’s most intriguing is the familiarity you will feel as you read it, noting similarities to news stories and quotes that you may recall.

Additionally, what makes the novel such a thriller is that for many, reading The Overton Window will feel like witnessing all of their worst nightmares come to life on the pages. Most of the novel is not far-fetched, and readers will learn how the Overton Window strategy has been used on Americans. You will feel bamboozled!

Beck is a great writer, and has a way with words. I’ve read several of his nonfiction books, and in doing so, have appreciated his sarcastic humor and clever poignancy, but The Overton Window is a new genre of writing for Beck, and readers will be pleasantly surprised to learn that his talents span even beyond what we have already seen.

But don’t take my word for it. Some people believe that you can judge a person by the friends that they keep. I believe that you can judge a person by his/her enemies. Take a look at who Beck’s enemies are and what they have said about his novel:

Simon Maloy of The Huffington Post writes: “Glenn Beck’s The Overton Window: A Conspiracy to Bore you Senseless”.

Maloy goes on to describe The Overton Window as Beck’s “very own fantasy land” where “all the conspiracies and apocalyptic rhetoric that clutter his chalkboards every night are proven to be entirely true”.

The LA Times described Beck’s novel as “incoherent and not at all thrilling.”

According to the Washington Post, “The danger of books like this is that radical readers may take the story’s fiction for fact, or interpret the fiction — which Beck encourages — as a reflection of a reality that they must fend off by any means necessary.” (It is my guess that the factual truth upon which most of the book is based is inconvenient for this reviewer).

Media Matters wrote, “As we slogged through its many plot holes, ridiculous narrative devices, and long-winded limited-government sermonizing passed off as a dialogue, we singled out ten moments that define The Overton Window as the truly and remarkably awful novel that it is.”

Obviously there is something about this book that the Left does not want the readers to be exposed to. If those reviews aren’t enough for you to realize how truly effective Beck’s novel must be, nothing is.

It must burn Beck’s enemies to learn that despite their best efforts, The Overton Window remains at the top of the New York Times bestseller list.

My advice? Make it a part of your own personal library today and once you’ve read it, circulate it amongst your friends that might be on the fence. This book has the power to tip their scales.


08-23-2010, 07:46 AM
Is Glenn Beck a genuinely concerned patriot who is just afraid of losing his media platform if he goes all the way? Is he merely an opportunist out to make money from paranoia about the obvious and very real collapse of America? Or is he a pied piper, gaining trust from the patriot movement by putting out a good message only to later lead them astray?

I can answer that.

... a pied piper, gaining trust from the patriot movement by putting out a good message only to later lead them astray.

08-23-2010, 08:05 AM
Glenn following the plan :)

All the "rightwing" factions that didnt sold their souls to the Illuminatus are slowly and steady converging to form a unified political front ;)

08-23-2010, 08:20 AM
Pied piper

08-23-2010, 08:21 AM
Atlas Shrugged: The Modern Edition. :rolleyes:

08-23-2010, 08:25 AM
Glenn following the plan :)

All the "rightwing" factions that didnt sold their souls to the Illuminatus are slowly and steady converging to form a unified political front ;)

There's a big difference between saying Glenn Beck wrote a good book vs. become a disciple of Glenn Beck.

08-23-2010, 08:32 AM
Glenn Beck is an idiot, I don't see why people watch him.

08-23-2010, 08:33 AM
There's a big difference between saying Glenn Beck wrote a good book vs. become a disciple of Glenn Beck.

Thats right, but is or is he not travelling in the right direction?

08-23-2010, 08:43 AM
There's a big difference between saying Glenn Beck wrote a good book vs. become a disciple of Glenn Beck.

It isn't even an especially good book. There are gaping plot holes. And while there were definitely some allusions to certain people in the book, I never associated Baily with AJ. I think that might be AJ's ego talking.

08-23-2010, 08:46 AM
Thats right, but is or is he not travelling in the right direction?

So far he's been pretty impressive:

Glenn Beck Recapitulates The John Birch Society

Glenn Beck Zeros In on the Council on Foreign Relations' Role in Media Bias

Glenn Beck Discovers Carroll Quigley! - False Paradigm of Political Parties

Glenn Beck Discovers 'Philip Dru: Administrator' by Colonel Edward Mandell House

Glenn Beck: History Vindicated Joe McCarthy

Beck's Founders' Fridays Attempts to Undo Revisionists' Damage

Glenn Beck exposes the Progressive Movement, Woodrow Wilson, and the Federal Reserve

08-23-2010, 09:06 AM
i haven't read the book, nor will i, but isn't there something about the NWO creating works of fiction that tell the population what they are going to do?

08-23-2010, 01:23 PM
I think it's pretty cool that his book "The Overton Window", can be seen as essesntially an effort to move the currently existing range of "acceptable conversation" slightly toward the patriot/freedom/conspiracy/whatever-you-wanna-call-it direction. Good technique too ... label it as fiction, then issue some disclaimers at the end disavowing the more radical conclusions, but to even get people to hold these kind ideas in there head in hyopothetical way, while not in ideological defense mode is a good thing.

08-23-2010, 01:47 PM
i haven't read the book, nor will i, but isn't there something about the NWO creating works of fiction that tell the population what they are going to do?

Yes, if you believe the theory..What they do is tell the story, either movie or book, and it doesn't matter how much truth is in it.

Actually the more truth in it the better, because once it is tagged with the fiction label, then when the real thing actually happens, people are less likely to believe it happened on purpose.

Oh, this couldn't have happened..."I saw that in a movie one time". It would be ridiculous to believe something that happens in a movie would happen in real life too. Ironically, people may actually accuse those who are looking for answers as having a wild imagination warped by hollywood.